Anime Girl Desperation Official Forum

Sexual Discussion => Female Desperation => Topic started by: Serika on June 21, 2007, 06:31:02 PM

Title: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on June 21, 2007, 06:31:02 PM
Check out the attachments on this post for the full list.

Update for July 18, 2020. Added Goblin Slayer and Mahoujin Guru Guru.

Rainyday has my written permission to post these lists on

First time viewers, both lists have every episode i know of with peeing in it. The only difference is the long list has detailed descriptions while the short list is spoiler free, giving only the title, episode number, and tags.

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on July 24, 2007, 02:36:07 AM
I don't now which episode it is exactly, but in the japanese version of Yu-gi-oh Anzu had to use the bathroom while on the boat to Duelist Kingdom.  (The American version had her moving around because she was cold.)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: anathema on July 26, 2007, 01:15:27 AM
Cool devices also has peeing / enema scenes in episodes 5 and 6.   ep 5 has a slave girl get an enema then have to crawl to a bucket (while bound) to release it. She doesnt make it to the bucket.  ep 6 has a scene with a girl wetting her panties about 11 minutes in. later she pees outside on command into a pool.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Jager on July 30, 2007, 08:27:40 AM
Visionary (Vixens) by U-JIN OVA  vol2
Time  about 19:00 :00 -  21:00:00
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Jager on September 02, 2007, 01:03:14 PM
Very nice wet pants scene i found  in hentai-movie "Kanzen Mushusei: Sorezore no Houkago"
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Anime_God on September 08, 2007, 05:32:11 AM
Just remembered a very brief scene from Yakitate!! Japan!

And When I say brief, I mean, it's similar to the one from Eva.

Anyway, The main character asks his sister to bring him a special ingrediant. She brings it to him by traveling overnight. When she gets to where he is she walks straight away. When he asks where she's going she replies "The toilet. The toilet"
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Duce on September 20, 2007, 09:54:34 PM
on Crest of the Stars - ep 10 about 6 mins in, theres a good scene about about a girl trying to get they guy to go on ahead and says she'll catch up in a min, him being clueless says they should stick together or they might loss or something, finally she just get s a big blush and says, "Don't you dare look this way!" and runs off into whatever the tall stuff was growing in the field, then he suddenly turns around with a blush, lol
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on October 17, 2007, 04:20:12 AM
ok ive decided to post the anime videos that i have so far (i know there is  download section but i dont have access to that yet so i had to do it through megaupload)           

ps. the file is about 126.6mb in size

I've just checked and the link works so enjoy.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on November 18, 2007, 06:39:19 AM
hmm found some other scenes from a hentai

Shusaku replay episode 2 a girl with brownish/reddish hair is forced to pee outside.

shusaku replay episode 3 a girl with blond hair is forced to drink a wine which is really a diuretic and is forced to pee like a dog.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: nagato on November 21, 2007, 07:24:22 PM
I think I found a second WS scene in episode 23 of Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni  the character Rina Mamiya gets killed and when her body gets dragged across the screen there is a big dark spot on the crotch of her pants.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: banedon on December 01, 2007, 07:10:00 AM
A few scenes from various hentai vids in my collection.  Most of these are untranslated and its been over ten years since I took a Japanese course at University, so I can't really indicate character names or anything.

(Note: My particular fetish is mainly for 'fear wetting', so the scenes I list here are mostly examples of that)

Dark Shell Episode 2: At the 20:17 mark, a teenage girl in some sort of post-apoc setting is terrified when her 'guardian' is knocked unconscious by some hardass military dude. Said nefarious soldier then hoists the schoolgirl into the air and kisses her quite aggressively, his intentions very clear. View pans down to her kicking legs which, after a moment of struggle, go limp and are then soaked with urine as she wets herself in fearful anticipation of whats to come. He laughs and acknowledges her plight with a gruff "Omorashkaaaaa?!"

Daishikkikin Helena Episode 1: At the 15:59 mark, some young elven girl is bound to a wall in a dungeon of some sort, being menaced by two mutant jailers. The threat of rape is imminent as one of them whips out a grossly malformed (albeit pixelated) penis and shows it to her. The other then grabs her one-piece dress and rips it down the middle. She cries piteously, begging for mercy as the view centers on her white panties, which immediately darken and then go yellow as her fear results in loss of bladder control. The pee cascades down her legs, whereupon it is licked up by one of the leering muties.

Heartwork Episode 1: At the 20:00 mark, a teenage schoolgirl watches as two assassins kill her father, some sort of politician/corporate suit. She is then injected with a drug that paralyzes her body and gradually erodes her mind, as well. One of the assassins comments that her mind is still clear for the time being. The other levels his gun at her and her legs fall open. View shifts to her panties, which darken noticeably and a yellowish puddle spreads underneath her.

Oni Tensei Episode 1: During the opening sequence, a young woman is bound and being forcibly tattooed by a demonic tattoo artist. Shortly after he starts the real needlework, he spits a mouthful of sake on her bleeding puncture wounds and she screams in pain and terror. View cuts to a shot of her wetting herself in response, with urine splashing down her inner thighs.

Itazura Episode 1: At the 15:00 mark (or thereabouts) an undercover cop is riding the train trying to catch a serial groper. She complains for several minutes about needing to pee, but doesn't want to lose her lead, so she tries to hold it. Eventually, the groper chooses HER as his target and she is so overcome with desperation that she doesn't want to resist him and risk peeing herself while trying to capture him. So instead, she endures the groping, all the while thinking to herself about her intense desperation. Eventually, she loses it. View shifts to a closeup of her panties which darken, fill, and then practically burst. She is intensely humiliated as she pees all over the floor in front of the commuters and the perv gets away anyhow. This is, by the way, one of the singular best desperation/wetting sequences I have seen in anime anywhere.

That's it for now. I'll go back through my archives and see if I can scrounge up any more for the list. In the event that any of you are aware of 'fear wetting' scenes in any anime, hentai or otherwise, that aren't included in this list, please let me know. I'd love to get my hands on them. :)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: EFROdian on December 11, 2007, 03:16:39 PM
In Ikki Tousen: Dragon Destiny (it's like a second season) in episode 4, "Chance Meeting Between Two Dragons," Hakufu needs to pee around 7:15, and actually says at one point "I'll relieve myself right here" when Koukin refuses to accompany her.  After she actually gets there there are a couple of shots of her squatting over the toilet (no sound though) and then around 8:20, she gets attacked!  Right on the freaking toilet (later, she actually makes a comment about that).  She actually starts fighting with her panties around her ankles.  Needless to say, this is a very funny scene, although not so big on desperation, and it is the first time I've ever seen a girl in anime get attacked while on the toilet.  Definitely worth checking out.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Nightmare172 on December 16, 2007, 05:32:37 AM
There is a peeing scene in Kisaku the Letch ep 5 but I'm not sure if there's any desperation before hand...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: nagato on December 28, 2007, 11:18:13 PM
At the end of Dai Mahou Touge episode 7  Pyun and Potaru comically wet themselves in fear when Punie threatens to crucify them.
The scene is at 5:45 of this clip (

edit: And here are the links to episodes 8 (  the event that causes the wetting starts at 7:00

and 4 ( the scene is at 1:05.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: forcesofwar on December 31, 2007, 02:01:05 PM
in ep12 of Full Metal Panic: fumoffu

2 people say they are going to the bathroom after being locked in the classroom for a little while

nothing else is shown.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on February 12, 2008, 02:47:58 PM
Wooh! i found another one!

Night Shift Nurses - EP5 - One of the nurses is found peeing in a toilet. View from the toilet :P
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Rewikitty on February 29, 2008, 01:44:26 AM
There's also a desperation scene in one of the later episodes of Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer.  We're talking second or third-to-last episode here, due to how advanced the characterization has gotten by that point.  Tamayo and Kotaro are stuck on an elevator together for hours.  Tamayo hunkers down and starts acting embarassed, and when Kotaro asks what's wrong she admits that she has to pee.  He talks to her to keep her mind off of things, and when they're finally rescued she runs out of the elevator.  Unfortunately all we get from her.  Aww...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Merchant_Of_Death on March 01, 2008, 12:17:52 PM
I actually think there was another scene in higurashi episode 17 when shion gets her fingernails ripped off, it's not really that good of a scene just thought i'd mention it
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Videl1201 on March 23, 2008, 11:53:35 AM
Planet ES has several diaper references. Because this sci-fi series takes place in the not so distance future all astronauts are still required to wear diapers. The first time the 2 main characters (Ai Tanabe and Hachimaki) meet Hachimake is walking with only the top part of his space suit on, leaving his diaper exposed. After he bumps in on Ai Tanabe she panics and says something along the line of being sexually harassed. After discussing this with some of her friends they keep referring to Hachimaki as "diaper boy".

Later in the series when they have a fight Ai Tanabe reminds Hachimaki of this event and calls him diaper boy as well. He retaliates stating she wears one too :)
She turns red and acts annoyed afterwards.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: paolobar2005 on May 18, 2008, 09:58:15 AM
New sightings (many of them involve pooping accidents: I posted them since I saw others of this kind described on the main page - feel free to delete the post if they are too offtopic):

Night Shift Nurses ep 4: around 3/4 of the video, the evil doctor tries a giant vibrator on one of the nurses, who, due to the stimulation, can't hold herself and pees all over the floor;

Night Shift Nurses ep 5: around 17:10, one of the nursesis tied to a table, and gets an enema, which makes her poop around 17:19, still all bonded;

Night Shift Nurses ep 6: some enemas over the beginning of the episode (beware, the first one is given between quite a lot of violent sexual action)

Night Shift Nurses ep 7 and on: quite a lot of enemas throughout the series, most of them given by the doctor, who likes to test the "capacity" of her nurses; in ep 8, one of them gives herself a laxative, and masturbates with a vibrator till she poops her pants.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on June 19, 2008, 06:30:03 PM
Dirty Pair Flash ep 15- (It's the english dub)

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: kamigawa on June 27, 2008, 10:18:25 AM
FD scene: The Third - Aoi Hitomi No Shoujo ep 18

Background:  Honoka, the main character, and her "friends" (actually, they are a sort of hunter and an unknown man who hired Honoka in order to let him join her travel) are flying aboard one of the main planes of The Thirds. Honoka had already been warned by her tank's AI to visit the toilet before the beginning of the flight, but she ignores its warning. Now they are flying towards one of The Third's bases, conquered by a dead Third, waiting for the strongest automated foot soldier, Blue Breaker, to join them.      (<-------------- Megaupload rulez. Altough I have a router with dinamic IP and could care less about using Rapidshare,  I just hate that dumb service.                                                                                 Here you are).
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on July 20, 2008, 10:19:51 PM
ikkitousen GG 6 features ryomou on the toilet ^.^

my fantasy has come true.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: gtg2468 on September 02, 2008, 07:28:26 AM
in desperate carnal housewives vol2 a woman goes to use a childs rest room in a school but the stalls are all boarded  she tries to pee in a urinal but someone walks in on her and she pees a little down her leg  he then picks her up and bangs her while she urinates the rest out
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: sanchopanza65 on October 11, 2008, 12:51:02 PM
The second episode of Toshokan Sesshou has Kasahara going to the bathroom in the woods. It doesn't specify what she's doing, but she does have some amusing comments on it.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on October 14, 2008, 11:03:33 PM
Quote from: Merchant_Of_Death on October 13, 2008, 01:09:17 PM
Anyone know what that screenshot someone just posted in the image place is from?

Zettai Karen Children.

It's episode 12, you can watch it here-

Roughly 8 minutes in, very short scene with the usual fade away to not having to go anymore.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Merchant_Of_Death on October 19, 2008, 11:24:07 AM
I think the scene your thinking of is Gunban Kaleidoscope ep 2. I wasn't sure wheather or not to post it cuz it was a poop scene.
anyways here link...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: ghost sherlock on October 31, 2008, 11:21:48 AM
...not sure if i should post this here or somewhere else, but check this out.      if anyone knows where i can watch the series, please let me know.

this may be off topic but here are some other clips from this anime:

(read the full description before watching)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Nightmare172 on November 03, 2008, 03:44:35 PM
There's a wetting scene in Shadow Star ep 7. It' a pain wetting. Happens around the 18: 30 mark. Pretty meh....
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: shadow on November 07, 2008, 07:53:42 PM
Desert Punk episode 17-A guy in a machine-like costume is using body tempature to try to kill this group of people so one of the guys decides to cover himself in mud but they are in the desert so a girl of the group is quickly shown peeing from waist up but it can be heard and afterwards a guy from the group is holding the bag of pee to his face which is where it is visible.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: forcesofwar on March 14, 2009, 04:38:56 PM

Last Train to Gropesville ep1 aslo has a minor pee scene near the end when the girl teams up with the man and has sex with another woman.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: VTrovling on March 28, 2009, 08:22:03 PM
Asu no Yoichi (nice anime that just ended) had a small desperation scene in the first ep.

The girls are waiting for Yoichi to arrive. Kagome is fidgeting and when asked admits she has to pee.

I can't find it on youtube, but there is a stream of the ep here:  Scene starts around the 11 minute mark
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Neil on April 28, 2009, 10:03:14 AM
You can watch Queen's Blade ep1 at
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on June 12, 2009, 10:49:28 AM
Mobile suit victory Gundam can be watched here:
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Merchant_Of_Death on July 03, 2009, 03:56:18 PM
Aoi Hana episode 1

It's the same scene from the manga that someone posted in the image section a while back
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: banedon on July 11, 2009, 11:52:42 AM
Quote from: shadow on July 10, 2009, 06:11:57 PM
since im suprised no one else has posted this yet the anime Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-Chan!!  has had at least two pee scene an episode and is up to its third episode lets hope it stays this way :)

Just to provide some detail on these scenes:

In episode 1, at the 10:45 mark, Plug is watching a television program in which a heroine is being tortured by some sort of demon. There is a clear view of urine (pain/fear wetting) running down the TV herione's legs as he smacks her a few times.

The second scene in episode 1 occurs at 17:05. Hakone's brother yells at Plug and takes a swing at her with his baseball bat. She immediately shrieks and wets herself in fear. The first shot shows some urine dribbling from under her short skirt as he rears back to swing the bat. She flies back through the air after the impact and the scene cuts again to her crotch/thighs to show that she is still peeing rather copiously.

The second episode had two very quick scenes, both involving the TV heroine. The first involves a fear-wetting as a tentacle grabs her broomstick as she tries to fly off. The other involves a fear/pain wetting while she is suspended on a torture horse. The second scene was exceptionally brief.

The only scene I saw in the third episode was around the 19:30 mark (or thereabouts). One of Plug's Juuden-Chan counterparts gets nailed in the face with a baseball bat and wets herself in a large, expanding puddle when she slumps to the ground unconscious.  I know that Shadow said there were at least 2 wetting scenes per episode, but this was the only one I could find in the third episode. I skimmed it pretty quickly, though, so I definitely could have missed something.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Anime_God on July 24, 2009, 07:05:58 AM
First and foremost, a large amount of credit to shadow for use of his video series. Second, the ones I was unable to find I may occassionally briefly search for them and post it if I manage to find one. And last, I didn't do the hentai ones because I've become extremely paranoid with my computer since I had to reformat(it's annoying) so my apologies if you were hoping they were in here.

Angelic Layer ep22(starts 14:15) -

Asu no Yoichi ep1(about 11:00) -
Just the scene is also in the downloads section I believe.

Blood + ep33(about 3:45) -

Crest of the Stars ep10(6:00) -

Da Capo ep8(3:25) -

Dai Mahou Touge ep4(5:13) -

Dai Mahou Touge ep7(5:45) -

Dai Mahou Touge ep8(7:10)ish -

Desert Punk ep17(1:10) -

Dirty Pair Flash Random Angels ep4 – Currently unable to find.

Dragonball Curse of the Blood Rubies (movie 1)(4:50) -

Dragonball ep1(6:40) -

Elfen Lied ep1(4:50) -

Esper Mami ep17(2:30) -

Esper Mami ep82(2:30) -

Evangelion ep11(6:20) -

Fancy Lala ep19(5:30) -

High School Girls ep2(3:50) -

Higurashi ep21(:40) -

Ichigo Mashimaro ep6(4:40) -

Ikki Tousen ep2(5:43) -

Ikki Tousen: Dragon Destiny ep4(7:15) -

I"s Pure ep2(3:28) -'s+pure+episode+2#watch%3Dv5509568qNxAr64

Jigoku Sensei (Hell Teacher)(1:23) -

Kage Kara Mamoru ep5(7:25) -

KamenNoMaid(MaidGuy)ep5(4:14) -

Kanon(2006) ep12(2:35) -

Kiki's Delivery Service(26:20) -

Kodomo No Jikan ep7(6:45) -

Lost Universe ep9(about 12:45) -

Macross Frontier ep13(3:27) -

Magic User's Club ep3(start) -

Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi ep3(3:30) -

Mahou Sensei Negima ep9(5:25) -

Ojamajo Doremi Naisho ep5(throughout) -

Otoboku (Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru) ep1(3:15) -

Pani Poni Dash ep2(2:30) -

Pani Poni Dash ep10(6:23) -

Petopeto-san ep1(13:30) -

Rockman EXE ep3(8:03) -

Rockman EXE ep20 – Currently unable to find. (I've found it before and there really isn't much to it)

Rurouni Kenshin ep77(10:15) -

Sailor Moon ep68(:50) -

Sailor Moon ep187(5:23) -

Sasami: Maho Shojo Club ep5 – Currently unable to find. (could only find the middle of the episode)

Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro ep2 – Another currently unable to find.

Strange Dawn ep2 - Another not found

Tenchi in Tokyo ep20(5:15) -

The Third - Aoi Hitomi No Shoujo ep 18(4:35) -

Toshokan Sesshou ep2(:35) -

Zettai Karen Children ep12(8:15) -

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on July 28, 2009, 10:57:12 PM
I'm surprised no one mentioned Saki yet. Episodes 16 and 17 have a scene each, but they both last only a few seconds.

Ep 16, nothing happens after the initial scene at 3:56.

