Anime Girl Desperation Official Forum

Sexual Discussion => Female Desperation => Topic started by: Mdrc1010011010 on October 19, 2010, 09:38:41 PM

Title: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: Mdrc1010011010 on October 19, 2010, 09:38:41 PM
I'm a guy, and I'm curious... I know it is not possible for a guy to pee during arousal, but is it possible for the female members out there??  I'd love to know what it feels like to have a desperate girl exploding over me while thrusting passionately.
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: AliasnameTO on October 20, 2010, 05:58:21 AM
While pushing really hard, I've been able to do it fully up. I don't know about peeing directly while doing it, but on my own at least.

And from what my gf says when she has to go fairly badly, she isn't able to relax enough for me to get in her without letting it all go. If that happened though, I'd worry about finishing off immediately lol, so I'm okay with imagining for now.
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: anime lover on October 20, 2010, 06:15:47 PM
this is confusing to me, this is the second time I've read that a guy can't pee while aroused, but I can do it with little problem, it takes a tad bit more effort but it's certainly possible for me
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: Mdrc1010011010 on October 20, 2010, 08:48:43 PM
while yes it is technically possible if you force yourself hard enough, the tube to the bladder is closed off during an erection. It's kind of like railroad tracks joining to one... they can't both be open at once.  I had heard a better explanation once from my health teacher back in high school, but I can't remember it for the life of me.
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: anime lover on October 22, 2010, 04:28:47 AM
but that's the thing though, I didn't really have to 'force' my pee out the last time I attempted this, it took a bit more than simply relaxing, but I wouldn't call it forcing.
I actually tried masturbating while I had to pee, I was wondering what would happen if I tried controlling how much I masturbated while my need to pee rose and getting closer to orgasm. when I came, only seconds after, i started peeing.

Maybe I'm just different O_o
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: Qasim on October 22, 2010, 10:48:36 PM
Well, as far as I remember, there was a thread out there in another forum which gave pretty close detail on how to make a woman pee by stimulating her G-Spot. This, although I haven't managed that yet with my gf, seems to be an indicator that an orgasm can trigger a bladder release in women. Of course, it is probably very dependent on the individual girl and her willingness to "let go" as well as her training. My gf for example nearly crushed my hand between her legs the last time I tried the above because she was struggling to hold it in, and actual sex is not likely to happen while she needs to pee (can't really relax like that, or at least is not willing to).
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: Falcio on October 25, 2010, 02:46:38 AM
As said by others, this changes for every individual.
If you tried, you could have sex with a woman who is holding. You'd have to use a lubrificant (plus natural lubrification, possibly; depends from the individual) to be able to slip in while those muscles are tense, and use the lowest part of the slot (the fartest part from the urethra); at this point she might lose control just as you reach the vaginal channel, but again, every person is different. Training can improve the capability of controlling to a certain extent, but we're all human beings after all.

I too can pee while mildly aroused, it just takes a bit more to relax. o.o
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: PeeVixen30 on November 21, 2010, 01:20:14 AM
Hmm... I may be odd! I am female and it is VERY possible for me to pee while having sex. In fact, lately I've been playing a game with it.  :blush:
I hold my badder and use a vibe, which feels so dangerously good. But I try NOT to pee, during it... which also add some fun frustration to it. Sometimes I make it and then rush to the bathroom after the big moment, like a mad woman. And sometimes, a few spurts escape... not enough to wet the bed, though. When I was a teen, I had this pillow that I would hump and wet at the same time.
HOWEVER, Mdrc1010011010 is correct... when aroused, that part of body closes up. The G-Spot is the spongy part that closes the flow of urine, for sex sake. Only with my teenage games, I kinda untrained that part of my anatomy a bit. So, I can go or hold at will. Though, I wonder if this will cause me some bladder problems in my old age... :S
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: antifairy on November 21, 2010, 04:43:44 AM
Quote from: PeeVixen30 on November 21, 2010, 01:20:14 AM
When I was a teen, I had this pillow that I would hump and wet at the same time.
I did this too... I thought I was just weird. Nice to know someone else did the same thing. lol

Quote from: PeeVixen30 on November 21, 2010, 01:20:14 AM
HOWEVER, Mdrc1010011010 is correct... when aroused, that part of body closes up. The G-Spot is the spongy part that closes the flow of urine, for sex sake.
I was under the impression that girls are unable to hold nearly as well while sexually aroused and it was the guys that were able to hold even better...
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: PeeVixen30 on November 22, 2010, 06:01:21 AM
Yay! Man, I miss those days, antifairy. I'm not able to do that much anymore. :crying:

But no, sorry to burst your bubble... but it's actually harder for girls to pee when aroused, normally. Unless they're "squirters"... or that's the rumor. Those who can pee when aroused, also are more likely to have the ability for female ejaculation.
But the norm is, a girl usually has to try to think of non-sexual things to pee, if aroused... otherwise they're stuck on the toilet forever, while their lover is waiting for them to come back to bed.  :lol:
I laugh, because I SO don't have that issue, when I'm aroused... HOWEVER, I do have that issue when I'm NOT aroused, sometimes... and that's pretty darn backwards, from what I've heard.  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: antifairy on November 22, 2010, 09:54:10 PM
Quote from: PeeVixen30 on November 22, 2010, 06:01:21 AM
Yay! Man, I miss those days, antifairy. I'm not able to do that much anymore. :crying:
Heh... my mom found my pillow that I did it in... that was the end of that.. :[

Quote from: PeeVixen30 on November 22, 2010, 06:01:21 AM
But no, sorry to burst your bubble... but it's actually harder for girls to pee when aroused, normally. Unless they're "squirters"... or that's the rumor.
Hmm.. I've heard both from different girls. Some say it's harder, others say its easier. Maybe it's just different for different girls, or something. I know it's harder for guys to pee, not only cause of the hardness, but the aim is off too, you have to push "it" down and it's just a bit inconvenient.
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: PeeVixen30 on November 24, 2010, 01:41:10 AM
Quote from: antifairy on November 22, 2010, 09:54:10 PM
Heh... my mom found my pillow that I did it in... that was the end of that.. :[

D'oh! Sorry, about that antifairy. That was always my worse fear, as a kid, the getting caught part. I never did, thankfully! Because I washed the pillow, when I was done with it, every time. Because I knew my mother was a snoop, with a sharp sense of smell. I had to do a lot of washing back then, of clothing and pillow, to stay hidden about my "fun". But now, I'm just too lazy to go through all of that washing, so I don't wet anymore. Or as much, anyways...  :innocent:
But... I miss that pillow kind of fun. Maybe one of these days, if I have time to (and won't feel too lazy to wash it later), I'll go buy myself a nice sized pillow and have at it.  :lol:

Oh, and yeah.... you're right. I think it's different for different girls. Only, I know A LOT of girls who can't pee when they are aroused. But, I stay quiet, that I can. Mainly because these girls, that I know, aren't into wetting and such. They are only complaining that it takes so long for them to go and get back to bed, to finish up with their lovers. Except for this forum, no one really knows my secret interest for pee...  :sweatdrop:
But interesting, about how you guys have issue peeing when you're aroused. It never crossed my mind, that it would be difficult! Only because you guys can do it anywhere... which always made me a little envious, when I was growing up. :lol:
Title: Re: Female Desperation + Sex = ???
Post by: Magic Kitty on December 31, 2010, 03:28:12 AM
Hmm.... peeing into a pillow.... now that sounds interesting.
I pee in towels, but I've never had a pillow to pee in... wonder what that feels like :shifty:

Wow, your mom found your pillow, antifairy? That sounds so scary... what did she say?