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[March 08, 2024, 12:16:45 AM] FallenStar: R.I.P. Akira Toriyama - we would never have had Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball, nor Dragon Quest without you.  ;_;
[March 18, 2024, 08:27:36 AM] Lisk: >MFW I launched that Poowrite's game on a 386 and realized that it had sound effects all along
[April 12, 2024, 10:34:32 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 13, 2024, 12:49:22 AM] theerut: OwO
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:12 AM] FallenStar: LISK
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:24 AM] FallenStar: <.<  >.>   Sorry, I just wanted to belong.
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:25 AM] Lisk: Patpatpat
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:41 AM] Lisk: It is alive. Its PC not so much
[April 19, 2024, 04:23:14 PM] FallenStar: LIVINGINFIN... wait... wrong dude....  LISK
[April 24, 2024, 04:31:24 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:28 AM] Lisk: LIVIFIN
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:41 AM] Lisk: AM DOEING THINGSES
[May 01, 2024, 10:03:02 AM] FallenStar: Noooooo! Don't be doeing thingses! You're going to destroy us all!  D:
[May 04, 2024, 05:37:17 PM] FallenStar: fuggen Lisk has killed us all
[May 09, 2024, 05:39:39 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK.
[May 09, 2024, 05:40:15 PM] LivingInfinite: IT ACHIEVED THE ULTIMATE VICTORY.
[May 29, 2024, 04:40:49 PM] FallenStar: FRIGIN
[June 11, 2024, 12:47:13 PM] theerut: Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
[July 06, 2024, 04:29:56 AM] Lildarrian5: Anybody have the link to the 8gb of manga scenes posted here last year?
[July 23, 2024, 12:21:55 PM] doa: ive uploaded it again to another site (mediafire has a 10 gig limit)
[July 24, 2024, 08:13:36 AM] Lildarrian5: You're out here proving all heroes don't wear capes. %uD83E%uDEE1 Ty my friend.
[July 31, 2024, 04:03:35 PM] FallenStar: what the fuck...
[August 16, 2024, 07:52:23 PM] FallenStar: if you can read this, you don't need glasses
[September 10, 2024, 04:06:33 AM] theerut: account suspended...
[December 25, 2024, 08:38:16 AM] FallenStar: Merry Christmas to anyone still around and reading this damn thing
[February 23, 2025, 06:45:40 PM] Drying: Oh wow, this place still exists! %uD81A%uDDB9%u1BC5%uD81A%uDDB9
[February 23, 2025, 06:46:15 PM] Drying: ...I guess this talkbox was coded before Unicode
[March 01, 2025, 07:14:57 AM] FallenStar: Place is only here because I'm too lazy to shut it down and too loyal to shut down Nyou Fiction at the same time
[March 07, 2025, 05:48:45 AM] Lildarrian5: And I honestly and truly thank you for that
[March 07, 2025, 08:54:45 PM] FallenStar: probably the first and only time I will be thanked for being a lazy, procrastinating fool.  =P
TalkBox v1.0

Two lovers playing [Involoves scalies (Dragons) ;-)]

Started by Demon2010, March 04, 2011, 10:10:14 AM

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Hello Community,

found this forum a week ago and found that the story I wrote a few months ago, would match here :)

Warning: This envolves a dragon and a dragoness. In my Story they are physicaly very different to humans but I hope I've descripted it good enough...
Whoever likes to follow me can look here:   (Note that you need to have an account and set it to allow viewing adult material, to see my work). I'm glad about every watcher <3

Two lovers playing

By DragonTear

Ayra was a female dragoness, living on a distant planet as a member of a pretty feral, intelligent species. They hadn't developed any technologies. So they lived mostly alone or in closed families in the large jungle of their planet.

Other members had told the 12 feet long dragoness she was very gorgeous.
The outer colour was very different in her kind. There were blue, greenish and even black dragons. So, she had completely white, small scales everywhere on her back and wings. Only the area on her underside, starting at her neck and ending between her legs, was covered with a small white fur.
She was just 19 years old when she had met Elon the first time.
He was a bright green shimmering dragon. Around 13 feet long without his tail and his underbelly was covered with fur too.
Ayra was flying around searching for something to eat when he saw her while trying to hunt an animal.
He was only two years older and a proud Serin too.
They had fallen in love with each other. For Ayra it was the first love of her life.
Time passed and they spent much time together and had mated several times.
But the still hadn't found a family. They seemed not to be ready.

One day they met once more at a small pond with crystal clear water after both of them were hunting in different places.
Their species had a special ability. Besides speaking with audible words, they could transmit their thoughts by telepathy and they used to do so.