Ep 17, first scene is at 2:20, then continues at 6:35, though Saki herself doesn't reappear until 7:00.

I'm not sure if she actually does get to a bathroom before the start of the 2nd round, but if she didn't, it's not mentioned again so far. I say so far because the manga is actually still on this match, it might end next month(it's monthly), so we'll see if there's anything there. Also, I tried to upload the manga pages to the image gallery, but it gave me some error. "This domain name is not in the white-list allowed to request POST."

One more mention. Juuden-chan ep 4 has the usual 2 scenes. Somewhere in the middle and end, sorry I don't have exact times.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Pustuilo on November 21, 2009, 03:32:09 PM
This place has the eps, though they haven't uploaded that ep yet.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on November 21, 2009, 03:46:40 PM

I dunno how long that will last, but it's there. Apparently the first OVA was Episode 0, so while this is episode 2, it is the 3rd one.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: theerut on November 22, 2009, 09:08:42 AM
i found in nicovideo but it use account to see
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on November 24, 2009, 09:19:22 AM
Quote from: Serika on November 23, 2009, 10:09:42 AM
Shin Koihime Musou, episode 8 is supposed to have wetting. I'll need to check when it's subbed.

it has a fear wetting near the end of the episode. Some girl (dont watch the series but she has curly blond hair) was sleeping then woke up to see a ghost, she ends up in hysterics and wets herself one everyone else enters the room.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Nightmare172 on November 24, 2009, 08:24:28 PM
One can ind that episode raw here: at 21:13
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on November 30, 2009, 06:42:36 PM
Quote from: Serika on November 30, 2009, 06:15:18 PM
Sasami Maho Shojo Club Season 2 ep4 - After a night of playing with fireworks the 5 girls have to pee and decide to go to the bathroom together. They mention the bathroom and leave at 18:40, the scene continues at 19:50 when there are only 4 toilets available. Mako is standing outside the broken toilet and begging the other girls to hurry up. She is visibly squirming during this scene, but is soon allowed to use the toilets.

Here's the dub version -
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on December 18, 2009, 01:58:53 PM

about halfway bachou takes on a bet to drink a huge urn of water and hold it in untill dinner time but after several desperation scenes she cant wait anymore and jumps into the river and goes then.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on December 22, 2009, 03:19:53 PM
Quote from: doa on December 18, 2009, 01:58:53 PM

about halfway bachou takes on a bet to drink a huge urn of water and hold it in untill dinner time but after several desperation scenes she cant wait anymore and jumps into the river and goes then.

I tried the link, but it says the account's been suspended. =(

EDIT- Found a new link for it: (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: crucialx12 on December 30, 2009, 08:35:17 PM
I noticed that the link to the Ikki Tousen OVA wetting wasn't posted. For anyone looking for it, I found it here:
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on January 23, 2010, 09:35:53 PM
Quote from: MKFan200 on January 23, 2010, 05:41:31 PM
Anyone then know any other videos on Nicovideo we can look at? Also, sometimes when I view a video, all I get is a bunch of words pssing by. What's that mean?

Wish I was able to post with an anime episode, but I haven't seen anything new yet. As for that Nico thing, that's how the viewer comments work over there. There's a speech bubble icon on the lower right of the video player, hit that to disable the words going across the screen.

I guess I can post this...
The above is from a Negima! Drama Track (speaking only, no animation). This pretty much requires your imagination. Some of the main characters are doing a fake radio show of sorts, about halfway in there's a juice tasting part with Yue (Yeah, it's Yue related), that part is then followed by a section where Yue answers phone calls. At  which point all that juice has caught up to her. Yue asks to leave but Nodoka apologizes that she still needs to asnwer another call. Skip to 22:00, that's when all this starts.

Like I said... you really need to use your imagination here since it's in japanese with no subtitles and no animation. Voices only. Though the person who uploaded it was kind enough to provide fanart during the scenes to at least hint at what's going on. And yes, these are the japanese voice actors and not people pretending.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 23, 2010, 10:21:49 PM
QuoteMagical Moe - Peeing at 18:15. Moe is getting fucked by tentacles and releases her pee at this time.

Thanks to doa posting this ( in the manga thread i finally found the source for this gif.

[smg id=2528]

QuoteInyouchuu Shoku ep1 - A tentacle rape leads to bladder filling. At 4:15, a captive girl is attacked by a thin tentacle that enters her urethra and peeks into her bladder. An internal view is shown, the tentacle starts to flood the bladder with urine. On the outside, the girl's stomach expands substantially, soon giving the appearance of pregnancy. She whines about how it burns and that her tummy feels heavy and begs to pee. When the tentacle is pulled out, she unleashes a massive torrent of piss and shrinks down to normal. Pants wetting at 9:20 when three girls are fighting some mutant flowers. The flowers release a spore into the air, and the closest girl wets her pants while trying to stay awake.

Inyouchuu Shoku ep2 - A girl pees while being tentacle fucked at 2:50. Same peeing scene again at 5:00. Golden shower at 7:10. Panty wetting at 9:30 when a girl is zapped with electricity.

This show may be hard to come by, so i'll create a megaupload later. ← Inyouchuu Shoku ep1 (RAW, no subs) ← Inyouchuu Shoku ep2 (RAW, no subs)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on February 05, 2010, 04:09:13 AM
Shusaku replay 1,c1553bb55bdefb3503e9/english-dubbed-shusaku-replay-episode-1.html

Shusaku 1,1eb3b74135aa5d1e03ea/hentai-anime-shusaku-1-a-man-s-paradise.html

Kisaku the letch 1,49bb9a9b6a513cf103e9/kisaku-the-letch-%C3%A9-%C3%A4-ep-1.html


In due time, I will add the stamps. Right now im trying to stay up for a road trip so i can sleep in the car for the whole 4 hours of travel. So im not in the mood to see some old guy rape cute high school girls while nearly asleep. i mean seriously who would?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: banedon on February 09, 2010, 09:14:10 PM
There is a fear wetting just after the opening of the first episode of The Qwaser of Stigmata. I'd guesstimate it to be about 60-90 seconds in.
A schoolgirl is restrained against a wall and being menaced by a serial killer with a knife. As the killer touches the knife against the girl's panties, you can see them darken gradually while she pisses herself.

It should be noted that you must find an UNCENSORED version of this anime to see this scene. It is cut out of the version that aired in the US.

There is also a scene about 13 minutes in to the same episode where one of the female protagonists is being attacked by the same killer. The killer hurls some sort of energy-based shuriken at her, coming just short of killing her. The girl closes her eyes and cries, whereupon the killer looks down at her skirt and asks "Oh, did you piss yourself"?, then laughs. No wetting is explicitly shown, though the implication is pretty strong.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: xXDNAXx on February 09, 2010, 11:58:36 PM
Nee Chanto Shiyou Yo Ep.4 - 1:41 The main character Kuuya walks in on Takane sitting on the toilet about to pee. She yells for him to leave. He begins to leave but spots Kaname walking down the hall and bolts back in the bathroom. They argue a little more. The she loses control and starts peeing in front of him. After peeing, she gets really angry and yells at him.(I could only find the censored, no subbed. I could pick up on a few words but I couldn't really tell what was going on.)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on February 14, 2010, 05:58:52 PM
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: warrior21 on February 18, 2010, 12:18:59 AM

daiakuji xena buster ep1

Timestamp: 7:06 female squatting outside to pee during a battle scene. It's in spanish though, sorry.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: sanchopanza65 on February 19, 2010, 11:43:42 AM
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Episode 4: Technically a poo desperation scene, but it has many of the same features as far as Desperation goes. Mirai really need to poop, but won't admit it at first. The woman she is traveling with gets her a portble toilet, but she won't use it. She goes to find the outhouses that were set up and there is a giant line. A fight breaks out in the line and she eventually gives in, and is implied to go use the portable toilet behind some bushes.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on February 23, 2010, 07:14:54 AM
Sora no Woto
Kanata Sorami has to sit and wait for an important phone call and doesn't want to leave the phone unattended.  Part of the episode is centered around her desperate battle to hold on until the call comes in. (

EDIT- the first scene at the beginning is really short, but the actual desperation doesn't start until 12:03 of the second part.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on March 05, 2010, 11:36:01 AM   

Dr slump anime episode 16 at 7 min there is i a desp scene where arale and akane has swapped lifes for a while. (arale being a machine) akane asks where the bathroom is but the professor just laughs it off and doesnt tell her. Unfortunetly i dont know how this scene ends and this is the spanish version.   This is the manga version, which is shorter.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Adam on March 20, 2010, 05:17:20 PM
The timestamp for the Elfen Lied wetting of Nyu is around 15:12 (when you see the puddle form), but the desperation itself is visible about 10 seconds prior.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on March 25, 2010, 06:45:38 PM
Quote from: Serika on March 25, 2010, 05:10:53 PM
Quote from: Pustuilo on March 25, 2010, 05:00:47 PM
just found this, not sure what it's from though.

Fairy Tail ep 22, and according to Nyou3 this is just an incidental pose.

Actually she's pretending that she has to go to the bathroom.
Starts around 17:40
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on March 27, 2010, 01:00:27 AM
For DiGi Charat Nyo ep40
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Scoozums on March 28, 2010, 11:20:45 PM
Dai Mahou Touge - EP7 - Fear wetting - (5:46)

timestamp in regards to this video on youtube:

but looks to me like it's a mini ep kind of series so they'd be like 8-10min eps anyway...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Kenichi123 on April 15, 2010, 02:42:07 PM
I don't really know how to say this, But there's a possible wetting in a showing of a manga IN an anime.

Um here's the link, Second half, 8:44, Brief, but you can deffinately tell its something like wetting. (

Conformation please?
No, it's deffinately wetting. You can tell if you look at the lages left to right~
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on April 23, 2010, 08:47:36 PM
FINALLY, something new that I can post.

Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou Ep 4-
Starts at 10:50, short desperation scene.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on May 03, 2010, 04:00:17 PM
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: koyukoyu on May 04, 2010, 11:51:59 AM
Quote from: tenck5k on May 04, 2010, 03:55:45 AM
Quote from: jlg77 on May 03, 2010, 08:36:38 PM
Quote from: Zenix on May 03, 2010, 04:00:17 PM

And l noticed that a short time later, she also gets desperate, wets herself and pees all over him as he was carrying her on his back (as the wetting in the locker was apparently a fantasy sequence if I'm not mistaken).

The locker wetting was what happened in the actual manga, which was linked to in the manga thread. I guess they decided to switch things up in the anime.

The subbed version is released.

And yes, the wetting scene at the locker is just her delusion, but the next one is real.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Kenichi123 on May 04, 2010, 04:29:46 PM
Another sub online, 3:00 or so. --- second part. starts at end of first part.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on May 05, 2010, 11:10:29 PM
Quote from: Serika on May 04, 2010, 05:21:04 PM
Quote from: Zenix on May 03, 2010, 04:00:17 PM
Kissxsis EP5, best anime desperation of 2010 so far. :drool:

Magical Kanan ep1 - A schoolgirl is wearing a one piece swimsuit while her principal fingers her. At 21:18, she says that something is going to come out, but the dirty old man doesn't stop. A puddle spreads out from where she sits on the floor.

Magical Kanan ep4 - A schoolgirl is in the bathroom and squats over a toilet at 3:25. The camera angle is a little high, but you can hear her peeing as a monster appears behind her.

You should mention that this is from the OVA VERSION. i was watching videos and the ones i saw were mysteriously kiddy and not sexual in the slightest...then i noticed i was watching the TV version
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on May 25, 2010, 09:09:45 AM
Another kissxkiss animes scene (episode 8 i think)

This one involes the girl with glasses again.
She is desperate to pee while she is in some sore of festeval but the bathroom lines are too long. She cant wait any more so she goes to the woods to squat, while she is squatting the main character is chasing some bird and sees her squatting.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: supadm on May 25, 2010, 10:47:25 AM
Quote from: doa on May 25, 2010, 09:09:45 AM
Another kissxkiss animes scene (episode 8 i think)

This one involes the girl with glasses again.
She is desperate to pee while she is in some sore of festeval but the bathroom lines are too long. She cant wait any more so she goes to the woods to squat, while she is squatting the main character is chasing some bird and sees her squatting.

Trying to download it, but having some trouble. Keeps on giving me a "DL Key" Error. I tried copying and pasting the one that was in the comment area, but that's not working for me either.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on May 25, 2010, 11:30:12 AM
Or just watch it from here
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: koyukoyu on May 25, 2010, 11:56:41 AM
Quote from: supadm on May 25, 2010, 10:47:25 AM
Quote from: doa on May 25, 2010, 09:09:45 AM
Another kissxkiss animes scene (episode 8 i think)

This one involes the girl with glasses again.
She is desperate to pee while she is in some sore of festeval but the bathroom lines are too long. She cant wait any more so she goes to the woods to squat, while she is squatting the main character is chasing some bird and sees her squatting.

Trying to download it, but having some trouble. Keeps on giving me a "DL Key" Error. I tried copying and pasting the one that was in the comment area, but that's not working for me either.

The DL Key is "omo".
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on May 28, 2010, 01:25:01 AM
Quote from: doa on May 25, 2010, 09:09:45 AM
Another kissxkiss animes scene (episode 8 i think)

This one involes the girl with glasses again.
She is desperate to pee while she is in some sore of festeval but the bathroom lines are too long. She cant wait any more so she goes to the woods to squat, while she is squatting the main character is chasing some bird and sees her squatting.

it should be noted also that she ends up peeing in front of him while standing in shock, and keita watches in awe for the next few seconds. after seeing her vagina...again, he gets a faceful of palms and scratches. i would also like to say this scene was so cute, but i still felt kinda sad.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on May 28, 2010, 10:32:19 AM
Ah i didnt see it all the way to the end when i posted

I found this gif in the sweetnote board, i was wondering if anyone has a clue about this (i looked at the board and there was no info for the pic)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on May 28, 2010, 05:03:52 PM
Quote from: doa on May 28, 2010, 10:32:19 AM
Ah i didnt see it all the way to the end when i posted

I found this gif in the sweetnote board, i was wondering if anyone has a clue about this (i looked at the board and there was no info for the pic)

It's just a random twitch shot, from Mayo Neko Overrun ep 8. After awhile you tend to ignore these 1 second gifs since it's almost never related.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Kenichi123 on June 23, 2010, 09:35:34 PM
Well, Since no one said it yet, I guess I'll point it out... (

End of episode, after keita hugs whats-her-name... (Seriously my brain is frying right now.)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on June 30, 2010, 01:31:23 AM
and a minor desperation scene near the end of ep 12...the season finale  :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: i want s'more...

also an implied scene in a dream sequence which involves a champagne bottle.

pic from sankakucomplex
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on July 08, 2010, 01:09:40 PM
apparently there is a desperation scene in episode 77 of azuki-chan  (source use google translate if you need to.
The only problem im having is that that the internet keeps fucking deleting everything and so theree are no more videos exept this (well i dont know how to download it so i wonder if someone else could check it for me.)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on July 08, 2010, 06:38:14 PM
Based on the hashdb part of the URL, it's probably a Share file. I don't really know much about it though, I guess it's kinda like Napster/Kazaa, but more complicated, and Japanese.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Lisk on July 09, 2010, 06:38:02 AM
Share is a japanese p2p network. Most releases of anime, manga, visual novels and so on first appear there and only some time later (sometimes never ^^) appear on torrent trackers. First, the requirements:
1) Good upload channel. It's not neccesary, but highly recommended, since your download speed is greatly affected by your upload speed. Besides, you have to have your ports open and forwarded, just like in eMule. Share won't work if you're behind a proxy or something.
2) Enough disc space. You see, Share doesn't downloads things right on. First it caches things, then (when the download is over) it copies your file in the download folder. So, if you're downloading a 5GB file, you need at least 10GB of disc space.
3) Japanese fonts and language support. The reasons are obvious.

Now, how to make it work.

Download the program itself from Start it and go to settings => general settings. First tab (profile settings) is fine as it is, you have to make some adjustments only if you're making a release yourself. Second tab - network settings. Declared upload/download speed affects the real speed somehow, but I'm not sure how exactly. Use it if you want to limit Share's activity. Third and fourth tabs are not important, go straight for the fifth tab (quote settings) and uncheck "enable quote". These are the settings recommended for beginners who are unfamiliar with Share. You are almost guaranteed to be okay with these.

Now go to "settings" => "clusters". Clusters are... Well, they're kind of like tags, they increase your search speed. If you belong to AnimeGirlDesp cluster and some other guy belongs to AnimeGirlDesp cluster, you'll find each other faster. Of course, your tags have to be in japanese.

Then go to "nodes" menu and select "add nodes". It the window that just opened select "load from file", select "share_ex.txt" file and click "add". Then go to "folders" menu, select "add folders" and add your cache, upload and download folders. Remember to clean your Cahce folder every once in a while!

Restart Share and you're good to go.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on July 09, 2010, 04:24:10 PM
Quote from: doa on July 08, 2010, 01:09:40 PM
apparently there is a desperation scene in episode 77 of azuki-chan  (source use google translate if you need to.
The only problem im having is that that the internet keeps fucking deleting everything and so theree are no more videos exept this (well i dont know how to download it so i wonder if someone else could check it for me.)
There is a user on youtube who is uploading all of the anime right now. Hes only missing 77 and 80.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on July 09, 2010, 04:32:44 PM
The last time anything was uploaded was a month ago though. I doubt he's still doing it.

Anyway, thanks for that info Lisk. I was trying to find a download of it yesterday, but couldn't. Though I don't think it's working. It's not searching for anything if I try. I did restart it a few times, but it doesn't say I need to do anything else.

