A FFX panty poo fic.
Laundry day
By Omnipresent
Rikku shuffled quickly through the halls of the Celsius taking awkward little steps, every so often she would stop and seem to double over while her legs shivered. The truth was that she desperately needed to use the bathroom and her time was running out. She paused for a moment, bouncing from foot to foot and pressing a hand firmly on the back of her short skirt to retain the small bit of control she had left. After collecting herself she continued on, under one arm she carried a large laundry basket filled to the brim with clothes. Rikku was quite lazy when it came menial chores such as laundry and often let it pile up for weeks before she got around to doing it. However there was one thing she enjoyed about doing the laundry, a ritual she always indulged in when laundry day came around. She hurried along to the large bathroom wherein she could take care of both her laundry and her other far more pressing concern.
I have to poop so bad Rikku thought to herself I haven't gone for days!
Rikku had not intentionally avoided using the toilet for three days, the oddly paced Gullwing lifestyle had not only altered her diet but left her little time to acknowledge her various needs. Now she was facing the consequences for that lifestyle, struggling to make it to the bathroom and trying not to make a mess on the floor of the Celsius. Rikku could just imagine the horror of letting go in the thong panties she so often wore, it would be an absolute disaster and certainly not what Rikku had in mind.
Finally she arrived at the bathroom and stepped through the automatic sliding door very gingerly as she could feel her entire body quivering with desperation. She locked the door behind her and sat her laundry down on the metal counter top surrounding the sink. Upon seeing the toilet it caused a wave of discomfort to wash over her as if her body new relief was coming soon and started to let go in preparation. Rikku pressed her thighs together tightly and bent her knees as she held firmly onto the counter top and struggled with every ounce of her being to keep from soiling the floor of the bathroom.
"Not yet" Rikku thought out loud "I just need to hold it for one more minute..."
Franticly she kicked off her shoes and removed her mini skirt tossing them haphazardly to the side knowing that sweet relief would come soon. She slid off her orange thong panties and let them rest softly in the laundry basket. Despite her condition she took a moment to admire herself in the mirror as she stood there naked from the waist down. Her figure was truly breath taking and she knew it, from her long beautifully tanned legs to her toned inner thighs as well as her lovely shaved womanhood. Her frame was so small and yet surprisingly she had larger than average labia, a fact she was somewhat self conscious about but also realizing how alluring her full, very cute vagina looked in the mirror.
This moment of appreciation was cut short as a strong cramp caused Rikku to cry out in pain as she bent over again and clutched the counter top. She was standing just feet from the toilet but she had no intention of just sitting down and going. No she had her laundry day ritual to consider. Excitedly she began digging through her laundry basket, tossing clothes to the side as she sorted through them. She had to stop every so often to regain her composure, she could feel her backside quivering and she knew she was close to loosing control. She held on tight as she felt her anus actually begin to open, she glanced over at the toilet as she contemplated just sitting down and relieving herself.
"No I can't go yet!" Rikku proclaimed "I've got to find them first."
And so she continued her manic search through the large pile of clothes, she knew what she was looking for was in there somewhere it was just a matter of finding it before it was too late.
"I need to go so bad!" Rikku moaned as she searched "Oh where are they?"
Finally a ray of hope in Rikku's troubling situation, she finally found what she had been searching for deep in her laundry basket. She quickly picked up a pair of full cut white panties that she seldom wore but was simply perfect for an occasion like this.
"Thank God!" She exclaimed "Now I can finally poop"
Still shaking with desperation Rikku carefully began to pull up the white panties. Almost...almost...almost...She chanted this mantra in her head as she pulled the panties up fully. Finally! She thought as she stood there wearing her yellow bikini top and newly found white panties.
"I found my panties" Rikku said with delight "Now its time..."
Then without any hesitation Rikku turned so that her back faced the large mirror above the sink, she bent at the waist ever so slightly and allowed her knees to bend. One hand she rested on her backside and the other she used to hold herself up against the wall she was now facing. Once she was in position Rikku let go of her control over her bowels. The feeling of no longer having to hold on was pure bliss for Rikku as she felt the massive load inside her begin to move. Almost immediately the soft mess began to push itself into Rikku's panties. Rikku began breathing unevenly as she felt the poop slowly working its way out. As soon as Rikku felt the mess meet the resistance of her panties for the first time she let out a very audible moan. The ever so soft feeling of poop pressing against her cotton panties and pushing back against her body was overwhelming. The unmistakable feeling of pooping in her panties gave her an unexplainable thrill. The hot mess ever so slowly spreading covering more and more of both her panties and her butt.