– Hey, my sunshine. –, he said with a bright smile.
– Good day Elon. –
They met in a deep kiss and blushed a bit.
– What should we do today, Ayra? –
– I don't know, love. –
She bent slowly over the clear water and dived her snout into, to drink.
When she removed her head, the water splashed around and on Elon.
Their fur got slightly wet.
– Hey! You want to get bath, don't you? –
He splashed more water over his love with his fore paws.
She covered her furry belly with her wings to stop the water.
So they played a few minutes in the pond until she wanted to leave suddenly.
When she got out of the water, she twitched her hind legs slightly together.
It was almost unnoticeable but Elon noted it.
He thought she could have hurt herself in a way.
– Are you ok? –
– Yes, yes.... –
He looked a bit at her. She didn't know why, but added:
– If you really want to know..., I have to release myself a bit. –

She could have done it in the water but she didn't want him to note it.
Although it was absolutely normal, she was pretty shy speaking about or doing it.
Elon blushed hard. He shouldn't have insisted and made her uncomfortable.
But on the other side, she had caused a special feeling in him. Her twitching had erected him.
Maybe it was only her wet fur and scales or the thought at their last mating. But when he thought about her twitching again in urge, his cock almost slipped out of his sheath.
This made him blushing even more.
In addition, she had noted his blushing, but she didn't care.
– Now, would you let me go for a second? We can play further afterwards. –
Normally he would have let her immediately doing, but there was the strong feeling inside of him. He felt more for her then he ever had.
Besides of that, he felt also his own urge to release growing fast since he had drunk a lot of water earlier.
– Ayra, I... I don't know how to tell you... But this has erected me even more as you usually do. I love you with all my thoughts. So would you like to play a game with me? –
She smiled lovely and said: – I love you too. I'll do what ever you want. –

Her shyness was flown away while staying by the side of her lover. She trusted him.
– Well, then... Let's drink water slowly, till one of us gives up or leaks. –
His cheeks got a pink tone again as he said this. But to his surprise she nodded.
– Whatever you want. –
It was a strange thing he wanted from her, but she thought, it couldn't harm to try it.

So they lay down beneath each other in the low grass at the pond. It was only a few inches from their heads away, so they could drink.
Another special about their species were their scales. They could absorb parts of the sunlight
and produce from the food, energy for the body. In this process, was water produced and every food restless digested. So normally they weren't consuming much water.

But Elon started to drink the clear water from the pond.
Ayra heard the gargle of the liquid in his throat and giggled.
– Are you experienced in this game? –
– Not really: I've done it alone, a long time ago... Believe me, it will be pleasurable. –
– Ok. –, she answered and gave him a big kiss on his wet snout.
So she started to drink too. The water rushed fast into her stomach and with a small delay into her bladder.
They spent about an hour like this. Drinking every few minutes a couple mouthfuls of water.
Their bladders filled slowly more and more. But they were very stretchy. The single problem was to stand the pressure.
And this got harder with every second which passed.
Lying on her belly without moving too much, Ayra could stand it well, but after more time, she started clenching her legs together again a little.
– Aww, you need to pee, don't you? –
– Uhhhh..., yes. –, she answered almost moaning.
– Same here. –, he giggled.
His cock slipped out of his sheath. It was almost fully erected. He rotated slowly on his left side and supported himself with his leg. The other hindleg stretched in the air, he made room for his erection.
His large, red shaft was fully outside now.
Ayra noted it and giggled. She was also erected by the view and her slowly stretching bladder inside of her. He lowered himself slowly and lay on his belly again.
His face showed a slightly painful expression. His cock was pressing directly on his bladder.
He wouldn't be able to hold it very long anymore.
With Ayra was the same, but she didn't want to let him win.
She bent forward to take some more sips of water.
Her stomach felt very full too; she couldn't drink for a time till the liquid had reached her bladder.

A time later their bladders were stretched at least double as normal.
Elon felt how a bulge in his underbelly pressed against his cock and the grass.
Ayras bladder was arching even more. She hadn't released herself since a day and had drunk more water then normally in a week.
– Ahhh..., I really can't say how long I'm able to hold it. –
Elon smiled.
– You're doing very well. Maybe change your position, it will get better. –
Ayra tried to stand up slowly, but her bladder was arching again.
At moving, she was very near her limits.
But she fought twitching her legs and got onto her back.
Females of her species had two vents. An upper one which was connected almost directly with their bladders, and a lower one for straight mating. That was the place where eggs were produced.
Now her bladder had at least room to extend.
Her upper furry vent was arched slightly to the outside. She had a noticeable bulge in her lower body.

Elon did the same. While on his legs, he moved towards Ayras legs. He licked slowly with his tongue over her fur and her lower slit. It was already pretty wet.
– Ohhhh... that's so good. –, she said moaning.
Elon moved higher, towards her bulge. He licked very gentle over her second vent.
– Ahhh, No... You are cheating! –
He giggled quietly but decided to let her.