If it's possible, could you download it and throw it on megaupload or something?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: burstingbadly on July 09, 2010, 07:19:33 PM <-- this link is now dead , video isnot longer there anyone have a copy?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on July 09, 2010, 07:48:41 PM

There you go.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on July 09, 2010, 11:59:39 PM
This won't go on the list, but i'll mention it just because it's funny. Angel Beats episode 6 has a girl that asks to use the bathroom during class. Her group is trying to disrupt class as much as possible, so she stands up and asks to use the bathroom every minute just to annoy the teacher.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: shadow on July 15, 2010, 09:13:41 AM
Wallflower Episode 23- four girls are shown wetting themselves out of fear

I know youtube is not a good place for a link but it is where i found it so here     it happens at 1:08
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Nightmare172 on July 17, 2010, 01:09:02 PM
I didn't know Mad Bull 34 had an anime... - at 5:36
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on August 16, 2010, 06:53:05 AM
Highschool of the dead episode 7 at about 18min into it the young girl needs to pee and pees on the main characters back (its the same as in the manga)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on August 30, 2010, 02:17:11 PM
Esper Mami 17- 2:10 (Afraid to go to the bathroom by herself, teleports her pee into her friend)
Esper Mami 36- 4:25 (Hiding to catch a criminal, needs to pee)
Esper Mami 40- 5:10 (Keeps asking to use the bathroom in class, to go do various stuff. Third time she actually has to go)
Esper Mami 82- 3:30 (Needs to pee while posing nude)
Esper Mami 83- 3:50 (Pretty much same as ep 17)

Each one is only a few seconds long, but whatever. All of these are only partial episodes, so the time stamps only work for those videos. Thank you Daily Motion for not being Youtube.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: theerut on September 02, 2010, 03:11:17 AM
Quote from: doa on July 08, 2010, 01:09:40 PM
apparently there is a desperation scene in episode 77 of azuki-chan  (source use google translate if you need to.
The only problem im having is that that the internet keeps fucking deleting everything and so theree are no more videos exept this (well i dont know how to download it so i wonder if someone else could check it for me.)
azuki 11:57
yoko 13:45
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on September 02, 2010, 08:49:51 PM
You know Mitsudome is an anime. Maybe we can see the desp scenes from that in anime form soon.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: andreww9933 on September 23, 2010, 01:21:14 PM
There's one in Queen's Blade season two episode 3 right around 7:00 in to it.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: phunkyboy on January 29, 2011, 07:11:46 AM
In an anime called ATASHIn'chi there was an episode where the mom and the daughter both are desperate to pee and are seeing who will last longer. Does anyone know what episode this is and can someone try and find it cause I can't
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on January 29, 2011, 01:11:56 PM
Quote from: phunkyboy on January 29, 2011, 07:11:46 AM
In an anime called ATASHIn'chi there was an episode where the mom and the daughter both are desperate to pee and are seeing who will last longer. Does anyone know what episode this is and can someone try and find it cause I can't

Oh man... this series has like 180 episode, and the art style isn't even so great for this type of situation... Have anything else to go on, like how many years ago or something?

Edit: Is this it? Ep 36 Part 2-
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on February 02, 2011, 05:58:51 PM
From some new Shin Koihime Musou OVA (20:42)-

I think this came out pretty recently, so I don't think it's subbed yet. You can turn off the comments by clicking where it says "ON" in the lower right of the video.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on March 15, 2011, 09:54:07 PM
Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu! ep5 - Desperation at 6:45 when Mitsuba runs out of the class screaming "toilet toilet!" and holding her crotch. It does not show her in the bathroom, but she comes back a few minutes later with a VERY relieved look on her face.

There's something else in the first season, 16 minutes into episode 14. Futaba says she has to use the bathroom and goes to leave, but is interrupted and completely forgets about it. That's all there is, her wanting to pee is not mentioned again. I'm not sure if i'll include this in the list or not.

(scat desperation at the start of Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu ep6, more scat desp ep7 at 10:50, and fart desperation ep8 at 14:56)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on April 01, 2011, 04:41:22 PM
Theres a desp scene in needless episode 5. Unfortunetly its to get someone out of the safe area so she can take him hostage.   0:38
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on April 03, 2011, 07:43:39 PM
BEHOLD, a collection of scenes from that infamous Go Go Isutsugo Land anime.

I dunno how long this will be up, so if anyone knows how to save from nico, now would be a good time.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: warrior21 on April 04, 2011, 04:38:51 PM
Quote from: Zenix on April 03, 2011, 07:43:39 PM
BEHOLD, a collection of scenes from that infamous Go Go Isutsugo Land anime.

I dunno how long this will be up, so if anyone knows how to save from nico, now would be a good time.

OMG! Did anyone else notice that the green haired girl in those clips has the same voice actor as Chopper from One Piece? or Zatch from ZatchBell?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Nightmare172 on April 07, 2011, 04:57:58 AM

Use this to watch nico vids without an account.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on April 07, 2011, 10:52:32 PM
2 things:

1. Found another desperation and wetting scene...have no idea what it is or how to backtrack it to you guys for better and more accurate translations.

2. As I is the Go Go scenes on a nice mp4.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on April 08, 2011, 06:26:16 PM
That seems to be something called Jedong Goes to School, it's some Korean cartoon that aired years ago. I don't think we'll be finding that one... ever.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on April 10, 2011, 12:44:08 PM
Dororon Enma-kun Meramera​ (Based on a 70's anime of the same name)
Ep 1, starts around 14:50-
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: EnragedFilia on April 11, 2011, 12:01:24 PM
No need to torrent it:

(the scene in question is brief and is quickly and inexplicably forgotten)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on April 23, 2011, 08:24:17 AM
DOes anyone know what anime this is from (i found it on exhentai under a desperation and wetting section)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on April 23, 2011, 10:23:35 AM
Sora o Kakeru Shoujo, or The Girl Who Lept Through Space.

I watched that series and I don't remember any desp scenes. So it's probably just an unrelated pose.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on May 03, 2011, 01:06:20 AM
Is THIS a pee scene?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on May 03, 2011, 04:53:31 AM
Quote from: knuclear200x on May 03, 2011, 01:06:20 AM
Is THIS a pee scene?

Seems that its episode 4 of the second season

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on May 03, 2011, 10:50:07 AM
Heavily censored though, have to wait for the DVDs I guess.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: EnragedFilia on May 03, 2011, 04:41:37 PM
For the first season, there was at least one channel that ran it uncensored (at like 1 AM). So unless they dropped it, you should be able to find the real version a few days after its air date.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on May 04, 2011, 07:03:49 PM
This isn't anything new, but I found G-Spot Express (Itazura) dubbed in english. If the first link doesn't work, just find the MegaPorn link in the 2nd, it's the 1st episode, with the US flag on it.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: laughingfood on May 04, 2011, 10:23:14 PM
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or not, but if you turn off the Safe Search on Google Videos and put in the show name and episode of MOST of the anime on this list, you'll usually come up with a place to stream that video. I've actually found it to be quite a bit more reliable than searching most other places.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on May 13, 2011, 10:21:53 PM

And here's Seikon no Qwaser subbed and UNCENSORED
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on May 20, 2011, 05:09:58 AM
There is another scene in seikon no qwaser 2 episode 5  where the same girl wets herself after being smacked on the butt several times.

(its part 2 of that link)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on May 24, 2011, 01:11:01 AM
I have hints of a possible wetting scene from this link about a game...unfortunately...the translator doesnt work too well with Japanese. I leave the link in your hands to dig up more information.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on May 24, 2011, 10:36:37 AM
Quote from: MKFan200 on May 24, 2011, 01:11:01 AM
I have hints of a possible wetting scene from this link about a game...unfortunately...the translator doesnt work too well with Japanese. I leave the link in your hands to dig up more information.
The game is "Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos" for the PSP. The release date is the end of July so it's impossible to know if there will be omorashi, but there's a figurine of one of the characters wetting herself in that link so that may be why the article is tagged for pee. Her Gelbooru tag is alice_(queens_gate)
This is the trailer. It has characters from Queen's Blade as well as a bunch of other games. It even has Moetan. @_@
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on May 31, 2011, 09:59:38 PM
Tile Jail Toilet Tale An animation made by someone on Animacam. The entire site is made in flash so I cannot direct link the video. THe video shows a girl trapped on the parallel time space of the tiles, desperate to pee. She tries to get on the toilet multiple times in order so she can pee, but fails to do so. Eventually she cannot hold it in and pees herself, wetting the toilet paper below her. She gets sucked, in which she then builds her a new body onto the time space where the toilet is. She then proceeds to sit on the toilet. ( Trust me...this makes sense the moment you watch the video )

SInce I cannot direct link the video, I will give you instructions on how to get to it.

1. Go to this site.
2. Click on welcome so you have english version.
3. Go to watch videos.
4.  Type in "Tile Jail Toilet Tale"
5. Click on video to watch.

The stuff you can find if you search google.

This video was intended to be a work of art, SO, it may not fit your desperation needs.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: EnragedFilia on June 01, 2011, 01:14:02 PM
Better yet, here's the video file itself. Now you don't even have to turn off noscript.
(may require VLC or another video player capable of opening .flv files)

And incidentally, it appears one of the same fansub groups that did Qwaser season 1 uncensored are doing season 2 now as well
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: none on June 01, 2011, 03:38:32 PM
Quote from: Serika on May 26, 2011, 03:21:44 PM
Astarotte no Omocha! ep7 - Astarotte is at an amusement park when one of her friends dares her to go through the haunted house. The succubus princess is scared but too stubborn to say no, so she wanders in there with Naoya. At 16:45, she is easily frightened by the dumb objects in there and screams as the background takes a watery, wavey effect. They exit the place moments later and it seems Astarotte has wet her panties. She is embarrassed, crying, and covering the front of her skirt with her tail. (No pee is seen in the TV version, i will need to rewatch when the DVD version comes out) Naoya quickly takes Astarotte to the bathroom so that she can change into a clean pair of panties. Minutes later she admits to wetting her bed sometimes.

There is a manga version of this scene but i don't know which chapter. There may also be an uncensored version where you can actually see the pee running down her legs. I saw a screenshot of that but it might just be a photoshop.

The wetting takes place in Chapter 13 of the manga
link. NOTE Astarotte is a 10 year old loli!:

P.S. Damn I was so pissed when they completely removed any trace of pee from the anime version!
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on June 06, 2011, 11:55:54 PM

I'm not sure what this is, but it seems to land in every relevant desperation category. The girl is sits on the toilet and struggles greatly, probably constipated but apparently has diarrhea, or is expelling something else. Later on as she starts flushing, a business guy walks in with obvious intentions, but the girl willingly moons at him to "come and get it". After the anal rape, she rejects the excess ick and later starts feeling desperate to pee. She tries to hold it but it comes out anyway.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Chikita on June 17, 2011, 08:34:03 AM
The third KisXSis OVA had a peeing scene, while Ako and Riko were drunk and had to pee. Keichi had to bring Riko to the bathroom(Ako was looking by herself) and doing such things like pulling her panties down, listening her pee, wiping her clean etc.
Also there was "Kämpfer" episode 1 where a boy(forgot his name) was changed into a girl and currently waiting for his/her transformation while needing to pee.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on June 17, 2011, 07:15:42 PM
Speaking of Kiss x Sis, the next OVA comes out next week. Based off of the last one it seems like this one would focus on the side characters. So I guess it's possible we could get a scene from that.

Sorry, no actual update this time. Been a bit "dry" this season. Even Hen Zemi turned out to be a disappointment.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on July 04, 2011, 03:51:27 PM

Spoke a bit too soon. Some car desperation, but the episodes for this series are pretty short, only 15 minutes or so.

Though beware, the discussions in this series are very crude.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Grim on July 06, 2011, 06:30:44 AM
hmm- dunno if it counts, but theres KIND OF a desperation scene in ep. 13 of nichijou.
It starts around 13 minutes in, and lasts about 5 minutes, until 18 minutes in.
loli desperation

Theres a thunderstorm at night. Hakase, a litte girl has to go to the bathroom, but shes too aftraid to go alone. it taskes awhile until she gets her robot, nano to come with her.
some dialog
It ends with fear wetting
you don't SEE any pee, or that she does it, but it's hinted(or should i say made obvious? )

Theres nothing graphic
no pee showing, nothing extreme.. but its still ^^;;
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Kenichi123 on July 19, 2011, 09:55:19 PM
I found body transfer episode 1- the timestamp is from 2:30 to 4:30...

I'm looking for others as you read this :)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Lildarrian5 on August 02, 2011, 11:33:05 AM
First post lol

This is "Let's Go Quintuplets"

compilation and loli


japanese website so just click the blue button and then...

Password: nikochuu

Hope yall like it  :lol:
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: none on August 24, 2011, 09:07:33 PM

I'm not sure where this one is from I think it has something to do with Queens Blade.

Edit: This is from Queens Gate a spin off of Queens Blade.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on August 24, 2011, 10:27:00 PM
none u bastard... u beat me to this!!! :crying: :crying: (i mean no disrespect)

Anyway here is a youtube link version if registering for Nicovideo is out of your care range.

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on August 25, 2011, 04:09:58 PM
Actually it's from a video game, Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos.

Think of it as SRW with girls.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: EnragedFilia on August 25, 2011, 06:29:19 PM
I think of it more like one of the DBZ fighting games. Or the Bleach games. Or Jump All-stars.

edit: because I've seen the anime but never played any of the games.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on August 26, 2011, 04:34:21 PM
No it's definitely SRW, it's even made by Banpresto. In terms of gameplay it's just the same grid based strategy with flashy animations that you don't control.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on August 31, 2011, 03:14:18 PM
Kansen: Inyoku no Rensa Episode 2

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: scarystuff12 on September 16, 2011, 10:09:52 PM
Koihime Musou episode 11

The sequel series' 11th episode,"Bachou Tries to Hold it In" sorta continues Bachou's bladder problems.

She wakes up in the middle of the night needing to me. She wanders around the camp the girls are at sleepily muttering things like "Ack, where's the toilet? I'm gonna start leaking if I don't find it soon..." she is then startled when she sees the guards of the camp and mistakes them for enemy invaders. The rest of the girls laugh at her mistake, and while they do Bachou says to herself, "I was so startled that I wet my pants a little" Kan'u notices and asks her to repeat what she said, but Bachou becomes embarrassed, saying "Nothing! Nothing!"

Scene starts at 15:30 and runs to 17:00
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Nightmare172 on October 08, 2011, 07:54:48 AM
Not sure if already posted but:

In Kamisama Dolls, there's a fear wetting in episode 10 at 18: 57
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Lisk on October 12, 2011, 03:18:13 PM
For those of you who's into shotacon and fear wetting, there is a scene in second episode of Fate/Zero. One picture speaks better than a thousand words. By the way, the show itself is great so far (Ufotable+Urobuchi Gen, I can't see what can possibly go wrong), so if you're into urban fantasy, I strongly advise that you start following it right now.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on December 01, 2011, 10:49:22 PM
Kiss x Sis's 6th ova just came out, and its a health inspection episode. yknow, the kind where students line up in school naked to have their health examined. and by health i mean genitalia.

4:14 Mikuni comes out of the bathroom with a urine test already done. Then Keita bumps into her and the unsealed sample cup falls on his head.

8:17 Mikuni attempts to give another sample while on the toilet, but ends up having a fantasy which makes her expel a different liquid...and probably pee, but the stream sounded too short to be pee.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: phunkyboy on December 07, 2011, 09:24:43 PM
I've heard that there is another scene of desperation in Atashin'chi, not the one that is already on the list. However, I can't find it on any video sights, if any one does find it it would be a great addition
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: phunkyboy on December 07, 2011, 09:34:19 PM
Also isn't there a wetting scene in doraemon, which episode is it?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: 3digimon on December 08, 2011, 11:31:48 PM
Quote from: phunkyboy on December 07, 2011, 09:34:19 PM
Also isn't there a wetting scene in doraemon, which episode is it?

There's 3 wettings actually. And I found two of them. But all of them were male wetting

"Spy War About Top Secret"  Suneo was asleep earlier, then later on he just wets himself out of nowhere for the mother to yell at.

"Air Diamonds manufacturing machine"  Nobita was climbing some crystal blocks up in the sky enjoying himself. Then he says is wants to go to the toilet when the crystals were disappearing causing him to hang on for life. When he starts to fall, Doraemon saves his life and starts peeing on him. His wetting part was like rain, even a drop on that old man's head. Funny

The third one is with Nobita being desperate for bathroom while talking to Setsuka, then Doraemon flies towards Nobita from the back to surprise him and pat his back, which caused his bladder to explode and he wets his shorts in front of Setsuka and Doraemon and then he cries.

I'm still looking for that episode and it's so hard to find, yet to me it's the best one above the other two. I only found the scene from the youtube video that was banned earlier: Anime Pee Pt. 10
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: shadow on December 09, 2011, 07:14:24 PM
Quote from: 3digimon on December 08, 2011, 11:31:48 PM
Quote from: phunkyboy on December 07, 2011, 09:34:19 PM
Also isn't there a wetting scene in doraemon, which episode is it?

There's 3 wettings actually. And I found two of them. But all of them were male wetting

"Spy War About Top Secret"  Suneo was asleep earlier, then later on he just wets himself out of nowhere for the mother to yell at.

"Air Diamonds manufacturing machine"  Nobita was climbing some crystal blocks up in the sky enjoying himself. Then he says is wants to go to the toilet when the crystals were disappearing causing him to hang on for life. When he starts to fall, Doraemon saves his life and starts peeing on him. His wetting part was like rain, even a drop on that old man's head. Funny

The third one is with Nobita being desperate for bathroom while talking to Setsuka, then Doraemon flies towards Nobita from the back to surprise him and pat his back, which caused his bladder to explode and he wets his shorts in front of Setsuka and Doraemon and then he cries.

I'm still looking for that episode and it's so hard to find, yet to me it's the best one above the other two. I only found the scene from the youtube video that was banned earlier: Anime Pee Pt. 10

ah yes that last scene i found was from the entire episode in which he is desperate and the entire episode is on youtube but its in japanese and i honestly forgot the name it was under as i dont speak japanese. its a shame i actually had all those clips and entire episodes on my computer till it crashed and now i have nothing
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: 3digimon on December 12, 2011, 01:59:22 PM
Quote from: shadow on December 09, 2011, 07:14:24 PM
Quote from: 3digimon on December 08, 2011, 11:31:48 PM
Quote from: phunkyboy on December 07, 2011, 09:34:19 PM
Also isn't there a wetting scene in doraemon, which episode is it?