Rikku was in ecstasy as her panties first began to bulge outwards, her breathing had become so erratic she could hardly hear the soft crackling noise her poop was making as it eased out of her and nestled softly in her panties. Rikku continued to poop in her panties and the bulge grew larger by the second as she felt the warmth of her own mess covering her backside. The bulge in her panties grew until so much of the load was pressing against her the poop was longer coming out on its own. Feeling this Rikku took a deep breath and gave a soft push. She shrieked in pleasure as she forced more poop into her soiled panties. She was teetering on the brink of orgasm as she pushed harder and the load in her panties became heavier and began to sag downwards.
"Oh my God..." She whispered under her breath
With one final push she forced the rest of her poop into the warm mess that rested in her panties. She pushed hard to ensure that every little bit was out of her and in her panties. The feeling was so incredible for her, leaning against the wall in the bathroom with a massive load in her pants. She glanced over at the toilet, knowing she filled her panties while it was only feet away added to her excitement.
"I'm such a dirty girl" She said with a coy smile "I loaded my nice white panties"
This story isn't finished, there is a part 2 involving Yuna. I already have the whole thing planned out however I'm getting tired and I have the feeling that if I keep writing the second part of the story will be very weak. Sorry but I'll finish it up later, in the meantime enjoy the first half.
One of these days, hopefully Omnipresent will finish this one. If not ... then ... then ... I will!
Ya' hear that Omnipresent? I know yer' here somewhere. If you don't finish this, I will! And I promise I'll make Yuna :censored: her Songstress outfit so bad you'll feel sorry for her and wish you had written it :icon_twisted:
Seriously, though, I love Yuna to death and hope Omni can get around to finishing it one day :).
I'm really looking forward to hearing more on this one.
I really like this! <3
Wonderfully done!
Another cool story. Also, Poowrite, where are you stories on this board? I know I've seen them before somewhere.
In the little bar up across the top, just below the banner, click on Downloads then scat and Pooping fics and there's a zip file with most of my stuff in it. It's not totally up-to-date, but has most of my stories.
Wow that was freaking awesome!!!!!!
I love this!! cant wait to read part 2!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
ewww yay nice one
Someone really needs to finish this, it's been way too long and no update and this one is way too good to end so soon. I'd do it myself, but I'm not a very good writer. However, if it needs to be done, I just may do it anyway.
I posted part 2 of this story some time ago over on nyou.autobotiacon.com which is where I post all my stuff (when I actually get the motivation to write). But since you guys have sung my praise so nicely in this thread I'll save you the trouble and post part 2
Laundry Day Part 2 (Warnings: Wetting, pantypoop, yuri)
Rikku still stood, leaning against the bathroom wall, panting and moaning as she felt the weight of the mess she just made in her panties. Slowly she reached behind her and took a light grasp on the waistband of her now soiled underwear. Ever so gently she began to tug, pulling them up slowly, further pressing the soft load into her backside. Her other hand strode down the front of her body and pressed firmly into her crotch. She began to rub herself softly through the front of her cotton panties and a very audible moan escaped her lips.
As she continued to revel in her dirty deed she felt a tingling sensation spread throughout her body. At first she thought she was about to fall into orgasm, however as she continued to stroke herself she felt a warmth dribbling into her fingers. The crotch of her panties began to moisten as pee slowly trickled into her panties. Quickly realizing what she was doing Rikku immediately stopped herself and regained control over her over eager bladder.
"Uh oh" She said calmly "Almost wet myself there, I wouldn't want to make a puddle"
With that Rikku began to walk towards the toilet, every step causing the soft mound in her panties to shift. The sticky sensation of her mess jostling in her panties gave Rikku quite the thrill as she approached the toilet she had neglected to use earlier. Taking a careful stance Rikku stood facing away from the toilet, a foot to each side as she looked down at her soon to be soaked panties.
"There, this is much better" She said with a smile
With a sigh of relief Rikku released her control over her bladder and almost immediately a steady stream of pee was pouring into her panties. The white cotton darkened instantly as it absorbed the torrent of pee flooding into them. Pee flowed from her panties to the water below making a loud splashing noise which caused Rikku to let out a soft, feminine giggle in between her heavy breaths. Within a few seconds the flow of pee had begun to stop, now only dribbling slightly into her panties before falling to the toilet below. Rikku was overtaken by the experience, so much so she failed to notice that the bathroom door had been opened. She was suddenly made very aware of the situation, however, by a loud gasp that echoed through the room. Rikku looked up in shock to see Yuna standing in the doorway watching in astonishment as Rikku finished peeing her panties.