He lay down on his back, his cock stretched in the air between his legs.
Males had only one vent, so they had to urinate through their cocks.

In this position it was far better, and with their agile neck, they were still able to drink if they wanted.
Ayra bent her head towards Elons, and kissed him gently.
– I love you so much. –
– Me too. –
Their mouths met once again and they felt into a deep kiss. Exploring each others mouths in pure bliss.
Elon looked at Ayras underbelly, seeing her growing bulge.
– You look so beautiful, my love. –
– You too. –, she answered whispering with a look at his fully erected cock and his bulge.
She licked with her tongue around his snout.
– Uhhh..., don't do that. I can't hold it when my snout is so warm and wet. –

Both of them moved their heads towards the water. Another time they dived in and swallowed several sips of water.
Suddenly Ayras bladder twitched hardly again.
Her gorgeous body shook slightly and she bent forward like trying to roll into a ball.
Too much water was trapped in her stretched bladder.
It was pressing against her muscles under her upper vent which held it closed.

It got harder and harder to hold against.
She rested her arms on her underbelly, and her hands near the vent.
She found out that holding her breath helped a bit to distract her from her twitching bladder.
So she filled her lungs around the half, to avoid adding pressure on her bladder, and tried to hold her mouth closed to hold her breath for as long as possible. But in this situation, she wasn't very good at it.

Elon took a few more sips from the pond and tried to relax, but his bladder was twitching slightly too.
At the start he thought, he could beat Ayra easily, but now he wasn't too sure anymore.
He moved his hands too and touched his cock, pressing it against himself.
His inner muscles were also twitching.
– Njahh..., I can't hold much longer. –
– Uhh..., uh..., me too... –, she almost couldn't speak anymore. She had to use all her strength to hold all the water in.
The breath holding didn't help very much too anymore.

Their bodies were still producing liquid. And it was noticeable, that they couldn't stay it much longer.

Another shaking went through Ayras body. But this time it felt also pleasurable.
Her bladder was pressing against her inner parts and erected her extremely.
As a stronger wind rolled over them, she felt the wetness on her lover belly and thought, some pee had escaped. But it wasn't that liquid. Her vent was dripping wet from her own juices.

When Elon saw his love twitching again, his cock erected to its absolutely maximum and he had almost lost his own control over his bladder. At the tip of his cock a small bubble of precum had build up.
Normally a male can't pee with a full erected cock, but he was very near to do it.
He wanted to enter his darling almost desperately; he just couldn't fight against his bladder and mainly against his instincts anymore.

He tried to stand up carefully. It took some time but finally he got it.
His big swelled belly was even more visible then before and his face showed that he was in bliss but at the same time he had to fight hard. His legs were shaking fast.
– What are you trying to do? –
– You will see. –, was his answer.
So he moved slowly around Ayra and between her legs.
Ayra could imagine what he wanted.
– Noo..., if you enter me, I won't be able to hold it for sure. –
– Don't fear. I will take care that nothing escapes. –, he answered smiling a bit oddly.

He bent slowly over her body and moved his cock over her vents.
When he was in position, he lowered himself carefully over his love and touched her upper vent with the tip of his cock which was already full of precum.

Now she really had to press her fingers slightly against her vent to hold her pee inside.
She shook desperately, but suddenly he pushed hard inside. Her overused muscles weren't an obstacle anymore.
Around the half of his long cock had entered her pee-vent.
– Ahhh... I... I can't stand this for long...–, she cried almost, because of the enormous added pressure.
Waves of pleasure went fast through her shaking body. She was in pure ecstasy and near orgasming.

– Uhhhh... I can feel your liquid around me... Ach... you're so tight there.
He lowered himself further, entering his cock slowly.
Ayra moaned permanently doe to her still extending bladder.
She could see it from her position. It was bulging enormous out of her.
Her fur stood upright and got pressed against Elons belly.
Small tears formed into her eyes. She couldn't say whether it was because of pain or because of pleasure. Elon noted it.
– Aw. I... I don't want to harm you. –, he said quietly. – If you don't want longer. I'll stop immediately. So say please. –
– No. It... is ok... Ahhh. –, she answered moaning and her bladder twitched slightly again rushing pleasure through her. She had given up the force of her muscles almost completely. His large cock was like a plug in her vent. Almost no fluid was seeping out.
– That's well. Because we aren't ready yet... Try to relax! –

Their snouts met again in a deep kiss. Playing with their tongues around, they forgot almost everything around.

She had mated several times with her love, but this time was very, very special
and far more pleasuring then everything before.
Elon felt exactly the same. But his urge grew again. His body had produced in meantime even more liquid. So he was at his limit. He had definitely to admit his defeat and decided to let it flow just there.
He feared a bit, he could injure his love. But he thought also, since her expression showed pure bliss, she had taken it so far so she could even more.
Slowly he relaxed his inner muscles. He had opened the gates, so there were no way back.
He felt his pee rushing through his urethra. Finally, the long awaited release, he thought.
His body was forcing the trapped liquid fast out of him and into Ayras growing bladder.