There's 3 wettings actually. And I found two of them. But all of them were male wetting

"Spy War About Top Secret"  Suneo was asleep earlier, then later on he just wets himself out of nowhere for the mother to yell at.

"Air Diamonds manufacturing machine"  Nobita was climbing some crystal blocks up in the sky enjoying himself. Then he says is wants to go to the toilet when the crystals were disappearing causing him to hang on for life. When he starts to fall, Doraemon saves his life and starts peeing on him. His wetting part was like rain, even a drop on that old man's head. Funny

The third one is with Nobita being desperate for bathroom while talking to Setsuka, then Doraemon flies towards Nobita from the back to surprise him and pat his back, which caused his bladder to explode and he wets his shorts in front of Setsuka and Doraemon and then he cries.

I'm still looking for that episode and it's so hard to find, yet to me it's the best one above the other two. I only found the scene from the youtube video that was banned earlier: Anime Pee Pt. 10

ah yes that last scene i found was from the entire episode in which he is desperate and the entire episode is on youtube but its in japanese and i honestly forgot the name it was under as i dont speak japanese. its a shame i actually had all those clips and entire episodes on my computer till it crashed and now i have nothing

Damn, sorry to hear that your computer crashed. I'm using external hard drives in case mine crashes.

Anyway I torrented the 117 episodes of Doraemon and viewed them all, and still no sign of that episode. It's getting frustrating.

But I did find some clues about that episode, from thanks to Ishigreensa. He Quoted:

"konban ha (konnichi ha),
I am living in Nihon now.
I like anime that is in Nihon like Doraemon.
There was a real... on TV... Doraemon omorashi moment awhile back.
Nobita had his maho tsukai robot cat make him a mansion that he could manipulate.
He made his mom (kaasan) angry, so he built his room way up so she wouldnt get to him...
but the bathroom was on the bottom floor...
and his crush... Shizue, caught him as he ran down the stairs and then lost it... wetting his usual blue shorts.
It was classic. If I find it on a site you can watch in America or in other parts of the world, I'll share. It shouldn't even be controlled since it was on regular TV just a few months ago.

konban ha (wa) is good evening
Nihon is Japan
maho Tsukai is a wizard or magic wielder
kaasan is mom (informally, it really should be okaasan.)

Doraemon is really funny! REally funny!
Try to find it, and you'll understand! 

Anyway, I hope to be tomodachi (friends) soon.

I'm really hoping to find that episode, and if anybody has the name or link to that video I would appreciate it. Thank You ;D
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on January 01, 2012, 05:42:07 PM
i need some help with a few scenes on this site

I cant seem to find the names of some of them and was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.

Edit: The pics filename gave me a clue it was Mirai Nikki, thanks though.

Edit 2: its mirai nikki episode 11  about 1:15 [peeing]
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 01, 2012, 07:12:41 PM
Which ones in particular?

The one on the top is Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai ( and i can see that girl from Mirai Nikki ( further down.

edit: The one at the bottom is tagged as Sengoku Otome (

edit 2: Looks like Boku wa Tomodachi is episode 10, at about 18:00.

Un-Go is in there too.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on January 02, 2012, 07:09:26 PM
A lot of the things on that site are either completely unrelated or incidental posing.

By the way, here's the Light Novel version of the Tomodachi scene, it's about 2/3rds of the way down. 2 smiley faces under the bold GYAAAAAH line.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on January 22, 2012, 10:57:03 PM
Apparently My Little Pony:Friendship is magic has a desp scene in it.

Begins at 8:06

Why was I watching MLP...that's not really important now is it?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on March 06, 2012, 03:28:03 PM
Quote from: thatguywithnoname on March 05, 2012, 01:23:43 PM
Right back at the start of this list Doa uploaded a link to some awesome scenes but now megaupload is gone can you maybe upload them somewhere else. Recently I lost all my files but I reeeeally want those back please!

If i do it you need to wait till the weekend though since ive been working (thats why i havent really found anything lately) so ill probably post some things on sunday.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on March 11, 2012, 03:56:31 PM

This is a collection of all the videos that i have.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: thatguywithnoname on March 12, 2012, 11:06:28 AM
Quote from: doa on March 11, 2012, 03:56:31 PM

This is a collection of all the videos that i have.
Thanks loads but didn't you have one about a police woman and another where a girl is sat down holding tea desperate then this old man walks in says something (probably that the girl can leave now)she goes to leave but stops and wets herself. If I'm wrong sorry, if you deleted them do you remember where their from? Sorry its just i had a huge collection and lost it all so it annoys me that mega upload / video are down...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on March 12, 2012, 04:15:01 PM
The police one was Ail Maniax episode 1 i think.
As for the other one it is Seifuku Shojo ep1.
I dont know where you can find these but they should be on google somewhere.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: thatguywithnoname on March 13, 2012, 09:40:49 AM
Quote from: doa on March 12, 2012, 04:15:01 PM
The police one was Ail Maniax episode 1 i think.
As for the other one it is Seifuku Shojo ep1.
I dont know where you can find these but they should be on google somewhere.
Thanks!  :clap:
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on March 16, 2012, 09:08:01 PM
I've received rumors on a omo sight (its in japanese) about a possible desp scene in Jewel Pet Twinkle...but I am unsure...can someone check on this...this is the image I downloaded?
I am unsure and this is only a rumor.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on March 16, 2012, 10:54:18 PM
I came across that awhile back. Apparently the character just blushes a lot.

The only desp scenes in that series are from the mascot things.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on March 19, 2012, 12:21:24 PM
Do you know the eps?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on March 19, 2012, 01:21:56 PM
11 min

There's another one... I'll update this when I remember what episode. Though it's not even the same season as that other pic, different cast.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on March 26, 2012, 07:37:33 PM
And im guessing the other desp scene is not with the humans?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on April 27, 2012, 01:24:21 AM
Wow...the dub really gutted out all the parts of the show we like.
Here's the English version to Let's Go Quintuplets.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: shadow on May 17, 2012, 12:08:24 PM

Zetman Episode 6 Has a girl wetting herself in fear. It happens at 5:00
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: banedon on May 21, 2012, 12:52:43 AM
Quote from: shadow on May 17, 2012, 12:08:24 PM

Zetman Episode 6 Has a girl wetting herself in fear. It happens at 5:00

Thanks for that. I'm a big fan of fear wettings, but very few get posted here these days. Always great to see one!
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: koyukoyu on May 28, 2012, 06:40:50 PM (

A slight desperation scene in A Channel ep 2, around 6:00. (

Also, desperation in Saki ep 25 around 3:45.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on June 17, 2012, 05:09:36 PM
Quote from: phunkyboy on December 07, 2011, 09:24:43 PM
I've heard that there is another scene of desperation in Atashin'chi, not the one that is already on the list. However, I can't find it on any video sights, if any one does find it it would be a great addition

Heres a desp scene in episode 190 07:20

Ps theres a whole lot of episodes on youku
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: terabyte3 on June 17, 2012, 09:09:02 PM
Happened across this on you-tube, no account required to view apparently. Not in english, but perhaps if someone recognizes it, it would hopefully only take a name to find an english sub-titled version.

Edit: It occurred to me to poke through the comments, where someone suggested it is Demon King Diamao.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on June 28, 2012, 05:13:30 PM
Shoukoujo The Animation ep2 - Starting at 3:20, a schoolgirl is forced to wear a diaper by her male tutor. A vibrating egg is placed against her vagina before the diaper is fastened. She has to endure some sexual torment in front of her mother while the tutor talks to her. She starts wetting herself at 6:20 when her mother is walking out the door. As soon as her mother is gone she totally wets herself, soaking through the diaper and leaving a big yellow puddle on the floor. Moments later, she starts peeing again when her tutor attempts to lick her clean. More wetting at 19:00 when a girl is forced to dress like a boy, go into a men's restroom and pee standing up. A drunk man is peeing next to her, which makes it even more embarrassing. She pulls down her pants a little and tries to pee in the urinal, but it goes EVERYWHERE. Her pants get wet, the floor gets wet, and the drunk notices she is a girl. She is saved from being raped when her tutor scares the drunk away. A still image of her peeing more successfully is shown at 25:55.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on July 13, 2012, 06:10:17 PM

Hagure Yuusha no Estetica 02 is out. Scene is during the second half.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: blackbird189 on July 17, 2012, 06:10:57 AM
Found some seens hope they haven't been posted yet

Needless 5  (16:28) Desperation
Needless 13 (11:30)  Fear wetting

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on July 23, 2012, 01:44:15 PM
Desperation scene in Sengoku Collection (Parallel World Samurai) Episode 15 – Annihilate Princess. Unfortunately does not result in wetting.

Begins at 9:52.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on September 14, 2012, 10:21:15 PM

At the end of this video, there seems to be a scene from an anime where the girl has to pee in the car.
Cannot identify, leaving it here for others to find.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: warrior21 on September 15, 2012, 02:52:04 AM
Quote from: MKFan200 on September 14, 2012, 10:21:15 PM

At the end of this video, there seems to be a scene from an anime where the girl has to pee in the car.
Cannot identify, leaving it here for others to find.

It's definitely from The Idolmaster based on the "tags" and the character designs of the purported desperate girl and the other girl seen briefly beside her.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on September 15, 2012, 09:09:29 AM
Quote from: MKFan200 on September 14, 2012, 10:21:15 PM

At the end of this video, there seems to be a scene from an anime where the girl has to pee in the car.
Cannot identify, leaving it here for others to find.

Completely unrelated actually.

Though while the video was loading I thought for sure it was going to be this scene, since it's the same VA.

They love throwing that line into im@s stuff.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on October 19, 2012, 11:22:54 AM
HNNNNGGG *grabs chest*

Hidamari Sketch Honeycomb ep3 - The school is doing a fire drill when Nazuna has to pee at 16:38. Nori is evacuating with the others when she catches Nazuna going the wrong way. When Nori asks what she is doing, Nazuna mumbles that she has to go to the bathroom, and even holds herself. Nori says they have to leave right away, and they have a short argument over it with Nazuna saying she doesn't know how long she will last if she doesn't use the bathroom. The scene ends with Nori winning the argument and dragging her away, and Nazuna telling her to "take responsibility" if "something" happens. At 18:06, the scene continues with all the students lined up outside the school. The girls are squatting down so they don't have to sit on the dirty ground, but Nazuna is seen squirming. Nori creates a diversion, saying the heat will make them feel sick, and Nazuna gets the idea to ask the school nurse to go inside. After this, it is presumed Nazuna was able to use the bathroom in time.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Lisk on October 19, 2012, 11:46:44 AM
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on October 19, 2012, 11:47:43 AM
Quote from: Lisk on October 19, 2012, 11:46:44 AM
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: warrior21 on October 19, 2012, 03:19:53 PM
Quote from: Serika on October 19, 2012, 11:47:43 AM
Quote from: Lisk on October 19, 2012, 11:46:44 AM
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: tenck5k on October 19, 2012, 07:50:27 PM
Quote from: Serika on October 19, 2012, 11:47:43 AM
Quote from: Lisk on October 19, 2012, 11:46:44 AM

If my Nutbladder hadn't long ago perished thanks to Hidamari Sketch, it would totally be feelin it right now.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on October 20, 2012, 04:22:00 PM
Quote from: Serika on October 19, 2012, 11:22:54 AM
Steve Czneriack?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Lisk on October 23, 2012, 12:58:12 PM
Oh, what was I thinking, it needs to be WIDE I_Ix!!
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on November 11, 2012, 11:56:00 PM
Just started watching Yuru Yuri and i am loving it. There's lots of scenes where a girl will excuse herself to use the bathroom, but i usually don't count those if she doesn't look particularly desperate and nothing else happens.

Yuri Yuri S2 ep4 - A VERY brief desperation scene at 5:30. Ayano is suffering from allergies and puts a gas mask on to avoid pollen. She excuses herself and goes to the bathroom, still wearing the mask. Akari is then shown running down the hallway. She bursts into the bathroom looking quite desperate and says "Toilet toilet!". Akari sees Ayano standing in front of the sink with her gas mask on. This scares the hell out of her, causing her to jump back and scream. She very easily could have had a fear wetting right there, but unfortunately the scene ends when she screams.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on November 15, 2012, 05:13:38 PM
Quote from: Serika on November 11, 2012, 11:56:00 PM
Just started watching Yuru Yuri and i am loving it. There's lots of scenes where a girl will excuse herself to use the bathroom, but i usually don't count those if she doesn't look particularly desperate and nothing else happens.

Yuri Yuri S2 ep4 - A VERY brief desperation scene at 5:30. Ayano is suffering from allergies and puts a gas mask on to avoid pollen. She excuses herself and goes to the bathroom, still wearing the mask. Akari is then shown running down the hallway. She bursts into the bathroom looking quite desperate and says "Toilet toilet!". Akari sees Ayano standing in front of the sink with her gas mask on. This scares the hell out of her, causing her to jump back and scream. She very easily could have had a fear wetting right there, but unfortunately the scene ends when she screams.

Yuru Yuri's too cute for such a thing
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on December 03, 2012, 07:47:15 AM
I probably should've checked the list before posting this, but hey.

Hagure Yusha no Estetica OVA 3 (
The girl with green hair gets her friend to try on some form of chasity-belt-type underwear, only for her friend, the red-head, to admit to needing to pee.  When the green-haired girl finds out, she goes into the bag she got the clothes from to get the keys only to realize that the keys are gone.  After a few moments of the red-head holding herself and the green-head calling out for help, the main guy shows up and offers to "save" her.  But instead of helping the red-head, he touches the green-head's ass and, I'm guessing through his own power, makes her have to pee too.  Both girls end up wetting themselves. I haven't watched this show nor do I know their names.  The link here leads to a RAW version, and you need to disable the Family Filter to see it, which may require you to make an account.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on December 03, 2012, 04:19:26 PM
Quote from: packrat on December 03, 2012, 07:47:15 AM
Hagure Yusha no Estetica OVA 3 (

I'm trying to find the exact episode and it looks like it might be a short bonus EP in the 3rd blu-ray disc. I'll know for sure when someone releases the torrent.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on December 16, 2012, 01:53:01 PM

Not sure the episode is out awareness to all my female desp amigos to keep an eye out.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on December 16, 2012, 04:24:38 PM
I came across that link last night, but it seems like it's some 5 minute anime that ONLY aired in a specific part in Japan, so you can't even find the raws of it.

If it gets some kind of DVD release, then maybe.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on December 16, 2012, 11:51:57 PM
Yeah I read that too (the part where its in a specific part of Japan...not last night you beat me to it)

I merely posted it to get awareness to everyone else.
Hopefully someone in that area of Japan will post it on Nicovideo...thats how we got the setuplet scenes anyway.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on December 17, 2012, 05:24:03 AM
I found this at least.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on December 24, 2012, 02:16:57 AM
It is obvious that we must place our hope in the glories that is the internet...
someone will appease our need eventually!

I hope...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on January 03, 2013, 02:58:20 PM
The show is currently being re-aired all across Japan now, 2 episodes per airing. I think it's once a week so 5 more weeks until ep 11.

Should be pretty easy to find once it airs.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on January 04, 2013, 04:56:34 PM
All in a matter of time...
damn...guess I actually go and do studies to pass the time.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: FallenStar on January 04, 2013, 05:11:51 PM
I swear, if I had the monies to make an anime, I'd love to make one of my RP characters in FD situations.  :lol:

I doubt anyone would watch it, though... it's so hard to actually RP those characters without really wrecking what it means to be a girl or a newhalf or... well, whatever...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on January 08, 2013, 06:19:59 PM
Quote from: FallenStar on January 04, 2013, 05:11:51 PM
I swear, if I had the monies to make an anime, I'd love to make one of my RP characters in FD situations.  :lol:

I doubt anyone would watch it, though... it's so hard to actually RP those characters without really wrecking what it means to be a girl or a newhalf or... well, whatever...

Eh, throw in some boobs, a harem, an average, hopeless romantic male main character in a high school setting and everyone will watch it...also it takes place in medieval times but then everyone acts like theyre from modern times. yeah. that.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on January 11, 2013, 10:00:56 AM
I don't know if this is on the list already or not (if it is, I apologize), but I found another desp scene to add.

Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Episode 2
The scene takes place around 17:35.  The main character and three girls get trapped in the equipment closet at school. The class rep (the small one) has to pee, but doesn't want to use her to powers to make a toilet and pee in front of the others.  Myuu (the pink-haired one) and the brown-haired girl try to convince her to go ahead and do it, but she refuses and starts crying because of how desperate she is.  Akatsuki (the guy) hears her crying and (on the premise of "helping" her) uses his powers to make the other girls desperate to pee as well. Wetting takes place around 20:20. He bites the small one's ear and all three pee at the same time, leaving large wet stains on the mat they are sitting on. When some one else comes to the door and frees them, the girls all run out, leaving the guy unconcious on top of some equipment. (Safe to say they beat him half to death over that.) This immediately followed by a shower scene with all three girls talking about the incident and vowing to get revenge.

You can wacth it here: (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Lisk on January 11, 2013, 11:19:47 AM
Akatsuki must be Rance's little brother.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on January 11, 2013, 04:05:06 PM
Quote from: packrat on January 11, 2013, 10:00:56 AM
I don't know if this is on the list already or not (if it is, I apologize), but I found another desp scene to add.

Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Episode 2
The scene takes place around 17:35.  The main character and three girls get trapped in the equipment closet at school. The class rep (the small one) has to pee, but doesn't want to use her to powers to make a toilet and pee in front of the others.  Myuu (the pink-haired one) and the brown-haired girl try to convince her to go ahead and do it, but she refuses and starts crying because of how desperate she is.  Akatsuki (the guy) hears her crying and (on the premise of "helping" her) uses his powers to make the other girls desperate to pee as well. Wetting takes place around 20:20. He bites the small one's ear and all three pee at the same time, leaving large wet stains on the mat they are sitting on. When some one else comes to the door and frees them, the girls all run out, leaving the guy unconcious on top of some equipment. (Safe to say they beat him half to death over that.) This immediately followed by a shower scene with all three girls talking about the incident and vowing to get revenge.

