My 2nd story. Hope you enjoy, and I'd appreciate any comments!
Title: A Walk in the City
Author: Doom_Guard (
Summary: A young university student indulges in a secret delight while out for a walk in the city.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Pam was jostled back to awareness as a tall man in a suit bumped into her shoulder as he walked past her. She had been preoccupied since she had left her apartment half an hour earlier for her daily morning walk. She was an avid walker, and couldn't stand starting her day without taking her usual 90 minute stroll through the neighborhood, around the nearby park, across the pedestrian bridge over the river, looping all the way back down side streets of old neighborhoods on the far side of town lined with countless large maple trees and finally coming back down the main street of the business district to her apartment.
As she rounded the corner off of main street, her stomach gurgled uneasily. Walking toward the park entrance, she smiled to herself; the coffee that she had drank just before leaving for her walk was starting to take effect. It was a gorgeous day to be out walking - the sun was shining brightly and the weather was unusually warm for a February morning. Instead of her usual heavy winter coat and jeans, today Pam was wearing a soft pink sweatsuit. Looking around, she was certainly not the only one to be taking advantage of the unseasonable weather. Everywhere in the park, people were walking, playing and relaxing. She stopped for a moment to pet a dog she often saw when on her walks, and to make some small talk with Mr. DeMille, the dog's owner.
"Morning Mr. Demille! Beautiful day, isn't it?" Pam asked politely. As the words were coming out of her mouth, she simultaneously allowed a long, silent fart to escape her bottom.
"Very much so my dear!" he replied as the two parted company and continued on their ways. Pam giggled to herself as she continued walking. She was bursting to move her bowels, and delighted in letting out a smelly fart in front of someone so brazenly.
At 18 years old, Pam had just started her first year of University, and was out living on her own for the first time. Since moving out on her own, she'd been much more free to indulge in her dirty secret; Pam had been fascinated by accidents of both the wet and messy varieties since she was 3, when she had seen several of her kindergarten classmates have accidents. Being potty trained from a very young age, she had never had accidents herself (or at least none that she was old enough to remember), and had wondered constantly what it would feel like. Her sister Susan who was 5 years Pam's junior, had frequently pooped her pants when they were children; Pam remembered Susan having accidents until she was 8 years old.Curiosity had finally got the better of her when she was 10 years old and she'd been hooked ever since, loading her pants whenever she could, and hiding her dirty secret from her family and friends.
As she continued along the path toward her favorite spot, Pam let several more farts slip out, these ones noisier. She felt a slick moistness between her cheeks and knew that the 3 days worth of poo inside her would be coming out into her panties soon. Pam shivered with anticipation as she turned off of the main paved park path onto a narrow dirt path. Walking through a thick grove of pine trees, she stepped out onto a small wooden deck that served as an observation area. The deck afforded a lovely view of the large river that flowed through the center of town and the surrounding banks, lined thick with the same pine trees that were everywhere in the town. This was her favorite spot to "do the deed". It was quiet and relatively secluded, and the ever-present breeze that blew at the river's edge kept the smell to a minimum.
Pam leaned forward against the railing gazing into the shallow water below her, arms resting on the chest-high railing, momentarily mesmerized by the ever changing currents flowing clear over the rocky bottom of the river. The gentle sound of the water soothed her and her muscles slowly relaxed. She didn't push; she simply allowed her body to relieve itself of it's burden at it's own pace. Her load shifted inside of her, beginning it's descent. Ever so slowly her anus opened up, allowing the hard tip of her poo to poke out of the opening. Ever so slowly, Pam felt her load gently part her cheeks, sliding warm and slick across her skin.