– Arhhh, whaaaaaaa are ya doing? –
She held her bulge with both hands and shook desperately. But the pain switched fast again to pleasure. They both moaned loudly.
– Ahhhh... finally release... Are you ok? –
He was still releasing his fluids, but she nodded slowly while moaning once more.
His bladder emptied fast and Ayras bulge was enormous large.
Elon could see the red skin through her fur now. It throbbed slightly.
She looked like it would explode.
– Please... If it hurts too much, tell me immediately. –
But she gave him no sign to stop.
Now his stream head weakened to a small trickle. His bladder had finally emptied and his bulge wasn't there anymore. Instead he felt an odd feeling in his belly, but it didn't hurt.

All the pressure in her bladder was pushing against his cock. It was very pleasuring to him. So he started trusting slowly.
He hadn't ever cum in someone's bladder. But he just didn't want to exit hers now, to move.
As he started to move his cock, Ayra moaned loudly and gasped for air. She had done her breath holding trick again.
She shook her body and head a little in desperation. But his move caused also new waves of pleasures through her.
– Ahh-hh... that's so incredible... I love you so... much. –, she whispered slowly and removed a hand from her bulge to embrace her lover. With the other hand she stroked slowly over the base of his cock and his underbelly.
– So may I go further? –
– Y... Yes please! –
He started moving faster. With every motion back and in, a bit of the liquid escaped. But it was far too little to change anything. Her vent wasn't much larger than his cock.
This made both of them feeling like in heaven.
They met again in a kiss, showing each other their love. Elon was soon near to cum and covered his darling in his large, white wings.
He took care not to press too much on her bladder. But due to the fact that she had drunk only little time before, much water, the pressure increased further.
Elon trusted faster into her and supported by her moans, he came soon over the edge.

He came extremely hard and pushed as depth as he could into his beloved dragoness.
His seed shot out of his cock and mixed with her liquid. They both moaned as loud that probably it was audible even the half of a mile away. His cuming lasted several seconds, stretching her bladder at least to its absolute limit.
In his bliss, he collapsed almost over her. But he managed to bend forward to kiss her again. He licked the tears away which had appeared again. But he could fell she was in pure ecstasy like him and didn't feel any pain. But he was sure she was far over her limits. Her body shook again a bit vigorously.
Elon decided to release her finally. He moved slowly back and his still throbbing cock out.

Ayra was prepared for that and she decided to hold the liquids still inside, for as long as she would be able to do.
So she took her hands back to her slit. Because of her stretched belly, she couldn't almost reach it. But squeezed her fairly recovered muscles together when his cock finally released her vent.
A little bit of the pee-mix escaped her. It was a weak stream of an almost crystal clear liquid,
but she managed to stop it. Her mate looked wondering at her.
– Why do you don't release? –
She giggled as well as she could when she whispered between a moan: – Ahhh...  I haven't thought..., this could be so good... This is the best idea you ever had. –
He giggled too, astonished by the gigantic bulge she held completely on herself.
It took all the room between her arched legs and pressed her vents to the outside.
Her lower vent was seeping in large amount of sticky fluids. He wondered whether her body had found a way to release the liquid through her sex.
A bit regretting that he had given up so early, he snuggled his head against hers.
He didn't know what to do, but to help her to inflate further like she wanted.
So he walked to the lake and tried to hold some water in his in his hand. Due to the fact he had to walk on four limbs, he hadn't both hands free. So there were only little water, but it was enough.
Ayra drunk it fast, but she had to use all her remaining strength for her vent, so she couldn't drink on herself from the lake.

Elon wanted her finally to cum. He was sure there wasn't very much to do anymore.
He moved himself between her legs. So he could see her gorgeous, furry belly and vents.
Her hands were pressed on her upper slit squeezing it to hold it shut. One of her fingers was even slipped slightly inside. But it was throbbing hard. With his tongue he licked slowly over her sex, lapping up every bit of her well tasting fluids. He dived almost in her slightly opened vent. Feeling her most private fur touched like this was incredible pleasurable. She had almost lost the control over her bladder and shook again desperately, trying to hold it in.
She felt like her extremely stretched bladder twitched again as she got near an orgasm.
Elon pressed himself further, his tongue playing around inside of her, he pressed further to increase the pressure in her bladder.
– Arhhhh... I'm... I'm at my limit... –, escaped her suddenly.
She tried a last time to prevent the inevitable releasing and held her breath.
Elon wanted to help her and put his hand on hers. She throbbed vigorously while she held her breath. She looked very cute and even more sexy, doing that.

--------- due to the limitation, the rest is in the file... I'm sorry. ---------