You can wacth it here: (
It's been posted already.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: theerut on January 17, 2013, 10:42:20 AM
short desperation 16:16

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on January 18, 2013, 08:20:29 AM
Quote from: theerut on January 17, 2013, 10:42:20 AM
short desperation 16:16

I think that's Sasami-san@Ganbaranai.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 19, 2013, 10:03:37 PM
I updated the .htm lists at the start of the topic and put Sasami-san in there. On the file i downloaded the whole scene started at 16:05.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on January 22, 2013, 09:33:39 PM
Quote from: Zenix on December 17, 2012, 05:24:03 AM
I found this at least.
You know I'm kind of worried that when this episode finally comes out, it will be a total let down.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 24, 2013, 06:05:44 PM
Hoooooo boy...
QuoteStarless ep3 - Barely 00:35 into the episode and we have a golden shower. A woman with blue hair and enormous breasts, who serves as a maid, is naked and chained down while a penis with an off-screen body urinates into her mouth. Another maid, slightly younger with brown hair and glasses, gets an enema at 01:00. She is filled to the limit until her belly begins to bulge, then is kicked in the stomach (at low force) by one of the mistress's daughters, causing her to scream and lose control of her bowels. The poor maid defecates off-screen, with a loud, messy splattering noise while the mistress of the house and the mistress's futanari daughter cover their mouths and watch in amusement and embarrassment. More defecation at 8:10 when the first maid is punished by the futanari daughter. Pool balls are shoved up her butt before the futanari fucks and spanks her. After the futanari cums inside of her, the maid starts releasing the balls. She starts moaning and pushing, which worries her mistress into telling her to take it easy or else... A loud splatter is heard as she craps herself off-screen. At 9:10, the mistress of the house makes two male slaves jizz and urinate into a wine glass, which she then drinks. The mistress, who is always constipated, then happily runs off to the bathroom when her stomach rumbles. Continue at 10:45 when the MC (a male slave) walks in on the woman while she is sitting on the toilet. She asks him to urinate in her ass to help her poop. After some regular sex, he complies and rams it in her butt, ejaculating, then urinating into her intestines. The woman screams in pleasure and then poops right in front of him, and it is implied the large, coiling log hits him in the face. The episode ends with the mistress walking away, leaving him the shitty job of cleaning up the mess.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 25, 2013, 10:38:13 PM

QuoteMouryou no Nie BAD END ep1 - At 4:50, a boy and two girls are wandering the halls of a ruined school at night when one of the girls says she has to pee. The little pink haired girl pulls down her panties and squats right in front of her friends, embarrassing the other girl. The others tell her to do it in the bathroom, and with a little protest she pulls her panties back up without relieving herself. As they part ways, the girl shivers and runs off to the bathroom. Moments later, this girl is shown peeing in a squat toilet. She sighs in relief when she is done, then gets raped by a tentacle monster.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on February 01, 2013, 03:48:46 PM
Sukunai is being good to me this season. :)

QuoteBoku Wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai NEXT ep4 - No peeing is actually shown, but at 14:00 Sena and Yozora are arguing about a roller coaster ride that they took earlier in the episode. They argue over which one of them was more scared, fighting as they always do. When Sena starts making fun of Yozora, Yozora gets mad and accuses Sena of "wetting herself a little bit". Sena blushes and starts to say "How did you know?!" before stopping herself, but she has already blown her secret. A view from behind Sena shows her sweating all over as Yozora asks "Wait, you really did?" showing that she was only kidding but accidentally uncovered the truth. Sena gets highly embarrassed and firmly denies wetting herself now.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on February 02, 2013, 11:10:25 AM
Da Capo III ep 5 11:20, short trapped in gym closet scene.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Ashitaka on February 07, 2013, 06:45:15 AM
A raw version of Hai Tai episode 11 is out. Is it a letdown? I'll let you make your own minds up.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on February 07, 2013, 07:48:15 PM
It was kind of was...oh well...that's been alot of desperation scenes for me lately.

Anyway I have some to post myself:
(Due to my inability to translate Chinese/Japanese, I will be unable to tell what is transpiring in each video as they are not subbed

Chibi Maruko:

Episode 408...I think: Maruko locks herself in the bathroom for whatever reason. Eventually she comes out because she becomes afraid. Her grandfather then goes in, and after he comes out (as well as talking for a few minutes) Maruko herself needs to pee. After using the bathroom, she becomes scared of something again and leaves.

Episode 30?: At 7:55, a girl wets herself, forcing Maruko and another guy to clean it up.

EPisode 5 (I am really not sure if these are the right episodes): At 8:51, Maruko has to pee, but first must accept an award. She has these outragous ways to do the potty dance that's for sure.

While I was searching on my quest to expand our library, I also found this korean thing, which I believe might be a wetting scene. Unable to locate link to place to watch it and am leaving it here in more capable hands.

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on February 07, 2013, 09:55:49 PM
Quote from: MKFan200 on February 07, 2013, 07:48:15 PMWhile I was searching on my quest to expand our library, I also found this korean thing, which I believe might be a wetting scene. Unable to locate link to place to watch it and am leaving it here in more capable hands.

This is Hitoriga. I don't know any good streaming sites but it's on the list if you want episode numbers and timestamps.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on March 31, 2013, 04:02:11 PM
This isn't going on the list but i'll mention it here. First episode of Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari talks about fear wetting a little. This scientist girl climbs inside a mech and has to fight someone a lot stronger than she is. The fight is so one sided that she says she is going to pee herself. You never find out what became of her pants though.

It's a Tenchi spinoff, the latest one, so it's all harem and fanservice after this.

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on April 04, 2013, 02:07:49 AM
There's a Korean anime called Hello Plums...there was a wetting scene in episode 5 of season 1.
If I am interrupting the plot premises correctly, I believe Plum's younger sister was told there was a monster in the bathroom and was afraid to go in. Her sister didn't bother to help her, and when she went to go and ask for help, she ran into another person and wet herself.
There seems to be another desperation scene in here, but the person who uploaded it has not uploaded part 2.

Scene starts a 4:45

In another episode (episode 10 season 1), Plum had her friend eat alot of Prunes and it's shown with her legs crossed at 6:15. No resolution is shown.

There's alot more desperation scenes in here, but it's related to taking dumps.

Episode 7 Season 1. 5:55
Episode 3 Season 2 10:04
Episode 1 Season 2 3:23

I can't help but feel that there might be more desperation scenes in this series. If you are interested to research, the show in Korean is labeled as 안녕 자두야.

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on April 09, 2013, 07:53:20 PM
Hen Zemi ep8 - Start at 9:24 when Hishiyasu walks into Anna's apartment with his camera rolling, as she instructed him to do a moment earlier. To his surprise, Anna is wearing a maid uniform and greets him with a "Welcome back, Master!" It looks like she is straining herself to do something while her head is bowed down. When nothing happens, she looks down at the dry floor and exclaims "It's not coming out!" When asked about it, we see a short flashback of her at the omorashi maid cafe where she works part time. She is shown in uniform, standing in a small puddle and quivering in embarrassment while some horny old men stare at her. Back at the apartment, Anna is too pee shy to wet herself in front of her friend.

Mouryou no Nie BAD END ep2 - 4:30, accidental peeing during a rape scene. A teenage girl is lightly fingered by a monster disguised as her boyfriend. She warns him that she will wet herself if he doesn't stop, and after peeing on the ground the monster teases her, "Wetting yourself at your age, eh?" Warning, this girl has blood on her from a rape in the previous episode. Pain wetting at 12:20. Another girl is restrained by some tentacles, which pull on her legs hard enough to hurt. We get a nice close up of her crotch as she wets her panties and pantyhose. Urethral insertion with this same girl at 19:05, and we can clearly see her bladder and the urine inside of it thanks to the X-ray view. The demon uses his tentacles to stretch out her urethra, causing her to leak, then says he will rape and impregnate her bladder. During this scene, he does ejaculate inside her bladder.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: koyukoyu on April 18, 2013, 04:19:42 PM
Fear wetting in Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge ep 3 about 16:00

Desperation in Kanamemo ep 6 about 12:00
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on May 11, 2013, 06:43:29 PM
The second Yuru Yuri drama CD has some desperation between Ayano and Kyouko. It's the old locked in a gym storage room cliché and Ayano needs to do the Ammoniac Boogaloo. Skip to 8:20 if you're only interested in that.

Not anime, but i don't know how else to file this. :p
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on May 15, 2013, 12:51:36 AM
So Tenshi no drop has its own anime now and the first episode is out. There is a wetting at about 5 min in (and probably implied at certan bits too)

(This is made by the same guy that done iinari aburation and 100cc alice)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: koyukoyu on May 15, 2013, 04:47:36 PM

Kanamemo ep 7 at 3:00. Haruka was thinking about girls who had to pee while stuck in a traffic jam
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on May 30, 2013, 07:14:23 PM
If i only had a brain i'd make an animated gif of this scene.

QuoteGarden The Animation ep1 - There seems to be some kind of surprise/fear/shock wetting at 15:55. A small girl named Ninjin is wandering around her older cousin's high school in order to find him and walk home together. Nobody sees her while she does this, but she follows her cousin to a club room and catches him having sex with another girl. She peeks in from the door and begins wetting her pants out of shock and jealousy. The camera pans down, focusing on her overalls. The fabric around her crotch is all dark and wet, with some of the wetness creeping down to her left knee. Dark yellow urine is also shown falling from her pants and making a large puddle on the floor. The puddle grows even larger as steam rises up from it. The gigantic puddle means she must have been absolutely bursting while walking around the school, but since she is a young loli it's possible that she didn't notice how full her bladder was until it was too late. We then cut to her uncle's house. Ninjin is standing outside the front door and talking to her father. Her overalls are still wet and she is crying. Fair warning, her uncle molests her after this.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on July 03, 2013, 01:12:40 AM
Two more scenes from Chibi Maruko

Episode 311
Maruko has to choose from using the bathroom, or seeing pandas because of long line.
Begins at 10:39
She resolves the the issue off screen
Episode 73
She eats something bad and presumbly has diarehha...but I can't tell...
Chinese sounds so weird in comparison to Japanese

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: burstingbadly on July 09, 2013, 03:56:53 PM
If i press the first link i get an error message :(?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on July 09, 2013, 08:32:37 PM
This link will replace the first link.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on July 26, 2013, 02:18:57 AM

Another of Atashin'chi...episode 126B

One at the beginning and one near the end.

Also the Hi Plums video got deleted so here's another link.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on August 05, 2013, 01:02:47 AM
Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS Episode 1 has a small desp scene where one of the characters needs to go to the toilet. Nothing really shown. Starts at 13:56
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on August 20, 2013, 05:57:10 PM
I knew there would be at least one good desperation scene in this show but i was hoping it would have been something else (;sa=item;id=3241). :p

Watamote (Watashi ga Motenai no wa do Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!) ep7 - Desperation and implied wetting at 12:25 when Tomoko is staying up late to use the internet. She seems to be reading online horror stories at three in the morning when she notices she has to pee. Tomoko says her bladder is at it's limit and she won't be able to hold it another 15 minutes, however she is too scared to go downstairs and use the bathroom by herself at this hour. She eyes an empty water bottle and goes to use it when a sudden sound gives her a jolt. She gives up on the idea and thinks of holding it another 30 minutes, but gives up just 3 minutes later and enters her brother's room to demand he escort her to the bathroom. After a short argument, Tomoko threatens to pee her pants right there and convinces her brother to come with her instead. She is then shown coming out of the bathroom, but asks her brother to wait a little longer so she can take a quick shower and change her panties. Her brother gasps and there is an AWKWARD silence for a few seconds before Tomoko admits she wet her pants a little.

Watamote - EP7 - Desperation, wetting - 12:25
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on August 27, 2013, 10:29:40 AM
is she peeing?, or... pooping?.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on August 27, 2013, 02:58:25 PM
Quote from: skirsk on August 27, 2013, 10:29:40 AM
is she peeing?, or... pooping?.

Just watched this a minute ago. I think she just needed to be alone for a few minutes so she could compose herself and not have a mental breakdown.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: warrior21 on September 01, 2013, 07:48:53 PM
Quote from: Serika on August 27, 2013, 02:58:25 PM
Quote from: skirsk on August 27, 2013, 10:29:40 AM
is she peeing?, or... pooping?.

Just watched this a minute ago. I think she just needed to be alone for a few minutes so she could compose herself and not have a mental breakdown.

As a fan of the manga, you are correct.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on September 02, 2013, 05:09:08 PM
Another one with Maruko...she seems to have alot of desperation in this series.

Episode 297

It lasts from about 10:14 till 17:30. There is no wetting, but alot of desperation...and it's real long too.
If anyone btw searches for any other scenes from this show, I highly recommend searching via Google Translate Chinese. It seems to be more popular there than Japan,

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on September 02, 2013, 06:14:52 PM
They probably just don't actively try to remove non-japanese uploads.

Speaking of which, here's the award scene in Japanese-

And here is ep 297, unfortunately this one is behind a paywall, so unless anyone has an account on FC2 and can rip this...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on September 05, 2013, 09:03:58 PM
Alright, the body swap desperation scene from the To Love Ru Darkness manga has an OVA episode now!

QuoteTo Love Ru Darkness OVA ep3 - Rito and Haruna swap bodies and the fun begins at 5:40. Haruna (in Rito's body) is sitting in class and has to pee, but she isn't comfortable with the thought of handling Rito's penis or looking at it. She is shown in her own body for a moment, which likely takes place inside her mind, and presses her legs together while lamenting about how bad she has to go. Haruna is then shown frightening a girl who comes out of the women's restroom because she is standing right outside the door while holding herself. Haruna makes up her mind to enter, but is stopped by Yui, who seems suspicious of a boy standing too close to the girl's bathroom. After a short conversation Yui gets confused and runs away, so it is assumed that Haruna is able to use the men's bathroom with no accidents. The scene continues when Rito (in Haruna's body) runs up to Momo and asks for help because he has to pee too. Momo tells him to use the girl's bathroom, but Rito protests that this is Haruna's body and he doesn't feel right about doing this. Momo then teasingly asks if he would rather wet himself, which convinces Rito to use the bathroom after all. The scene ends with Momo and Rito leaving the girl's bathroom, with Rito and Haruna both feeling sorry for each other.

Tearju is insanely hot and seeing her get fondled while teaching her class is amazing. :drool:
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on October 09, 2013, 03:34:26 PM
Any ideas on what this is?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on October 21, 2013, 12:29:38 AM
i found this!,
can anyone tell me what anime is this?.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: EnragedFilia on October 21, 2013, 07:44:44 AM
Quote from: skirsk on October 21, 2013, 12:29:38 AM
i found this!,
can anyone tell me what anime is this?.

According to the title (Mikoto "- used to diarrhea, diarrhea-accustomed to!" [DC Ⅲ Episode 9]) it's from Da Capo III (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on October 22, 2013, 05:28:36 AM
Quote from: EnragedFilia on October 21, 2013, 07:44:44 AM
Quote from: skirsk on October 21, 2013, 12:29:38 AM
i found this!,
can anyone tell me what anime is this?.

According to the title (Mikoto "- used to diarrhea, diarrhea-accustomed to!" [DC Ⅲ Episode 9]) it's from Da Capo III ( (

There are several scenes in which the pink-haired girl attempts to inflict diarrhea on another character, but ends up inflicting it on herself and having to run to the bathroom.  More so comedic than desperate.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Storm on October 22, 2013, 11:04:58 AM
Anybody recognize any of these? Especially the second one. Looks like she was desperate.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: EnragedFilia on October 22, 2013, 07:33:36 PM
Quote from: Storm on October 22, 2013, 11:04:58 AM
Anybody recognize any of these? Especially the second one. Looks like she was desperate.

The art style and uncensored genitals screams "90s hentai", but beyond that I don't recognize anything.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on November 01, 2013, 11:41:39 PM
in Like Mother Like Daughter  episode 1 the main character, "i can't remember..." is lying on her bed masturbating, when she orgasm  she urinates. 
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on November 02, 2013, 08:54:27 PM

Doctor Slump Remake episode 19. 5:38
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on November 12, 2013, 12:50:37 AM
A small bit of desp in galilei donna episode 5

At 5:37 the girl starts squirming then a min later she squirms some more then asks for the toilet.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Nightmare172 on November 12, 2013, 12:15:49 PM
There a desp scene in Watashi no Shiranai Mesu no Kao at the beginning:
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on November 12, 2013, 01:49:38 PM
Desperation in Yuyushiki.

Yuyushiki - EP5 - Desperation - 20:00

Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai - EP3 - Toilet use - 24:30

Also screens from what doa just posted.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Nightmare172 on November 20, 2013, 10:23:34 AM
Quote from: Nightmare172 on November 12, 2013, 12:15:49 PM
There a desp scene in Watashi no Shiranai Mesu no Kao at the beginning:

Oh, I forgot to add, there's another scene where the main girl wets herself in fear after a guy threatens to cut her clit off at 14: 25
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on January 01, 2014, 08:54:09 PM
here a scene from dream note- episode 1
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: warrior21 on January 02, 2014, 03:50:11 PM
Quote from: skirsk on January 01, 2014, 08:54:09 PM
here a scene from dream note- episode 1

Scene starts around 19:50...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Nightmare172 on January 02, 2014, 04:36:24 PM
I found some Oni Tensei wettings that aren't mentioned in the list

Episode two has a fear wetting at around 20: 40, and episodes 3 and 4 have orgasm peeing at around 3: 30 and 21: 30 respectively.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on January 05, 2014, 01:02:01 PM

About halfway in. This is the anime for Saikin Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiindaga, which is already in the manga list. It's even an added original scene and next week is the actual manga scene.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 11, 2014, 06:47:40 PM
Quote from: Zenix on January 05, 2014, 01:02:01 PMThis is the anime for Saikin Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiindaga, which is already in the manga list. It's even an added original scene and next week is the actual manga scene.

Okay, so far we have these two scenes.

Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga - EP1 - Desperation, toilet use - 15:35

Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga - EP2 - Desperation, wetting - 11:05, 14:35

We're all going to have to re-watch this once the uncensored BD rips come out though.

edit: 8th attempt trying to upload screenshot! FUUUUUUCK!!!!  *rant
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on January 14, 2014, 09:57:40 PM
here's a pee scene from amanee! episode 1. it starts at 6:01

here's another pee scene " i think..." from oni chichi 2 revenge. it's at 13:05

here's another pee scene but from. Kichiku- Haha Shimai Choukyou Nikki episode 1 it starts at 20:26
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 17, 2014, 09:00:56 PM
Episode 16 of Dr. Slump (the one with Akane dressed as Arale, already on the list) finally has english subs. New timestamp is 19:35.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on January 29, 2014, 02:10:08 PM
there's a brief  pee scene in the hentai called "vampire" episode 2.

the scene starts at 24:59

and also, there's a toilet scene in "seikou! lose a virgin for the first term" where a girl is seen squatting over a toilet.
no peeing is shown, but if you listen carefully you'll be able to hear it.

the scene starts at 8:52

here's a pee scene from "soredemo tsuma wo aishiteru" episode 1, the scene start's at 1:15 and, there's also a pooping scene at 16:30

in episode 2 a girl wet's herself at 7:54
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on January 31, 2014, 08:47:59 PM
here's a short pee scene from "Ane Koi" the scene start's at 10:33

there's a pee scene in "Soushisouai Note The Animation" episode 2 the scene starts at 9:58 there's also another one at 24:32
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on February 01, 2014, 02:27:58 PM
there's a pee scene in "Chu Shite Agechau Oshikake Onee-San No Seikou Chiryou" episode 1 the scene starts at 25:11

there's a pee scene in episode 2 it starts at 26:26
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on February 02, 2014, 11:27:45 AM
there's a pee scene in "Rinkan Club" episode 4, it starts at 13:37 and, here's another one  14:21   and another one at 15:26         there's also a poop scene that starts 23:28
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on February 06, 2014, 01:39:49 AM
there's a pee scene in "Yokujou Bazooka The Animation Episode 1" at  8:24
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on February 06, 2014, 07:27:54 PM
Quote from: MKFan200 on October 09, 2013, 03:34:26 PM
Any ideas on what this is?
I don't know the episode number but the anime is Jewelpet Happiness and the girl's name is Ruruka.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: TheCreeper on February 06, 2014, 11:14:41 PM
Quote from: Serika on February 06, 2014, 07:27:54 PM
Quote from: MKFan200 on October 09, 2013, 03:34:26 PM
Any ideas on what this is?
I don't know the episode number but the anime is Jewelpet Happiness and the girl's name is Ruruka.

Episode 4. It's not a real scene.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on February 19, 2014, 05:41:27 AM (

There's an extremely short desperation scene around 7:26.  Takeru Ohyama and Aki Nijou have been handcuffed together, and Aki needs to pee.  She starts squirming after a few seconds, then the tells Takeru that she needs a toilet.  The scene cuts to the two of them in the bathroom where Aki asks Takeru not to look.  Takeru agrees, but then she asks him not to listen either.  Takeru says it's impossible to do that with just one hand, and Aki humorously asks him to sing really loud so he can't hear her before admitting she can't hold it anymore.  Peeing occurs around 8:12.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on February 24, 2014, 12:30:25 AM
there's a pee scene. "i think" in "Bakunyuu Bomb episode 3" the scene starts at 10:41

there's also a pee scene in "Bakunyuu Bomb" episode 1 it starts at 15:05
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on March 05, 2014, 12:19:45 AM
theres a girl squatting over a toilet in "koikishi purely kiss" episode 1 the scene starts at 14:15
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on March 07, 2014, 04:46:42 PM
theres a enema scene in "G-SPOT express" episode 2 the scene starts at 14:29   and, the poop scene starts at  15:44

theres a poop scene in "the tales trilogy" episode 3 the scene starts at 16:57
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on March 07, 2014, 05:20:46 PM
theres a pee and farting scene in "panty flash teacher" episode 1 it starts at 15:31      theres another pee scene "i think..." in episode 2. it starts at 00:36
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on March 07, 2014, 05:55:33 PM
heres a toilet scene from "cosplay sex machine" episode 1, the scene starts at 13:20

theres a pee scene "kind of" in episode 2 that starts at 19:09
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on March 07, 2014, 06:51:23 PM
man!, i'm finding alot of these today huh?. anyway heres a pee scene from "koukai banjo the animation" episode 1 it starts at 10:36

heres a pee scene from "mouryou no nie" episode 1  the scene starts at 5:45

heres another pee scene from "mouryou no nie" episode 2 it starts at 4:41                  and, heres another one at 12:27
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on March 07, 2014, 09:46:06 PM
Updated the htm files on the first page with all the new entries from 2013.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: deaduser on March 30, 2014, 08:46:09 PM
It looks like Queen's Blade: Vanquished Queens episode 3 will have a wetting scene. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to have been uploaded to the internet as of yet. Some preview images can be seen here:
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: darklok on April 01, 2014, 09:28:39 PM
New episode of Watamote, and it has a new WETTING SCENE  :clap:
Here it is, hope you enjoy it ^^! (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on April 02, 2014, 02:12:25 AM
Quote from: darklok on April 01, 2014, 09:28:39 PM
New episode of Watamote, and it has a new WETTING SCENE  :clap:
Here it is, hope you enjoy it ^^! (
Well played.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: deaduser on April 26, 2014, 07:29:10 AM
It looks like somebody finally put up the 3rd episode of Vanquished Queens. Here ya go(Wetting occurs around the 15:00 mark):

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on May 30, 2014, 11:36:56 PM

Another from Chibi Maruko. Desperation at 20:27
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on June 11, 2014, 05:18:41 AM

Mangaka-san to Assistant-san  to has a desperation scene in the 10th episode.  The male lead an one of the girls get trapped in an elevator and the girl needs to pee.  After the girl freaks out for a moment, the guy convinces her to pee in a bottle.  When the girl gets ready to do so, however, the doors opened, and several of the other characters see the guy holding the girl while she has a bottle between her legs.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on June 12, 2014, 11:37:01 PM
Quote from: packrat on June 11, 2014, 05:18:41 AM

Mangaka-san to Assistant-san  to has a desperation scene in the 10th episode.  The male lead an one of the girls get trapped in an elevator and the girl needs to pee.  After the girl freaks out for a moment, the guy convinces her to pee in a bottle.  When the girl gets ready to do so, however, the doors opened, and several of the other characters see the guy holding the girl while she has a bottle between her legs.

I've been waiting for THIS scene. Let me just add my screencaps...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on July 15, 2014, 11:59:54 PM
While browsing Youtube in Korean, I found something. (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on August 06, 2014, 02:49:19 PM
Discotek just released the first 5 Dr. Slump movies and there's a lot of desperation in the second one.

Dr. Slump Space Adventure! -  Dr. Senbei takes Arale, Gatchan, Taro, Peasuke, and Akane with him in a spaceship in order to rescue Midori. The good doctor is talking to himself at 31:40 when the other passengers discover a design flaw in his ship. They run all over the place, checking every little compartment and closet until Senbei gets annoyed and asks what they are doing. Akane, Taro, and Peasuke all shout that they have to use the bathroom. Senbei tells them to hold it in, but then Arale says she has to poop, which is rather odd since she is a robot. It turns out Senbei forgot to install a toilet on this spaceship, and it's a loooong drive to the planet where Midori is being held prisoner. Everyone can pretty much tell he forgot the plumbing when Senbei announces that they are making an emergency landing on the nearest planet. They land on some abandoned world that looks like a moon and everyone runs off to take a huge piss. Crisis averted, but this becomes a running joke for the rest of the movie. They are seen making another pit stop at 46:40 when Akane says "I'm really in trouble!" At the very end of the movie, when they rescue Midori and head back home, they are given a toilet and 30 rolls of toilet paper as a gift from the King and Queen of that planet.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on August 28, 2014, 04:15:56 PM
Kiss x Sis OAD 10 ( is out. It's not that good of a scene, but Mikuni has to pee at 16:30 and tries to sneak out of the public bath to avoid getting teased by Riko. She forgets all about it when she falls back into the water with Keita and it is not mentioned again. It gets pretty funny when Mikuni squeezes some air out of Keita, and when the bubbles reach the surface the others accuse her of farting in the bath.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: deaduser on October 13, 2014, 06:46:18 AM
There's a fear wetting in Terra Formars episode 3. It's one of the few things that didn't get butchered by the censors.

Link: (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Ashitaka on October 14, 2014, 04:58:05 PM
Trinity Seven episode 2.

Desperation from 09:55 to 13:05.

Don't have a link, sorry.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: warrior21 on October 14, 2014, 09:19:21 PM (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on October 16, 2014, 05:47:33 PM
Great scenes, both of them. Terra Formars is the beginning of the episode btw. I've made a stitch and a collage of them.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on October 19, 2014, 12:40:58 AM
Theres a small fear wetting in Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo Episode 3 about 18 min in

Its a mecha anime with lots of gore. The protagonist is traumatised fighting the enemies that are killing people and wets herself when she is caught by one of the monsters.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on October 21, 2014, 03:49:23 PM
Queens Blade Vanquished Queens OVA ep4 - There is a sort of pain wetting at 12:05 when Aldra is spanked. Aldra has already been given an aphrodisiac that makes her entire body super sensitive as her former subordinates abuse and humiliate her. She apologizes for her past misdeeds while being spanked, but a final HARD slap across her delicious plump ass causes the dam to break. Her full body is only on screen for a second, but you can see the urine coming out of her panties and flowing down her inner thigh before it trickles from her knee off to the floor, where there is a large puddle between her feet. It is not explained if Aldra wet herself because it hurt or because it felt good./spoilers

Damn flickering light from her spanking covers her panties for the split second they are on screen, and now my stich looks like crap. :/
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Rainyday on November 01, 2014, 01:57:29 AM
Crossposting here just in case any plebeians only read this thread and ignore the manga thread:

Quote from: Rainyday on November 01, 2014, 01:56:09 AM
After a lot of hard work that I'm really thankful for, Kirito's finished a working version of the database: (

At the time of writing the manga database still needs to be imported, but feel free to start making accounts (which I think is optional) and adding scenes to the anime list.

Not all the features are present yet (I've requested some changes to the manga list parameters), and any feedback on usability is welcome.
I think Kirito deserves a break for a day or two though, so we'll leave that for now and focus on the anime list for now.

Hopefully the scene submission list doesn't look too overwhelming: the only three mandatory parameters at the moment are title/episode/scene start , but of course more detail is always helpful.

EDIT: Whoops I didn't notice that you can't make your own account.
Guests can submit entries but if you want a member/moderator position on the list, give me your email here (Or message it to me) and I'll create an account for you.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: deaduser on November 04, 2014, 11:04:52 AM
Fear wetting in episode 5 of Grisaia no Kajitsu around the 12:40 mark. (

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on December 26, 2014, 03:16:21 AM
Another episode of something in Korea. (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: tenck5k on December 30, 2014, 03:33:57 PM
Quote from: deaduser on November 04, 2014, 11:04:52 AM
Fear wetting in episode 5 of Grisaia no Kajitsu around the 12:40 mark. (


Episode 13 of this also has a thing. I'll use the same website for simplicity: (
Same girl is part of hostage situation, heads to the bathroom, but trips and knocks herself out at around 12:45.
At about 13:55 she ends up wetting at her desk. Finally, at about 18:40 she wakes up and reacts.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on December 30, 2014, 07:13:54 PM
Mama Loves the Poyopoyo-Saurus ep 33, 5:45
A mother is watching her son's judo practice and needs to pee, but doesn't want to leave, lasts about 2 minutes. (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: db1346 on February 08, 2015, 11:07:36 AM
Haven't seen this one on the list or in this thread...

Battle Girls: Time Paradox - Episode 5 (

Series plot is a modern day school girl (Yoshino Hide, though she goes by Hideyoshi in the new world) finds herself accidentally taken through space time to a parallel world in feudal Japan and the various adventures that she has there, for some reason there are no men in this world.

Episode plot is while out hawk hunting their hawk chases a rabbit into a dense forest and everyone goes in to find the hawk. While in there they encounter a group of dead samurai and a living person (Masamune date) with 100 lit candles. Group tries to leave the area but can't. They have to tell stories to impress the dead to extinguish all the candles. Only then will they be able to leave. The stories that satisfy the dead are scary ones.

One of the group (Mitsuhide Akechi) starts freaking out because of the scary nature of the stories and the group ties her up to calm her down. They untie her briefly so that she can tell a story, but she scares herself and has to be tied up again. The lord who Yoshino is serving (Nobunaga Oda) tells a story, with some prompting from Yoshino, that successfully extinguishes all the remaining candles.

Having gotten the blessing from the dead samurai Yoshino heads over Mitsuhide to release her only to find that she has wet herself. Yoshino then runs off crying "me too". Then the group exits the forest and Mitsuhide is seen carrying her shorts on a branch with her head down.

Scene starts at about 20 minute mark and runs for about 35 seconds.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on February 19, 2015, 05:41:53 AM (

death parade episode 6 has a desp/implied wetting at about 15:05
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: theerut on March 02, 2015, 09:40:51 PM (

Kamisama Hajimemashita S2 Ep 7    11:13 - 11:32 , 12:48
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on March 11, 2015, 11:26:21 PM
The Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi OVA has a scene where Chinatsu spills tea all over her skirt and Yui thinks she wet herself. Kind of amusing even if it doesn't go on the list in the end.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: drew34 on March 19, 2015, 06:27:36 AM (

Another fear wetting in Cross Ange, Episode 23, around 20:00 into the episode (

And a third fear wetting from Grisaia no Kajitsu, around 14:00 into Episode 7.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: darklok on April 01, 2015, 09:53:29 PM
Well, I'm surprised that nobody have post this one...
On the most recent OVA of Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Boku-tachi wa Mada Shiranai there is an interesting Desperation scene that you may like ;3.
Here it is, at around at around 1:29. (

Enjoy :3.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: warrior21 on April 01, 2015, 10:51:57 PM
Quote from: darklok on April 01, 2015, 09:53:29 PM
Well, I'm surprised that nobody have post this one...
On the most recent OVA of Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Boku-tachi wa Mada Shiranai there is an interesting Desperation scene that you may like ;3.
Here it is, at around at around 1:29. (

Enjoy :3.

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on April 03, 2015, 10:46:40 PM
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on April 04, 2015, 09:20:33 PM
Plastic Memories, Episode 1, very end (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: darklok on April 05, 2015, 01:34:32 AM
Quote from: 3digimon on December 08, 2011, 11:31:48 PM
Quote from: phunkyboy on December 07, 2011, 09:34:19 PM
Also isn't there a wetting scene in doraemon, which episode is it?

There's 3 wettings actually. And I found two of them. But all of them were male wetting

"Spy War About Top Secret"  Suneo was asleep earlier, then later on he just wets himself out of nowhere for the mother to yell at.

"Air Diamonds manufacturing machine"  Nobita was climbing some crystal blocks up in the sky enjoying himself. Then he says is wants to go to the toilet when the crystals were disappearing causing him to hang on for life. When he starts to fall, Doraemon saves his life and starts peeing on him. His wetting part was like rain, even a drop on that old man's head. Funny

The third one is with Nobita being desperate for bathroom while talking to Setsuka, then Doraemon flies towards Nobita from the back to surprise him and pat his back, which caused his bladder to explode and he wets his shorts in front of Setsuka and Doraemon and then he cries.

I'm still looking for that episode and it's so hard to find, yet to me it's the best one above the other two. I only found the scene from the youtube video that was banned earlier: Anime Pee Pt. 10

Well, this is a little bit late but I just found the last scene you mentioned :V.
I know it's not female, but because this scene has been on my mind since the videos "Anime Pee" were taken out from youtube... I think it's good to put it here xD.
Anyways, here it is: (

P.S: No, this time is not a joke xD.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: darklok on May 31, 2015, 01:52:48 AM
I haven't seen this one around here sooo... Here it is xD.
It is tecnically an anime... (an animation... from japan :lol: ) (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on June 02, 2015, 02:12:00 AM
Seen it.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: warrior21 on July 04, 2015, 01:29:58 PM
I just wanted to make people aware that apparently Esper Mami, which has like 5-6 episodes listed in this topic's mega list, is apparently getting fully subbed over on anilinks.

Here's one episode on our list which is already subbed, episode 17, timestamp 11:15 (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on July 07, 2015, 12:09:08 AM
i found... this... (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on July 09, 2015, 12:01:08 AM
Grisaia no Rakuen Episode 10 has a small desp/implied wetting scene in it.

Michiru Matsushima (blond haired tsundere) is in a diving suit from the previous episode and wante to get out, however it is locked from the outside and another person has to cut her out with a grinder. eventually the head part comes off. While the other characters are celebrating feeing her head she is showing several faces of desperation untill she makes a face of relief. (

1st scene about 3:50 then the seond scene is at about 8:40
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on July 11, 2015, 12:32:47 AM
well, "prison school" the anime came out.

its at here, 22:43 (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: EnragedFilia on July 13, 2015, 04:35:22 PM
Somebody should probably point out that's just part of the scene, and the rest of it will be in next week's episode. And that it's going to be just as censored and show even less than the manga did.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on August 07, 2015, 08:05:39 PM
Honestly don't know if this is pee or poop desperation. There is a VERY short scene in episode 8 of Trouble Chocolate near the start of the episode. The main male character is sleeping on the toilet and everyone outside is waiting to use it. The top subtitle isn't coming from the girls, it's from a boy who lives with them who is running around off screen.

Terrible anime series overall. I'd give it a 2/10.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on August 08, 2015, 01:18:01 AM
My expectations were already low at the title.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on August 19, 2015, 12:21:10 AM
I found from this page of Shoutry, which shows in the 1974 anime of Song of the Ladybug, there was in fact a wetting scene. (

However, I do not know how any of us could go about acquiring it.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: skirsk on August 23, 2015, 02:45:33 AM
their is a desperation scene in. Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai episode 8

it's at 14:04 (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on August 23, 2015, 06:25:30 PM
Ore Twintails ni Narimasu ep11 has a good scene involving a girl and a boy who has been transformed into a girl. This show is fucking funny.

QuoteOre Twintails ni Narimasu ep11 - Souji has been transformed into a girl, not just for his usual Tail Red form but a real, actual girl, and now he can't change back. He is still in his house after getting out of bed and talking about it with his friends at the beginning of the episode. Souji starts wiggling and squirming and holding himself around 1:35, looking terribly uncomfortable while they search for answers. Aika asks him what his problem is and he tells her he has to pee, and has been holding it for a while now. Aika scolds him and tells him to hurry up and pee, and says holding it in isn't good for him. Souji then admits he isn't quite sure how to pee as a girl. Twoearle gets turned on by this and offers Souji a super diuretic to make him have an accident right away, but is then punished by Aika for being a pervert. Erina, who is a huge masochist that gets turned on by pain and humiliation, drinks the diuretic so that she can be just as desperate to pee as Souji is. It hits her right away and she fidgets from having to pee so bad, but she admits that she actually likes this feeling and is enjoying herself. The others get weirded out by this and Aika takes Souji to the bathroom to help him pee. This leaves Erina desperate without a toilet. Her maid says she can get a portable toilet delivered in 20 seconds, but Erina says she will only last 10. The scene then abruptly cuts out and it is left totally ambiguous whether or not Erina pees her pants. Souji makes it to the bathroom in time.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on August 25, 2015, 11:51:31 PM
This scene's been out for awhile, I'm surprised it just made it here now.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on August 26, 2015, 10:06:59 AM
Quote from: MKFan200 on August 25, 2015, 11:51:31 PM
This scene's been out for awhile, I'm surprised it just made it here now.

I didn't catch the series while it was airing so i waited for Coalgirls to release the BD version.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Newp on August 26, 2015, 06:35:55 PM
Quote from: Serika on August 26, 2015, 10:06:59 AM
Quote from: MKFan200 on August 25, 2015, 11:51:31 PM
This scene's been out for awhile, I'm surprised it just made it here now.

I didn't catch the series while it was airing so i waited for Coalgirls to release the BD version.

Nice, thanks for the heads up. Was interested when it first aired, but Funi/CR did such a shitty job that I had to drop it.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on September 10, 2015, 01:14:28 PM
Quote from: Zenix on April 08, 2011, 06:26:16 PM
That seems to be something called Jedong Goes to School, it's some Korean cartoon that aired years ago. I don't think we'll be finding that one... ever.
So remember how you said we'd never find it.

We were wrong. (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: darklok on September 20, 2015, 11:58:36 AM
Quote from: MKFan200 on September 10, 2015, 01:14:28 PM
Quote from: Zenix on April 08, 2011, 06:26:16 PM
That seems to be something called Jedong Goes to School, it's some Korean cartoon that aired years ago. I don't think we'll be finding that one... ever.
So remember how you said we'd never find it.

We were wrong. (
OMG... I though that that was a picture that I would never ever find again... And there is the link to the episode 0_0...
Dreams does come true ;_;....... xD
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on October 15, 2015, 01:01:44 PM
Found another one that just recently came to Nicodouga (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on November 09, 2015, 11:05:39 PM
Desperation in today's episode of Yuru Yuri.

QuoteYuru Yuri S3 ep6 - Akari and her friends are sitting around a table at Yui's apartment and are about to have dinner when a bad storm knocks the power out. The entire house is pitch black and no one can see anything. Yui tells everyone not to move because it's dangerous and at 16:25 Akari says that she has to go to the bathroom but decides to hold it. You can just barely see her standing up and squirming around while holding herself. Akari sits back down but the power doesn't come back on anytime soon. You can see her a little better as she sits behind the table, squirming and moaning with a serious look on her face. She finally stands up again and says she can't hold it anymore, and knocks her head against the wall before even making it a few feet away from the table. Akari is left with an odango (her hair buns) sized lump on her head. She makes it back to the table where Chinatsu pets one of her hair buns thinking it's the bump on her head, and at this point seems to forget all about having to pee. They spend the rest of the episode talking and messing around in the dark until the power finally comes back on at the end. At 21:55 Chinatsu asks Akari if she ever actually went to the bathroom, to which Akari replies with a surprised grunt, like she just now remembers that she has to pee.

Yuru Yuri S3 - EP6 - Desperation - 16:25, 21,55

>Dat quiet moaning
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on November 18, 2015, 07:27:56 PM
Found some desperation in the second episode of 洲崎西 THE ANIMATION (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on November 30, 2015, 02:54:07 PM
More Yuru Yuri, but this time it's just a short scene that doesn't really go anywhere. Chitose is talking about what her twin sister Chizuru used to be like during a flashback. Chizuru wakes her up at night because she has to pee and doesn't want to wander the halls by herself, so Chitose has to escort her and stand guard outside. No explicit nudity or visible urine but Chizuru is shown squatting over a floor toilet for a moment. They are both little kids during this flashback so it's more of an "aww how cute" moment.

Yuru Yuri S3 - EP9 - Desperation, toilet use - 18:00
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on December 07, 2015, 07:59:05 PM
Another short scene where Akari has to pee. She asks to use the bathroom and leaves without incident.

Yuru Yuri S3 - EP10 - Desperation - 7:20
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on December 11, 2015, 11:24:05 AM
QuoteChicchana Onaka Naisho Desu Yo ep1 - The episode begins with a young girl on a train who is urgently awaiting her stop because she desperately has to pee. She thinks to herself that she drank way too much tea earlier and she has to be patient until she can get off. Her teacher gets on at this point and says hello, and even though Konoka likes him she regrets having to talk to him while she has to pee so bad. The teacher notices that Konoka is fidgeting and looks nervous but can't guess why, and Konoka doesn't want to admit to holding it in either. The train then fills to the brim with passengers. Konoka is pushed up against the door with her teacher's knee jammed in her crotch, pushing on her full bladder. It becomes an emergency for her, and even though she does her best to hold it in she wets herself when the train hits a sudden bump and shakes. The pressure is too much for her and she pees her panties all over her teacher's knee. The scene then moves to a public bathroom where the teacher is cleaning her up, and Konoka is so embarrassed that she is crying.

Chicchana Onaka Naisho Desu Yo - EP1 - Desperation, wetting - Start of episode
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on February 10, 2016, 12:25:33 PM
Now for some scenes that are hardly even worth the mention.

1. Colosseum no Senki Another Story ep2 - A girl loses control of her bladder and pees on the ground due to her captors using clit torture on her.

2. Cutie Honey (1973 series) ep10 - One of the ugly old teachers wets herself in a comical way after Honey tells a scary story. Honey just stares at her teacher with a dumbfounded look on her face when this happens.

3. Idol Defense Force Hummingbird ep2 - Some idols are kidnapped and tied up in a warehouse to keep them from performing. They are wearing costumes, kigurumi, and the girl in the frog suit complains that she has to pee. No further mention is made of it and they are freed without incident.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on February 21, 2016, 01:46:58 AM
anime desperation doesnt seem so common anymore. I guess it was never was, but its been too long since ive seen anything new...except for this...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Paytonzane on February 21, 2016, 10:01:20 PM
Quote from: knuclear200x on February 21, 2016, 01:46:58 AM
anime desperation doesnt seem so common anymore. I guess it was never was, but its been too long since ive seen anything new...except for this...
Can you provide a timestamp for this scene? I sorta skimmed that three episode marathon I found with a quick google and didn't see anything.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Sligger112 on February 23, 2016, 08:39:13 AM
Quote from: Paytonzane on February 21, 2016, 10:01:20 PM
Quote from: knuclear200x on February 21, 2016, 01:46:58 AM
anime desperation doesnt seem so common anymore. I guess it was never was, but its been too long since ive seen anything new...except for this...
Can you provide a timestamp for this scene? I sorta skimmed that three episode marathon I found with a quick google and didn't see anything.

Found it. Ep1: If we assume your episode is 29:40 long, then you'll find it a bit after 05:50. It doesn't seem to have any context and is really short.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on March 06, 2016, 09:59:01 AM
Leaving a note here because i intend to check on something later. Apparently, "KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!" episode 8 is a desperation themed episode.

(You know something funny is going on when you check Pixiv and there's a dozen new FD fanarts of the same girl, lol...)

QuoteKono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! ep8 - A party of adventurers is staying the night at a haunted house to remove the ghosts that inhabit it. Starting at 14:30, the only male in this party, Kazuma, wakes up in the middle of the night to take a piss and soon finds himself surrounded by ghostly floating dolls, so he runs into Aqua's room and finds Megumin waiting there instead. Kazuma says he nearly pissed himself in fright, to which Megumin holds herself and says that's her line. Megumin reveals that she also has to pee and is too scared to go by herself, squirming on the bed as she does so. Kazuma is about to whip it out and take a wizz off the veranda when Megumin stops him by grabbing his sleeve, and basically says that if she has to hold it in then so does he. A struggle between them ensues and Kazuma tells Megumin to pee in an empty bottle. Megumin finds the idea outrageous and says that if Kazuma starts peeing somewhere she is going to shake him from behind and sabotage him like that. Just then, the ghost dolls reappear in the bedroom and chase them out. Megumin is shown sitting on a toilet in the next scene with Kazuma doing a peepee dance outside. They argue back and forth with Megumin complaining that she can't go while being pressured like this. The ghosts then show up again. Kazuma breaks down the door and takes Megumin and runs, leaving her panties behind. Megumin was only able to empty half her bladder, and despite still having to go STILL insists that she never does gross things like pee. This is a pretty fun scene, but it ends rather abruptly when Aqua finally gets rid of all the ghosts.

Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! - EP8 - Desperation - 14:30
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Paytonzane on March 06, 2016, 03:21:54 PM
I'm sure you'll want to give it a look, but to summarize the episode Serika is referring to. The first half is the main character and an ally of his meeting a character they already met once, and messing around the later's shop while learning a new skill. The second half is a quest to exorcise a mansion, and during this the main character (male) and another of his party members (female) get scared by floating creepy dolls and have to use the bathroom. The girl ends up making it after a bit, the boy holds it longer but eventually the first party member manages to cleanse the spirits out. Any further issues the male or female had with their bladders is taken care of offscreen.

(Unrelated note: I'd love to see some of that Pixiv art. :U)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on March 06, 2016, 04:33:24 PM
I see. Well, as long as there's at least SOME screentime with a desperate girl it'll be worth watching.

Here are the pics. (!&abt=y) You need an account to see R-18 stuff but that's not too hard.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: jager on March 22, 2016, 09:49:23 AM
Queen's Blade: Grimoire - OVA 01: fear wetting, scene start from about 20:00

sorry no screens
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: banedon on March 26, 2016, 02:12:36 AM
Quote from: jager on March 22, 2016, 09:49:23 AM
Queen's Blade: Grimoire - OVA 01: fear wetting, scene start from about 20:00

sorry no screens

Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm a big fan of fear wettings in anime, but I find them very difficult to locate on my own (I dont watch much recreationally) and they very rarely get shared here. I really appreciate it you posting this.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: jager on March 27, 2016, 09:59:07 AM
Quote from: banedon on March 26, 2016, 02:12:36 AM
Quote from: jager on March 22, 2016, 09:49:23 AM
Queen's Blade: Grimoire - OVA 01: fear wetting, scene start from about 20:00

sorry no screens

Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm a big fan of fear wettings in anime, but I find them very difficult to locate on my own (I dont watch much recreationally) and they very rarely get shared here. I really appreciate it you posting this.

Probably that source will help you: ( This blog abit lagging to enter normally, but my link should work ok.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on April 06, 2016, 08:42:57 PM
Found another short scene in Tenshi ni Narumon episode 20. Noelle tries to make a giant pudding and refuses to leave until it's done, and everyone else in the main cast stands guard too. It takes a long time and there's this one shot from behind at around 16 minutes where everyone is holding their crotch. The big guy says what the subs in the screenshot say, and the wife (far right) whines that it's not good for her body to hold it in so long.

5 girls to 3 dudes, that's not so bad. :p
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on May 09, 2016, 10:46:22 PM
I never thought i'd see the day!

QuoteSailor Moon Crystal ep32 - Usagi accompanies Chibi-usa to Hotaru's room and ends up being the first to need a bathroom when their hostess serves cookies and tea. The girls are enjoying their little tea party when Usagi is shown looking very nervous and uncomfortable. Chibi-usa looks over and asks what's wrong when she sees her squirming. The camera cuts to Usagi's empty tea cup as she stutters and begins to ask Hotaru where the bathroom is. Hotaru gives her directions and Usagi literally runs off after thanking her. Chibi-usa then watches her run down the hallway and mentions how embarrassing that was to Hotaru. Usagi is later shown washing her hands and it is presumed she made it on time.

Sailor Moon Crystal - EP32 - Desperation - 12:20
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on May 10, 2016, 07:00:20 PM
Found a scene online. I don't know if we have this posted. (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: panqila on June 27, 2016, 09:43:47 PM
miami guns episode 6, 11min, a short desp scene
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: panqila on July 10, 2016, 09:20:39 PM
Alderamin on the Sky ep01 22:20, implicit outdoor pee

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: panqila on July 20, 2016, 12:20:25 AM
Does anybody know the details of this pic?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: dallas3532 on July 20, 2016, 12:25:24 PM
Quote from: panqila on July 20, 2016, 12:20:25 AM
Does anybody know the details of this pic?

Naoko No Tropic Angel, scene starts at 16:35
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: panqila on July 20, 2016, 09:57:21 PM
Quote from: dallas3532 on July 20, 2016, 12:25:24 PM
Quote from: panqila on July 20, 2016, 12:20:25 AM
Does anybody know the details of this pic?

Naoko No Tropic Angel, scene starts at 16:35
Thank you.
kigurumikku v3, 8:40, a little desp, she went to the toilet later
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on July 21, 2016, 10:01:25 PM
Quote from: dallas3532 on July 20, 2016, 12:25:24 PM
Quote from: panqila on July 20, 2016, 12:20:25 AM
Does anybody know the details of this pic?

Naoko No Tropic Angel, scene starts at 16:35
Where could you watch this?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Lisk on July 22, 2016, 08:30:34 AM
Quote from: MKFan200 on July 21, 2016, 10:01:25 PM
Quote from: dallas3532 on July 20, 2016, 12:25:24 PM
Quote from: panqila on July 20, 2016, 12:20:25 AM
Does anybody know the details of this pic?

Naoko No Tropic Angel, scene starts at 16:35
Where could you watch this?

Naoko only:

Biiiiig collection of ancient hentai:

Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Zenix on September 23, 2016, 03:13:01 AM
Masou Gakuen HxH - Episode 12
Scene at the beginning of the episode continuing after the opening credits.

Prisma Illya 3rei!! - Episode 5
Starts around 9:30, adaptation of the scene from the manga.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: panqila on December 14, 2016, 07:30:53 PM
shuang sheng ling tan, ep01, 00:30 (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on January 03, 2017, 05:34:43 PM
Quote from: panqila on December 14, 2016, 07:30:53 PM
shuang sheng ling tan, ep01, 00:30 (

Your link got removed.  Here's a better one. (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: packrat on January 26, 2017, 05:34:50 PM
Sorry for the double posts.  Found another one.

Demi-chan wa Kataritai Episode 2 (

Short desperation scene about a female dullahan who's head is separated from her body.  Scene is around the 17:20 mark and ends around 19:18.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on January 28, 2017, 02:03:11 PM
just want to let you guys know im helping run a wiki that focuses on peeing scenes in movies and even anime. I probably can't link to it here, but we do intend to use the threads here as a credited just a heads up

EDIT: never mind, patches said no s0 ill just do a coppermine
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 30, 2017, 05:13:50 PM
I finally got the htm files ( updated... for the first time since early 2014. Added everything from Cross Ange to Demi-chan.

Prisma Illya, Masou Gakuen, and Demi-chan were all awesome scenes btw. :drool:
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on February 17, 2017, 09:45:20 PM
Found an interesting gif on 2chan a minute ago. Put it through saucenao and it gave me the following lead.

Chaos;Child - 6
TV Series (2017) - 12 Episodes
EPName: Episode 6
Est Time: 00:18:47 / 00:23:40

I'll download this episode and check it out later...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: burstingbadly on February 21, 2017, 01:24:46 PM
Does anyone have live links to the downloads posted earlier in this topic?
i had them but suffered a hard drive crash :(
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: tenck5k on February 22, 2017, 09:20:55 AM
Quote from: Serika on February 17, 2017, 09:45:20 PM
Found an interesting gif on 2chan a minute ago. Put it through saucenao and it gave me the following lead.

Chaos;Child - 6
TV Series (2017) - 12 Episodes
EPName: Episode 6
Est Time: 00:18:47 / 00:23:40

I'll download this episode and check it out later...

That timestamp seems to be a flashback. Looks like the clip in question is actually at around 17:15 of the previous episode.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on March 03, 2017, 02:46:29 PM
Lots of bedwetting in Ai Mai Mii: Surgical Friends episode 8. These are short episodes, only 3 minutes long. Odd story about an alien wolf who comes by at night to collect Mai's urine for medical research on his homeworld.

Quote from: tenck5k on February 22, 2017, 09:20:55 AMThat timestamp seems to be a flashback. Looks like the clip in question is actually at around 17:15 of the previous episode.

You're right. Not a bad fear wetting overall, but as a stranger to this anime all the characters strike me as incredibly cowardly and ridiculously whiny, lol...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: rinatro on March 03, 2017, 07:49:56 PM
There is a short desperation scene in Hand Shakers Episode 2... it's literally the first scene after the OP once you start the episode (2:40) and goes for about a minute.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: panqila on April 19, 2017, 09:16:19 PM
Alice to Zouroku 03, toilet scene at 15:20
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Relo on April 23, 2017, 11:39:31 AM
Alice to Zouroku 04 8:40. Fear/drugged wetting after gotten kidnapped from a toilet.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Deivizinho on May 25, 2017, 09:48:20 PM
Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism episode 8, minute 17:03. A girl is at the nursery desperate to go, but she can't. At the end you understand that she peed at a bucket.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: darklok on June 08, 2017, 12:36:39 AM
I don't really know what is going on here, but I found something!
I think the anime is called Ai Mai Mi, but that's as much as I could gather. Not sure if there are more scenes in other episodes or not.

Here is a scene. (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on August 07, 2017, 09:42:56 AM
Found a desp scene in tenshi no 3p angel episode 5. (

The scene is about 14.15 into the video.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: knuclear200x on August 14, 2017, 07:32:29 PM
just discovered a thing called boku dake no hentai kanojo, theres 3 peeing scenes in it (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on September 17, 2017, 09:21:15 PM
18if - EP9 - Desperation, fear wetting - 7:20

Interesting story about a mistreated idol with magic powers. She puts all her former co-workers in pink leotards and threatens them into this hellish ballet training regimen. One of the girls says she has to pee and the instructor tells her that top rate idols never go to the bathroom. Girl complains she can't hold it anymore, instructor punishes her for talking back by trying to set her crotch on fire, girl gets scared and wets herself before the smoke can turn into fire and gets teased for it.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: markurinerj on September 19, 2017, 10:57:30 PM
Trying to download the file but it keeps redirecting me to the front page.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on October 13, 2017, 12:05:13 AM
I don't know the name of this anime; but there is a desperation scene at about 11:40. The final episode on this show is about bed wetting. (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: darklok on October 18, 2017, 12:25:01 AM
I don't think this was shown here, but there is a small bedwetting scene in Made in Abyss, ep 7. It starts at around 15:00.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Delirio91 on December 11, 2017, 08:42:57 AM

DO you know from which anime this image is from?
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on December 11, 2017, 10:56:36 AM
Quote from: Delirio91 on December 11, 2017, 08:42:57 AM
DO you know from which anime this image is from?

Chaos;Child episode 5
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Delirio91 on December 13, 2017, 02:16:40 PM
 :thumbup1: thanks
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 08, 2018, 09:55:28 AM
Queen's Blade Grimoire - EP1 - Fear wetting - 20:30

The Grimoire OVA is about fairy tales. In this scene Little Red Riding Hood is frightened when the Big Bad Wolf jumps out of her grandmother's bed. She falls to the ground and wets her panties.

The singing flowers freak me out though. It's like having a bad mushroom trip or something.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on February 02, 2018, 03:16:00 PM
The seven heavenly virtues ep2 has a desp scene. (

In this site you can download the video as an ic file (never heard of this type), but you can play this in vlc player. (right click to save as)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Animelover16 on February 03, 2018, 08:23:18 AM
In "Vanquished Queens Specials" episode 3 there's a fear(?) wetting at about 4:40

In "Killing Bites" episode 2 there's a toilet scene at about 15:38
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: nagato on March 03, 2018, 01:08:56 PM
Killing bites episode 8. Rabbit girl has a fear wetting scene after Gorilla gets killed.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: redblue on May 07, 2018, 07:32:46 PM
Tachibana Triangle episode 4 has desperation and wetting
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: jager on July 16, 2018, 06:12:28 AM
New ero-anime Ore ga kanojo wake3 (episode 3) contain pretty cool desperation wetting part at the start of episode. WARNING this is still hentai movie at all and contain sex scenes.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: warrior21 on August 04, 2018, 11:34:55 PM
Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro, Episode 5, 1:30 desperation (
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: alphamalechad on November 08, 2018, 01:04:08 PM
kuroinu kedakaki seijo wa hakudaku ni somaru ep 5 has a free peeing scene
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on December 14, 2018, 01:30:03 PM
Apparently the anime Goblin Slayer has a fear wetting in the first episode, 10 minutes in.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: MKFan200 on December 15, 2018, 04:47:23 PM
And another one at episode 7.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: jager on December 22, 2018, 06:15:40 AM
Ane Chijo Max Heart ep2
cute desperation and wetting scene at 11:30 time
still remind it is hentai animation
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: tenck5k on January 04, 2019, 10:00:01 AM
Ikkitousen Western Wolves episode 1, first minute has two wettings from the same person.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: doa on February 05, 2019, 07:12:56 AM
Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - Episode 4, has a small scene with the blue dressed girl needing the toilet while in a plane and doing a small pee dance once it lands. (

1st scene at 2.16
2nd scene at 3.50
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on February 23, 2019, 02:18:00 PM
OVA episode 2 of Nekopara has some bedwetting, followed by a lot of talk about bedwetting and omorashi after the 8:00 mark.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 08, 2020, 07:35:46 PM
QuoteWataten!: An Angel Flew Down to Me ep7 - A short desperation scene at 15:20. Miyako's little sister Hinata is being especially clingy and needy in this episode, and when she refuses to leave Miyako's side for even a moment we see the inevitable potty emergency. Miyako is standing inside the bathroom and trying to close the door, which Hinata is stubbornly trying to push open. The older sister begs the little pest to leave while the little sister throws a tantrum and says she doesn't wanna. The scene ends with Miyako screaming "I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE!" but when we cut to the next scene where everyone is gathered downstairs there is no indication of whether or not she had an accident, or even if she had to sit there and pee with Hinata watching her. Boo!

QuoteWataten!: An Angel Flew Down to Me ep9 - Miyako allows Hinata, Hana, and Noa to stay up late and watch a horror movie with her. Hana is terribly frightened by this movie, and it doesn't help that Miyako teases her a little at the end. The movie ends, and the three kids all go to bed while Miyako stays up and works on a sewing machine in her own bedroom. As expected, Hana can't fall asleep. She then realizes she has to pee very bad. Her friends are both asleep, and she doesn't want to use the potty all by herself like a big girl, so she wanders into Miyako's room to beg for help. As it turns out, Miyako finds this adorable, and is more than happy to help Hana go tinkle. While standing outside the bathroom, Hana makes the older girl promise not to leave her. The big silly pervert then asks Hana if she would like her to help, and wiggles her fingers like she is about to undress her. Hana reacts with a horrified, disgusted look on her face, to which Miyako quickly says she was just kidding. (Yeah right.) Starts at 19:00.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on January 10, 2020, 06:21:16 PM
QuoteNekopara ep1 - In this first episode of the TV series, we see Cinnamon waiting outside the bathroom at 7:00. She is holding her crotch, squirming, and rubbing her legs together while she pesters Maple to hurry up in there. Cinnamon begs her to open the door and says she is about to wet herself. After hearing a toilet flush, the door opens and we see an annoyed Maple step out of the bathroom while Cinnamon hurries inside. Maple says that Cinnamon is like this every morning and wonders if she wasn't potty trained good enough. We then see a very cute sigh of relief from Cinnamon, who is smiling happily on the toilet. We see something else at 10:00. These two are running late for work, and when questioned about it Maybe begins to say that she had to get changed because Cinnamon was taking so long in the bathroom she peed herself a little. Maple quickly stops talking and blushes before they go any further.

Currently airing. More scenes likely to come. :)
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on July 18, 2020, 06:09:52 PM
QuoteMahoujin Guru Guru ep9 - Kukuri has to pee at 16:00. She is in a tower with her friends, and just having solved a puzzle, they are making plans to continue further up the tower. Kukuri squirms and tells the hero that she has to pee first. They go back outside, and the hero suggests they wait for her while she pees around the corner, which is just out of sight. Instead, Kukuri summons her flying creature and rides it all the way back to the last house they were at. During this flight she pouts and complains "I hate dungeons! They never have bathrooms!" She comes back refreshed and they continue their exploration. This scene is from the 2017 remake of the 2nd season of the original TV series. For the original, see Mahoujin Guru Guru: Doki Doki Densetsu, directly below this.

Mahoujin Guru Guru: Doki Doki Densetsu ep9 - At the 8:00 minute mark, Toma asks the group if anyone has to pee before they climb any further up the tower. Kukuri says she does, so they all go back outside and wait for her to pee on the ground. Kukuri frowns at them, and then summons her legendary bird to take her somewhere else. She screams "I hate dungeons! They never have bathrooms!" while flying away. She flies all the way back to the last house they visited and uses their bathroom.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Deivizinho on July 18, 2021, 07:09:29 PM
Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru episode 3

Around 12:20 the main girl starts a pee dance and the male protagonist said to her go pee. She got surprised and said that she drunk to much tea, and running to the bathroom.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on July 21, 2021, 09:09:28 PM
Miss Kobayashi's Maid Dragon S2 ep3. Start at 5:40

So, it looks like the dragon milf has the power to magically fill a person's bladder. I'm super jealous. No accidents, nothing too lewd, Quetzalcoatl uses this spell to force two girls to talk to each other and become friends.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on May 21, 2022, 10:07:39 PM
New episodes of Ikkitousen, new scenes of panty wetting.

Shin Ikkitousen ep1 - A new girl shows up for her first day at school. She is clearly intimidated by the sight of all the students beating each other's brains out, and when someone asks if they can help her she asks where the bathroom is and squeezes her thighs together. There is a nice upskirt shot of her butt while she squeezes her thighs together. Another person approaches this girl and, seeking to test her power, asks her to kick him. She hesitates, and again squirms from her bursting bladder. The other person throws a feint punch which stops just in front of her face. At this point, she falls to her knees and wets herself. There is another close-up of her panties as a puddle spreads out on the ground. Moments later her wet clothes are hanging out to dry and she is sulking in the student council office, worried that everyone will tease her for this. Start at 1:45.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on June 03, 2022, 12:02:07 PM
Shin Ikki Tousen ep3 - This OVA finishes with one last desperation scene at 19:30. Ryuubi is in desperate need of a bathroom and comes running from around the corner of a building. She asks Shikou if she has found it yet, to which the other girl says she can't find one anywhere. Ryuubi says that she is at her limit and falls to her knees. We then see Shikou carry Ryuubi on her back as they continue to search for a bathroom. Ryuubi is very dramatic, and screams that she isn't going to make it and cries for Kan'u to come rescue her. As it turns out there is another temple nextdoor so they decide to try that one. They come upon a mysterious well, which is actually an netherworld entrance. Shikou asks why not just do it here, to which Ryuubi gets embarrassed and says she could never do something like that. There is a loud knock from inside the well. The cover slides off, causing Ryuubi and Shikou to hug each other and scream. Ryomou climbs out of the well, and tells the others of what she was doing in the netherworld. We never find out if Ryuubi peed her panties in terror, of if she just forgot that she had to pee in the first place.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on August 29, 2022, 04:29:17 PM
Dr. Slump & Arale-chan ep121 - A short fantasy about Midori starting at 8:40. This is a mock-up Sherlock Holmes episode and Midori is a famous singer. Her rival, played by Suppaman, attempts to sabotage her next performance by placing an out of order sign on the women's restroom.  His/her (Suppaman is playing the role of a woman) logic is that Midori won't be able to use the bathroom before her next performance. She will therefore be nervous and stressed out on stage, and then panic when her bladder gets too full, thus causing her to sing poorly. We see a five second "what if" where this actually happens. Midori stands on the stage and squirms visibly. She thinks to herself "I gotta pee! I gotta pee!" before the illusion cuts back to reality. We actually don't see Midori again until the end of the episode. As it turns out, she just peed in the men's bathroom instead.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on May 19, 2024, 05:11:36 PM
Gushing Over Magical Girls ep6 - Some desperation at 8:45, which is followed up later by a wonderful scene of diapers and wetting and adult baby play. Haruka, whose magical girl alias is Magenta, is out shopping for dinner when a sudden urge to pee hits. She thinks to herself that she must have drank too much water because she has to pee really bad. As luck would have it, she senses the bad guys at this time and runs off to fight them without using the bathroom first. Haruka transforms into Magenta and flies across town, then lands at a playground where she encounters Nero Alice, who immediately tries to trap her in a dollhouse. The dollhouse allows Nero Alice to mind control people who are inside, so Magenta tries to avoid it but is forced inside by some random monster. Magenta faints, and wakes up in a crib. She appears to be aged down into a baby, with a pacifier and a diaper. She now even believes herself to be a baby. Nero Alice walks up to her, and has aged up into an attractive adult woman. From there, the two engage in baby play, with Magenta wetting herself and being changed, and falling in love with her new mommy. Soon, Magenta is able to wake up from being mind controlled, turning back into a teenager while Nero Alice turns into a loli. She is laying there with no panties, and realizes she just did all these embarrassing things as a teenager. She also realizes Alice is lonely, and in a moment of compassion, Magenta calls her back to keep playing. What follows is consensual adult baby stuff, which Magenta seems to be enjoying at this point. Alice feeds her milk until she has to pee again, then starts pushing on her bladder. Magenta tries to hold it, but ends up wetting her diaper again. At this point Alice runs out of magical power and the both of them are ejected from the doll house.

Gushing Over Magical Girls - EP6 - Desperation, wetting, diaper - 8:45

Onii-chan wa Oshimai! ep1 - Mahiro is busy playing an MMO at 7:00 when she has to pee really bad. From a side angle, we see her grab herself and kick and struggle for a moment. She looks terribly uncomfortable and it's pretty obvious what her problem is. Mahiro doesn't want to get up and leave because she is busy fighting a boss in her game. She looks at an empty plastic bottle and reaches for it, but then decides it would be impossible for her, so she leaves her bedroom after all and is seen sitting down on the toilet.

Onii-chan wa Oshimai! - EP1 - Desperation, Toilet use - 7:00

Oniichan wa Oshimai! ep3 - There's actually two scenes in this episode. First we start the episode with Mahiro grabbing her crotch and running to the bathroom. This is at Mahiro's house, but when she opens the bathroom door she finds an unexpected guest. Her sister's friend Kaede was just about to pull her panties down and have a seat, so the embarrassed Mahiro closes the door and waits for her to finish. Later, at 13:25, the three of them are in a crowded movie theater at the mall when Mahiro suddenly has to pee. She doesn't want to walk out right in the middle of the movie, but she has to pee really bad and tells her sister she'll be right back. Unfortunately, there is a LONG line to the women's bathroom. Mahiro waits at the back of the line, squirming and suffering, and seems to be there for a long while. She then hunches over while holding herself, and whines that she can't hold it anymore. Meanwhile, Kaede is starting to wonder what's taking Mahiru so long, so she goes to check on her. She enters the now empty ladies room and finds Mahiru hiding in one of the stalls. The camera zooms in on her feet and legs. There is visible urine running down her legs and a puddle at her feet. She didn't make it in time. The skirt is still okay, so Kaede leaves and returns with a new pair of panties for Mahiru to wear, and they return to the movie together. Kaede promises not to tell anyone.

Oniichan wa Oshimai! - EP3 - Desperation, wetting - START, 13:25

Oniichan wa Oshimai! ep6 - In this scene, classes have just finished and Mahiro is walking the halls with her friends when they pass by the bathrooms. The sight obviously triggers something in Mahiro, who visibly shivers with desperation and realizes how bad she has to pee. She excuses herself, but runs into the boy's bathroom instead and lifts her skirt in front of a urinal, with boys on either side of her. (I should note that Mahiro used to be biologically male, but was transformed into a girl via experimental drugs at the start of the series. Trans rights, motherfuckers.) She quickly realizes her error when the boys start staring at her and runs away in embarrassment. Mahiru runs into the girl's bathroom next, but is followed inside by her new female friends, who want to take the opportunity to pee too. Well, Mahiro gets a bit of stage fright from the idea and decides to leave without peeing. They all start their walk back to their respective homes next. Mahiro is following them from behind and looks very tense, very uncomfortable. We are treated to a great close-up of her holding her crotch while moaning "Almost there." They make it to Mahiro's home first. Mahiro runs up to the door, waves goodbye, and then shivers once again from all the nice feelings her bladder is sending her. Mahiro runs inside at full speed, then bumps into her sister and falls right on her ass. The scene cuts away and we can hear her scream. Her skirt is then seen drying on a clothesline. Starts at 12:00.

Oniichan wa Oshimai! - EP6 - Desperation, wetting - 12,00

Oniichan wa Oshimai! ep8 - It's a girl's slumber party, and at 18:35 Momiji is bursting to pee and doesn't want to get out of bed because of a scary story that Asahi told. She tosses and turns underneath her blanket and mumbles that she really has to pee. She then decides to just hold it in until morning. However, Mahiro wakes up in the middle of the night because Asahi stole her blanket and she's cold. After trying unsuccessfully to take it back, Mahiro decides to just take Momiji's blanket instead, not knowing that she is awake and struggling to hold her pee. Momiji sees Mahiro approach from the shadows and is terrified by this. Next thing we see is Mahiro and Momiji standing in front of the washing machine, with Momiji looking super embarrassed. Mahiro assures her she won't tell, and even takes the blame for the dirty laundry in the morning.

Oniichan wa Oshimai! - EP8 - Desperation, fear wetting, bedwetting - 18:35

Oniichan wa Oshimai! ep11 - There's a short scene at 12:35 that is treated as a joke. The girls are spoiling Mahiro because it's her birthday. Mahiro feels a sudden urge to pee and says she has to go to the bathroom, but then Asahi says "I'll go for you!" and runs upstairs before the others have time to object. We then see Mahiro banging on the bathroom door, holding her crotch with her other hand, and shouting for Asahi to get out. Nothing else happens.

Oniichan wa Oshimai! - EP11 - Desperation - 12:35
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: Serika on May 25, 2024, 03:37:04 PM
There is a heavily implied wetting in yesterday's episode of Konosuba. Season 3, episode 7, at about 6:30.

Darkness is tied up and on the ground when Kazuma decides to tickle her as punishment for something that happened earlier. They skip all the good stuff, sadly, and go to the eyecatch/commercial break screen. When we come back, Darkness is already untied and seems to be wearing a change of clothes... and Megumin is taking a mop to a rather large wet spot on the floor... and the futon that Darkness was previously wrapped up in has a big stain on it...
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: koyukoyu on July 30, 2024, 06:34:32 AM
No one has posted about this scene??

Yuru Camp S3 Ep12 - at the beginning (

A girls needs to pee in a tent while camping, but is scared of bears to go outside.
Title: Re: List of FD/WS scenes in anime
Post by: koyukoyu on August 18, 2024, 09:34:52 PM
VTuber Nandaga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta Ep7 - From 17:55 (

A girl needs to pee while riding an amusement park attraction.