"Rikku!" Yuna said with a start "I...I'm sorry, I should have knocked!" Then quickly turned to leave.
"Yunie!" Rikku shouted "Wait!"
Not knowing what else to do Yuna slowly turned around to face her friend but didn't know what to make of the situation. What was she to think after having seen her friend straddling a toilet and very deliberately peeing through her panties.
"Rikku you um" Yuna said still shocked "You had an accident?"
"It's ok Yunie" Rikku replied "I had a feeling someone would find out about my little habit eventually and I'm glad its you. So I might as well show you everything, come in"
Yuna walked into the room and closed the door behind her as a smile crept across Rikku's lips and she stepped away from the toilet.
"I wet myself Yunie..." Rikku said softly as she brushed her fingertips across her now dripping wet crotch.
"I see" Yuna said, not sure how to respond to Rikku's seductive tone "Well, accidents happen to the best of us right? So you wet yourself, no big deal" Yuna managed to stammer out awkwardly
"Thats not all Yunie" Rikku said taking a few more steps forward.
Having said that Rikku took a deep breath to assert herself and flashed a devilish smile at her dumbfounded friend. Slowly she began to turn around, as she did so Rikku bent her knees slightly and pointed her butt towards Yuna. Once she was fully exposed she rested one hand on her hip and looked over her shoulder. Yuna's eyes widened as she saw the state of Rikku's panties, a brown bulge very clearly sagging in the seat. Yuna was completely speechless as her eyes darted back and forth between Rikku's suggestive glare and the mess in her panties.
"I had a big accident Yunie" Rikku said in a hushed tone "But it wasn't really an accident, I pooped my pants on purpose"
"Rikku why..." Was all Yuna managed to get out
"Because it feels so good" Rikku said as she slowly turned around to face Yuna
Slowly Rikku approached Yuna, their eyes were locked on each other as Yuna finally began to sort out what was going on. Rikku stepped right up to Yuna and pressed her naked body against her. Rikku draped on arm around Yuna's waist while burying her face in Yuna's neck and exhaling a hot breath onto her skin. Despite the oddity of the situation Yuna couldn't deny the sheer sexuality of the gesture. She almost forgot for a moment about Rikku's situation and allowed herself to enjoy the moment.
"Yunie" Rikku whispered softly into Yuna's ear "You should try it to, we can be naughty girls together"
Yuna's eyes widened at the notion, she couldn't believe what kind of situation she had walked into. Countless thoughts raced through Yuna's head at once all blurred in a cloud of ambiguous lust. Is it really ok? What would it feel like? Do I have to do both? How will I clean up? Were all thoughts that rushed through Yuna's consciousness until she was snapped back to reality by the fact that she was actually considering going along with this.
"You came in here because you had to go right?" Rikku said "Well, then go. Just don't pull your pants down first, its that simple"
"Rikku I can't I-" Yuna was cut short as she felt Rikku's lips pressed against hers
Despite Yuna's inhibitions about the situation Yuna couldn't deny Rikku's soft lips and warm embrace. She closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the moment. This wasn't the first time Yuna and Rikku had shared a sexual experience, in fact it wasn't uncommon at all. After her pilgrimage Yuna had to adjust to life without being the summoner she was before, she wanted to live as a normal person. However so much time spent in a temple left her with strong inhibitions which she couldn't break on her own. Over time Rikku realized this and took Yuna's hand and helped her awaken her sexuality. Once Rikku finally pulled away Yuna felt that she was ready for anything, Rikku had helped her before and had never lead her to a negative sexual experience.
"Come on Yunie, it'll be ok. I promise" Rikku said as she looked into Yuna's eyes
"Alright" Yuna replied meekly "I'll do it"
"Great!" Rikku exclaimed "So what do you want to do?"
"I.." Yuna couldn't help but pausing "I need to pee"
Quickly taking Yuna's hand Rikku guided her over to the toilet, she positioned her just as she had been standing before. As she stood over the toilet Yuna looked down at the denim material of her shorts, it was hard to imagine what was about to become of them. Yuna's heart was racing as she tried to relinquish control over her bladder. However it seemed that every time she tried some part of her mind was reminded of the fact that her shorts were still pulled up. For some reason she just couldn't wet herself no matter how many times she tried.
"Rikku it wont come out" Yuna said "I just can't let go like this"
"Thats alright, I thought that might happen" Rikku replied "I couldn't do it the first few times either, try sitting down on the toilet. Pretend that you're just going to the bathroom normally."
Taking Rikku's advice Yuna lowered herself onto the toilet seat and sat normally. It felt so odd resting on the cold plastic of the seat without feeling it pressing against her skin. She stopped for a moment to appreciate her situation, sitting on the toilet with her shorts pulled snuggly fit in place. Then she closed her eyes and tried to imagine that nothing was out of the ordinary and let go. At first she struggled again but she just knew if she stayed relaxed that it would come. Sure enough a few seconds later Yuna felt the stream of pee begin to flow. The second it started coming out Yuna's eyes shot wide open but she didn't hold back. The familiar of relief washed over her body as pee began flowing into her panties. The feeling of the warm liquid splashing against her skin was overwhelming as Yuna continued to let her pee flow. Soon there was a distinct sound of water splashing against denim as Yuna looked down to see the darkening crotch of her shorts. The feel of it, the sight of it, the sound all confirmed it, she was peeing her pants. A wave of shocked rushed over her as the reality sunk in she almost couldn't believe she was really wetting herself.
"Thats it Yunie, let it all out" Rikku said reassuringly
The shock was soon replaced by pleasure as Yuna began to enjoy the feeling of pee flowing into her shorts. The warmth, the sense of relief and the sheer taboo of the act began to fill Yuna with sexual desire. As the pee flooded into her shorts she let herself be overcome by the sensation. The wetness spread as pee trickled to every inch of denim it could reach before splashing into the water below. "Rikku was right" she thought as the thrill of the situation mounted. Yuna let out a soft moan as the stream of pee began to slow until finally stopping leaving Yuna with a pair of sopping wet shorts.
"Looks like somebody had a little accident" Rikku said with a laugh
"Oh god Rikku it's incredible, I peed my pants and I love it!" Yuna moaned
Before another word could be spoken Yuna pulled Rikku close, kissing her firmly and passionately. Their tongues met as Yuna became exhilarated with this new sensation. Letting the situation progress Rikku buried her hand in the crotch of Yuna's soaked shorts rubbing her roughly through the moist denim. Slowly Rikku pulled away and looked down at her friend who was almost writhing in pleasure at her new discovery.
"Rikku I want more!" Yuna said "I'm gonna poop my pants for you"
"Sounds like somebody's having a good time" Rikku replied "Here it's easier to do it if-"
"No!" Yuna shouted, interrupting her friend "I don't help this time, I'm just gonna do it"
Taking a bold initiative Yuna stood up and took a step away from the toilet. Her mind was racing, she had no idea how she was going to go about messing herself but she knew she had to do it now before she lost her nerve. Stepping quickly over to the sink Yuna took what felt like a natural position. She bent her knees and leaned forward, resting both hands on the surface of the sink and gripping tightly. The pressure in her bowels was mounting but she knew she wouldn't be able to let this happen slowly, she had to go while she was still in such a frenzy. Without thinking Yuna released her control in preparation, her heart was racing and she had such an odd nervous feeling in her stomach.
"Here it comes!" Yuna said "I'm filling my pants"
Throwing caution to the wind Yuna bore down hard pushing with everything she had. It only took a second but it seemed like so much longer. The first sensation she felt was the mess beginning to move then the mess made contact with her panties. In that instant a sinking, irreversible feeling crept through Yuna's body. As soon as she felt poop meet the resistance of her shorts and press against her backside she knew that there was no turning back, she was really messing herself. That blink of a thought didn't slow her down at all as she continued to push and warm poop forced its way into her shorts forming a mound that spread across her butt. There was a loud crackling sound as the sticky mess continued to fill her panties. The sensation of poop piling up behind her was driving Yuna wild and the act seemed to last an eternity. Rikku however watched the reality of the situation as the entire load dropped into Yuna's shorts in a second. The massive bulge was clearly visible through her wet shorts as was the ecstasy on Yuna's face. Finally the act was finished and Yuna stood for a moment feeling the weight in the back of her shorts.
"Rikku" Yuna said through her frantic breaths "I really did it, I pooped my pants"
"You sure did Yunie, we both had big accidents" Rikku replied "Now get over here"
They embraced once more, this time both their passions driving them wild. They each began to pull at their partners panties to spread the mess even further, heightening their pleasure. This was unlike any experience they had shared before, they were often restrained even in the most intimate of moments. This was the first time however they were prepared to ravage each other, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.