"Ahhh..." she sighed as her poop met the resistance of her pristine white panties and halted. She savored the feeling of her rectum being held open by the log that was sticking out of her. She leaned forward against the railing, allowing it to push on her stomach. The additional pressure caused her load to slide out several more inches, causing her panties to bulge outwards. After causing her panties to tent out several inches, Pam's poo began to curl up and nestle snugly against her butt inside her panties. After a few more inches had emerged, her load again slowed and then stopped. She reached back with one had and felt the baseball-sized bulge in the seat of her pants and smiled to herself. She suddenly grunted and pushed as hard as she could; 6 more inches of solid poop joined the mess that was already in her pants, rushing quickly out of her open anus. She felt the messy load in her panties bulge outward further and expand against her hand. The solid poop then gave way to mushier shit - not runny, but mushy enough that it spread easily across Pam's butt. Within seconds, her panties had ballooned considerably, with a load slightly larger than a softball sitting suggestively in her panties, nestled warm and soft against her ass.
Now finished with her bowel movement, Pam repositioned her hand to feel her bulge in earnest. There was no doubt that people would take notice when she left her secluded spot - the load in her pants was huge and through her flimsy sweatpants it was immediately obvious that she'd shit her pants. She smiled to herself as the aroma from the results of her naughty fetish reached her nostrils. She stood for a moment or two, her hand exploring the warm mass in the seat of her pants before pushing herself away from the railing and pausing for a moment to flex the muscles in her ass, causing her poop to spread slightly upward across her butt. Turning to head back toward the main path, she pulled her sweatpants snug against her body, ensuring that whoever caught a glimpse of her bottom wouldn't miss anything.
Stepping back onto the path, Pam began walking toward the exit of the park. Passing several people on the path, she giggled to herself as people stopped and stared openmouth at her poopy pants. She reveled in being so naughty; a big girl like her pooping her pants and instead of being ashamed, flaunting it for everyone to see. Leaving the park, Pam wound her way through the back streets of one of the town's older neighborhoods, her massive poop sliding against her skin with each step she took. Every now and then, she'd pause for a moment to pull up her pants and panties tight against her bum; they were sagging under the weight of her shit.
Turning one last corner, she stepped onto the sidewalk on Main street, and started walking back toward her apartment. Walking down the sidewalk, her cheeks burning with the unique combination of embarassment and arousal that accompanied her whenever she indulged her poopy desires in public, she passed a group of businessmen who looked to be in their late 40s, all wearing expensive looking suits. She knew their type, and she knew what was coming before it even happened. Sure enough, she felt a hand grab her ass as she strolled by. The man's leering face quickly turned to shock however, as he realized that instead of simply copping a quick feel of a beautiful young girl's ass, his hand was now firmly cupping a warm mound of shit. His firm grip caused the poop to spread further upwards as well as sideways in Pam's panties, the creamy shit now coating a good portion of her ass. As she pulled away to keep moving, she snickered loudly at the man's shocked face - "serves you right you old perv!" she shouted mockingly as she strolled away.
Finally arriving in front of her apartment, Pam slowly lowered herself down onto a bench to rest after her walk. As she sank onto the bench, she shuddered with ecstasy as her weight caused the mess in her panties to spread, sliding up the back of her panties, dirtying even more of her already messy bottom, and also forward, the warm mess softly caressing her most intimate areas. She slid herself back on the bench to rest more comfortably, relishing the sensation of her poop squishing across her skin.
After sitting for a few minutes and relaxing, Pam stood up and walked the remaining few steps into her building, her hand reaching back to feel her now flattened load. Getting into the elevator, she was slightly disappointed that nobody else was in the elevator with her, but as she stepped off the elevator and opened her apartment door, she relished the thought of doing her afternoon chores - while poopy of course!
Nice one Doom Guard. What a bold girl she is. :)
Holding pee is definately my favorite, but pooping stories allow for the girl to hold it in for several days. I like the idea of being constantly desperate for such a long time. :)
Great story Doom Guard! I would have liked to have been the person to grab back there and feel that~.
Quote from: Iku Nagae on April 10, 2010, 01:54:16 PM
Great story Doom Guard! I would have liked to have been the person to grab back there and feel that~.
Gotta envy the businessman eh Iku?
Good story, even if I am more into accidental desperation, than planned, it was well written and executed. :)
Lovely story.
great story! very different compared to half the girls in these fics that would be ashamed :clap: