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[March 08, 2024, 12:16:45 AM] FallenStar: R.I.P. Akira Toriyama - we would never have had Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball, nor Dragon Quest without you.  ;_;
[March 18, 2024, 08:27:36 AM] Lisk: >MFW I launched that Poowrite's game on a 386 and realized that it had sound effects all along
[April 12, 2024, 10:34:32 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 13, 2024, 12:49:22 AM] theerut: OwO
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:12 AM] FallenStar: LISK
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:24 AM] FallenStar: <.<  >.>   Sorry, I just wanted to belong.
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:25 AM] Lisk: Patpatpat
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:41 AM] Lisk: It is alive. Its PC not so much
[April 19, 2024, 04:23:14 PM] FallenStar: LIVINGINFIN... wait... wrong dude....  LISK
[April 24, 2024, 04:31:24 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:28 AM] Lisk: LIVIFIN
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:41 AM] Lisk: AM DOEING THINGSES
[May 01, 2024, 10:03:02 AM] FallenStar: Noooooo! Don't be doeing thingses! You're going to destroy us all!  D:
[May 04, 2024, 05:37:17 PM] FallenStar: fuggen Lisk has killed us all
[May 09, 2024, 05:39:39 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK.
[May 09, 2024, 05:40:15 PM] LivingInfinite: IT ACHIEVED THE ULTIMATE VICTORY.
[May 29, 2024, 04:40:49 PM] FallenStar: FRIGIN
[June 11, 2024, 12:47:13 PM] theerut: Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
[July 06, 2024, 04:29:56 AM] Lildarrian5: Anybody have the link to the 8gb of manga scenes posted here last year?
[July 23, 2024, 12:21:55 PM] doa: ive uploaded it again to another site (mediafire has a 10 gig limit)
[July 24, 2024, 08:13:36 AM] Lildarrian5: You're out here proving all heroes don't wear capes. %uD83E%uDEE1 Ty my friend.
[July 31, 2024, 04:03:35 PM] FallenStar: what the fuck...
[August 16, 2024, 07:52:23 PM] FallenStar: if you can read this, you don't need glasses
[September 10, 2024, 04:06:33 AM] theerut: account suspended...
[December 25, 2024, 08:38:16 AM] FallenStar: Merry Christmas to anyone still around and reading this damn thing
[February 23, 2025, 06:45:40 PM] Drying: Oh wow, this place still exists! %uD81A%uDDB9%u1BC5%uD81A%uDDB9
[February 23, 2025, 06:46:15 PM] Drying: ...I guess this talkbox was coded before Unicode
[March 01, 2025, 07:14:57 AM] FallenStar: Place is only here because I'm too lazy to shut it down and too loyal to shut down Nyou Fiction at the same time
[March 07, 2025, 05:48:45 AM] Lildarrian5: And I honestly and truly thank you for that
[March 07, 2025, 08:54:45 PM] FallenStar: probably the first and only time I will be thanked for being a lazy, procrastinating fool.  =P
TalkBox v1.0

List and discussion of japanese doujin FD/WS games

Started by Lisk, September 23, 2011, 03:28:02 PM

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Quote from: MKFan200 on August 25, 2012, 09:48:38 PM
I think a new version of BigWave came out.
It's just some animation, I think. 666-san said that he's not going to make any more games, since they take too much time. Speaking of games, it's time for another update!

As of now, 222 out of 324 maps are translated. Gameplay-wise they include stardust berries, starlight trials, dungeon crawling, lucid dreaming, pie cooking, and don't forget some bathroom management issues! The dungeon is pretty boring, though, the next one will be much more interesting. I hope you're not afraid of ghosts. But on the other hand, you get a whole new school building! Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.


Oh man, that dungeon was a nightmare. Especially when I ran out of charges and got lost.

Anyway, thanks again, Lisk.

Only fault I can mention was the occasional untranslated line. The only ones off the top of my head I can remember are; the girl sitting at a table inside the dining hall of the new class building and a few on the way through the dungeon. Nothing that was integral or required to advance, though.

Keep up the good work.



Thank you for mentioning these screwups, these things are very easy to miss when you don't have some text arser like the one for XP games.

But... a nightmare? Nyo ho ho! Mission 12 (I believe) includes some adventurers finding themselves just in the (nightmarish) situation you've found yourself in and you rescuing them from the heat of the day.


In other news: I've promised that I will do it someday, and I did it. Translation of the stuff from the test/debug map of Nightmare Drop as well as some comments, ramblings and attention whoring from your truly and his comrade in perversion. Multipost due to the amount of text.

Nightmare, also known as succubus. A creature that comes to people's dreams. They cause people to see lewd dreams or nightmares... Or, sometimes, dreams that bring them new hope.
This is the story of a certain person. A girl, who trains to become the best mare there ever was. She's about to accept the rite of passage that would grant her the title of Nightmare. But it won't be an easy task...

This is a non-linear quest game with multiple endings. It was made by 118-san, the same person who made F for the Fantasy (as well as some other games) and many characters make cameo appearances along with the new heroines.

Requires RPG Maker XP runtime package (RTP).
Requires Japanese system locale.

118-san's games contain many references to various anime shows, video games, books, history and culture that may be obscure if your otaku power level is low. This text contains some explanations and various data that was left in the test map and never made into the game. They were supposed to be done long ago, but things got pretty busy and Hareame took priority, so we're doing this now. The normal black text is the translated material from the test map. Green text is Lisk's comments and explanations. Purple is Hayate.

There is a lot to explain about Hami-tan's magical spells. First, Dual Aurora Wave, the spell she uses to turn into a human. It's the transformation spell used by one of heroines of magical girl show Precure. Ironically, she uses this spell to turn into her magical girl form, while Hami-tan uses it to turn into a normal girl. 118-san seems to be quite fond of magical girl shows, his games have a lot of references to them. I can't blame him. I like watching pretty girls in frilly outfits fight monsters too. Also, Kyouko is the best meguca. I want to tie her up and do unimaginable things to her.
You lolicon you.
Invisible Air. The original name of this spell was just Invisible, I changed it to make it sound less awkward. Invisible Air is the barrier that Saber from Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero uses to hide her sword of promised victory, Excalibur. Remember: just because they can't see you doesn't mean they can't smell you! The Dreamcast. You're probably wondering what the chant for this spell means. Hidekaze Yukawa, also known as the mr Sega, was Senior Managing Director during the Dreamcast era. He became very popular when he started to appear in Sega's commercial messages. The Dreamcast spell chant is a part of one of these CMs.

Character info: Hami-tan.
Protagonist of this game.
A mare, demon from german mythology that drain human energy by riding them while they sleep and manipulating their dreams. However, this one is still a kid. She's trying to pass her final trial and become a full-fledged mare under the guide of her superior Belphegor. Her full name is romanized as Hamitto. The name she had ingame was Haa-tan. This is one of many fan names the VIPRPG community made up for one of RPG Maker 2000 default sprites, a harpy (hence the name). Yes, they made stories and personalities for generic sprites and, given the size of their community, you can consider these personalities canon. For example, Alex, the protagonist of Terura's game "Kunekune Magician", is one of these recurring characters with fanmade personality. He's the generic good guy, he has a little sister Linax and usually fights the bad guys from the devil king's forces. But this time he decides to do something else... Anyway, back to the topic. I couldn't leave her with Haa-tan as her name, because while it makes perfect sense in japanese, it sounds plain weird in English. So I decided to land somewhere in between: drop the last syllable of her romanized full name and keep -tan. I hope you're okay with that. It's not like you have any choice, anyway.

Just like the trio of victims, Ayumi, Naoko and Reika, Hami-tan appears in other works of 118-san, the maker of Nightmare Drop. Actually, one of Ayumi's endings is a reference to Worldmap of Angels, Dragon Quest-like game where our heroines work together to undo certain damage you can do in Nightmare Drop. She also appears in Pocket Valkyrie, (pokemon parody where you play as Chika, the green girl with special futon in her garden) and she's pretty much the same innocent succubus in both of these games. Maybe someday...

Character info: Reika.
Short-tempered tsundere princess. She refers to herself as "watakushi", in a refined and elegant way. Both drugging her and scaring her pee out of her work very effectively, but her house is guarded by her pet dog Patora that must be dealt with first. By the way, one of the branches of her route proves that Akagi would win against Saki in a game of mahjong (if you read it from Hami-tan's point of view, the flow of game is similar to that of Saki anime, where the titular heroine wins by impossible luck, while Reika's game is similar to Akagi's matches, driven by tension and usually won either by cheating, reading opponents or both). Then again, Saki is not about mahjong, it's about lesbians playing mahjong.

Magical Reika!
Reika: "Kuh... I need to visit the washroom... But there's a weird monster next to the toilet..."
Hami-tan gets an idea. The magic wand she got earlier today can be useful...
She reverted back to her mare form and dispelled her invisibility right before Reika's eyes.
Hami-tan: "Reika-chan! Transform into a magical girl!"
Reika: "Huh? Um... who are you?"
Hami-tan: "I'm Hamitto, a fairy from Turboether magical land! I'll tell you the details later!"
Hami-tan: "What's important is this dangerous criminal! It escaped from the magical land in the human realm and rages around as it pleases!"
Hami-tan: "You were chosen to become the thirteenth magical girl! Only you can stop it!"
Reika: "S-so, um... In other words... I have to become a magical girl and fight evil monsters like in anime?..."
Hami-tan: "That's right! But we don't have time to talk! Please, use your magical wand and defeat this evil monster!"
Reika: ". . . ? Didn't you call it a dangerous criminal just a minute ago? Oh well, I guess it's fine..."
Hami-tan: "R-right! Forget about minor details! I have to teach you how to transform!"
Hami-tan:  "Raise your want, sway your hips and yell –inochi wo daiji ni- really loud, okay?"
Reika: "I refuse! This so-called transformation is both perverted and stupid!"
Reika: "My will has to be strong, right? Well, there's no way this can help me to concentrate!"
Reika: "Doesn't it mean that I can come up with my own transformation chant and pose, anyway?"
Hami-tan: "Umm... well, I guess you're right (why does she know about it so much anyway?)."
Reika: "Well... here I come! Henshin! Magical Reika!"
Reika held the wand close to her chest and chanted the incantation. When the wand started to shine with bright light, she raised it above her head, pointing at the sky.
Reika: "Calling mystics! Mahou Shoujo Magical Reika came uninvited!"
Hami-tan: "...That's the villain's line..."
Hami-tan muttered something as she observed Reika, now clad in frilly magical girl outfit.
Reika: "Here I come! Well, I guess I have to come up with a fancy name for my magic first."
Reika: "What should I attack this monster with?"
Reika: "Loving Heart! Magical Shower!"

Magical Reika!!
Hami-tan: "Calling mystics! Go, dream monster!"
Ghost: "Soooaaak-kiiinnng!!! (War cry)
Hami-tan: "If even a single drop of its liquid touches you, you'll instantly wet your bed!"
...Someone is obviously having fun.
But Reika didn't falter.
On the contrary, she was backed up by two more people that appeared out of nowhere.
Two very familiar people...
Ayumi: "Rouran Ayumi appears!"
Naoko: "Shiohime Naoko is here too~ From the start~ to the climax~"
Were their dreams connected to Reika's?!
Looks like they're very close friends.
If people share intimate bond, they might appear in each other's dreams. It's called "seeing each other in the dream".
Normally only lovers can be connected strongly enough to visit each other's dreams, but the connection of these three friends is obviously strong enough too.
These three prepared certain items...
Reika: "Let's go, girls! –Love!-"
Reika raised her medallion to the sky and white wings appeared on it.
Ayumi: "...I think this should do the trick. –Courage-!"
Glowing bracelets appeared on Ayumi's hands.
Naoko: "Be careful, Ayumi-chan~ Promise me that you will be okay~ -Hope-!"
Naoko lightly kissed her ring and raised it to the sky too.
The light from the bracelet, ring and medallion wrapped around Reika.
Reika: "In the name of love, courage and hope!"
Reika: "Mahou Shoujo Magical Reika! Holy Up!"
Ayumi: "...Did it work? I don't see any differences..."
Naoko: "This is a dream~ So anything can happen~"
Hami-tan: "O-oh noes! They forgot how to attack!"
No, it's not completely true. Only Reika knows how to transform into magical girl and use magic. In other words, she's the only one who can oppose the dream monster. It's a chance to make all of them wet their beds!
Hami-tan: "Attack Reika-chan with all your power! Go, dream monster!"
Ghost: "Soooaaak-kiiinnng!!! (War cry)
The loyal dream monster released a torrent of liquid bullets at Reika!
Ayumi: "Uwa, so many!"
Naoko: "Reika-chan~ Use a shield~"
Reika: "Okay! Phoenix shield! Build up!"
Reika, supported by the two girls behind her, formed a small shield on her left hand.
(Who Homu here?)
Hami-tan: "Do you think you can block Soak King's attacks with such a small shield! Be soaked!"
But as the barrage of liquid balls approached Reika, they changed their trajectory.
Naoko: "It's not a bad shield, after all~ Is it~? Phoenix shield redirects incoming attacks~ back at the attacker~"
Hami-tan: "Hee~ is that so? Wait, it means that the soaking barrage is directed at me now!!!"
Just as Naoko finished explaining how Reika's shield works, the barrage hit its target.
Somehow she managed to avoid it, dodging the bullets in panic just before they hit her.
But Reika was already preparing the next attack.
But... a bow?
Ayumi: "Right, the decisive attack. Theme music: Yoro~ \(- -)/"
Reika: "Lovely----- heavenly arrow!!!"
The light---begins to gather.
The gathered light turns into storm of arrows and rains down!
Ghost: "Soooaaak-kiiinnng!!! (War cry) (Agonizing)
I have no words to describe how I felt when I was translating this. I... WHY.jpg


Character info: Bell.
Real name: Belphegor. The one who puts Hami-tan through the trial to test her ability and see if she's experienced enough to become an independent mare. To pass the trial, Hami-tan has to "make one of the targets to wet her bed". Can she do it and attain the title of Nightmare? Yes, I know that she's called Ell in this game. Why Bell? Because that's how it says in MAP001 and that's how she's named in Pocket Valkyrie.

Prinshia route
- Get maid's (Holly's) AD;
- Select "give AD" at park restroom;
- Get Hami-tan of the toilet DVD.
Additional scenario:
The park restroom is closed > Prinshia can't use toilet > live show time > to the stage > accident in front of everyone. 118-san never made it. Shame.

Character info: Ayumi.
Supernaturally strong athletic girl. Refersw to herself as "boku", in a tomboyish manner. Both scaring her and drugging with Nightmare Drop may work, but due to her body's abnormal strength she's good at holding her pee in. The best choice is Nightmare + Aqua Voice combo.

Her route is the most branching one. It has eight endings (other routes have five endings each) and two discarded branches: about trying to fool Ayumi with an illusion and about scaring her with the white sheet. Here's what it looked like:

Illusion branch:
Supri makes Nightmare Drop using Hami-tan's pee in the process. Ayumi is forced to drink it.
She needs to use the toilet she sees in her dream. It's created and inserted into her dream by using the photo of a real toilet.
Ayumi: "Phew... I've made it somehow..."
But the next morning...
Ayumi: "No waaay~~ I've wet my beeed~~..."
That was the plan. However, Hami-tan screwed up and failed to create a believable dream.
Ayumi: "This is a dream, I shouldn't pee in my dream, no matter what! I'll certainly hold it until I wake up~~"
Ayumi runs through her dream and finally makes it to the door of reality. However, Hami-tan blocks her way.
This girl must wet her bed no matter what! She's not allowed to wake up!!! => Ayumi pulverizes Hami-tan with her incredible power, Hami-tan loses control over her bladder and wets the bed. On the other hand, Ayumi wakes up and barely manages to make it in time. Meanwhile, Hami-tan returns to the Dreamland and reports to Ell-sama.
Ell: "Oh, Hami-tan, you're late. There's someone I want you to meet."
Then Ell introduces Hami-tan to the newly reborn maou, succubus Ayumi.

Ghost branch: (EVENT 14)
Get Hanako-tan DVD => there's no DVD player at Ayumi's house => put a lot of salt into Ayumi's curry => she drinks a lot of water.
~ Night ~
Ayumi got into her bed and fell asleep. However, her sleep is very deep, so using mare's ability to manipulate dreams is impossible. If things go like that, she'll just wake up next morning as if nothing happened. Hami-tan's only hope is that all the water Ayumi drank will make her wet her bed on its own. After all, she drank a lot of water because of the salty curry.
You're repeating yourself.
It's not me.
All that water was slowly changing its color to golden and collecting in Ayumi's bladder. If Hami-tan finds a way to spill these golden drips, her mission will be completed. But Ayumi's sphincter is too strong, so she won't wet herself easily. What to do... Hami-tan desperately tries to come up with some idea. Suddenly, Ayumi woke up and jumped in her bed.
Ayumi: "Gotta pee..."
Still half asleep, Ayumi crawled out of her bed and walked into the dark corridor. She didn't turn the lights on. Instead, she walked straight to the bathroom. Her need to pee woke her up from her deep sleep, so it means that her bladder is overflowing with pee. This is an opening! If something gets in her way, she'll have to hold it until morning.
[ ]Use the white sheet
[ ]Block her way
>Use the white sheet
Hami-tan wrapped herself in the white sheet, approached Ayumi from behind and breathed at her neck just as she reached the toilet and grabbed the doorknob.
Ayumi: "Uwa! W-what was..."
Ayumi turned around and saw a ghostly figure wrapped in flowing sheet.
Ayumi: "U-uwaaaaaaaa! What's this?!"
Ayumi was clearly startled by the ghostly visage she saw in front of her, but instead of cowering in fear she instinctively clenched her fists.
Ghost: "Hyauuu?!"
Hami-tan didn't expect being attacked. Even with mare's speed and reflexes Hami-tan barely managed to avoid Ayumi's fists, and even then they grazed her sheet.
Wham, crash!
Ayumi's fists slammed into the wall, sending the rubble flying and leaving multiple cracks. The craters left in the wall are about the size of human's height.
Hami-tan: (H-how?! A human isn't supposed to break concrete walls with their bare fists!)
Hami-tan barely suppressed her scream as Ayumi prepared for her next attack. The attack that explained her ridiculous power.
Ayumi: "Futae no kiwami! Aa---------!"
"Futae no kiwami", or "double overdrive". The object is hit twice in a short period of time. The second strike follows through while the impact of the first strike didn't fade away yet. This allows penetrating through any defense. Indeed, defense is meaningless if you can't prepare it in time. This is why Ayumi's fists can break concrete wall as easy as if it was thin paper. Naturally, if used against a human, this attack will pulverize their body... to death.
Hami-tan: I-iyaaaaaaaa!"
Feeling the death's icy breath, Hami-tan threw the sheet away and tried to run away. However, she was so scared her legs were shaking. She tripped and fell on the floor.
Ayumi: "I... iyaaa~~n!"
Hami-tan: ". . . . . . . . . ?"
Hami-tan, cowering on the floor as she waited for Ayumi's attack, looked back at the girl when she heard her scream. When she threw the sheet away, it landed right at Ayumi, blocking her vision. Now the girl was flailing her fists wildly, but she couldn't get the sheet off her.
Ayumi: "A, a ghost... nooooo~~~"
Finally, she managed to get the sheet off somehow. As soon as she did, she threw the sheet away and ran back to her room. She slammed the door shut and barricaded it with a bookshelf and a desk.
Ayumi: "I-if it won't get inside, I'll be okay..."
Ayumi: "Uu... but I need to pee... Alright, I'll just hold it until morning."
Ayumi: "That's right. I mean, I don't wet my bed or something. I'll be fine..."
Trying to calm down, Ayumi slipped back in her bed. There was still a lot of time until the morning breaks, though... Meanwhile...

>Block her way
Get in front of Ayumi and physically block the passage. It would look like an invisible wall suddenly blocks the passage. Eventually Ayumi will give up and go back to her room. That was Hami-tan's plan. Even though she looks like a young girl, she's a mare. Her physical strength is far beyond that of an average schoolgirl. But can you stop an electric train with your bare hands? Ayumi's bladder, overflowing with pee, was sending desperate signals to her brain: it must be emptied as soon as possible. Ayumi's brain received these signals and pushed her body to its limits to make it to the bathroom no matter what. She looked like an average schoolgirl, but suddenly her body got the speed of a bullet train, capable of breaking any obstacle in its way.
~ Dreamland ~
Ell: "...So, you say that you've got ran over by a train in the corridor... right?"
Hami-tan: ". . . . . . . . ." (Can't speak due to massive injuries)
Ell: "Oh well, it can't be helped... You can take another trial sometimes later."
Hami-tan: ". . . . . . . . . ! !" (Can't speak due to massive injuries)

>The rest goes as in Maou branch, but says bad end.

You're probably wondering about Phantom Thief Ruby business. If you do, you certainly didn't watch Lupin III, the story of a gentleman thief Lupin the Third and his partners in crime. Like a true gentleman thief, he always leaves a threat letter before the heist. But even though his nemesis, detective Koichi Zenigata, uses this habit to prepare an ambush, Lupin always manages to escape, bidding his farewell with "goodbye, tottsan" ("old man" or "pops", but also translated as "defective" sometimes due to his inability to arrest Lupin). As for Ruby's "Farewell, Akechi-kun", it's a reference to Kogoro Akechi, brilliant but eccentric fictional detective inspired by Sherlock Holmes (Akechi's creator greatly admired Doyle's stories).

Character info: Naoko.
A gentle and kind but airheaded girl. Ojou type. Refers to herself as "watashi". Always speaks politely, ending her sentences with "desu ne~" and other polite copulas.

Lily's nightmare drop (event 12).
Condition 1: obtained Nightmare Drop
Condition 2: obtained French roll
Approach Chiko's house, but it's heavily guarded.
While our heroine explores the house under invisibility spell, Lily eats the French roll with Nightmare Drop.
She falls asleep and dreams about the events from one year ago.
She was working together with Holy Knight Lia. Their opponents were Ruby, Safira and Emeralda from infamous Nekomeishi (cat's eye) criminal group.
Lia: "They're still missing diamond, pearl and emerald."
Lily: "...This is not p*kemon."
Lily couldn't use the toilet during their stake-out. Ruby was going to appear during Lia's shift.
Lily: (Insert police academy theme song here)~
Lily was humming a song to kill some time. But the lyrics were off...
Lia: "You've got the last part wrong. It's not supidoihan, it's supido ageru."
Lily: "Geez! Stop ruining my fun!"
Lia: "I've bought some milk and anpan (bread roll filled with anko). Those are the very foundation of stake-outs."
But despite her words, Lia had a kopepan instead of anpan.
Lia: "They ran out of anpans, so I bought this instead. You'll have to bear with me."

She raised her police ID card in the air.
Lia: "Delete permission! Shoot to kill!"
Lia quickly drew her gun from holster and aimed at Ruby. But she just laughed at her.
Ruby: "One, two, three... checkmate!"
Barrel of Lia's gun exploded with fire, but the bullet didn't come out.
Instead, it sprayed the air with confetti. The real gun was swapped with party cracker gun.
Ruby: "What do you think? Is this magic or just some kind of a trick?"
A big black balloon descended to Ruby as she mocked her opponent.
But as she tried to get away, Lily desperately clung to Ruby.
Lily: "You, you're under arrest, phantom thief Ruby! Let go of that rope now!"
Ruby: "Whoa, so you're Lily-san? You've got some guts."
But then Lily's fear of heights kicked in and she wet herself.
While Lily was dazzled by her accident, Lily kicked her off the rope and escaped on her balloon.
Ruby: "Farewell, defective! I'm gonna make it into my catchphrase..."

EVENT 1 (Joke material)
N: "Hami-tan, why did you jump?"
H: "Because 1**-san forced me to~."
L: "Hami-tan, why did you jump again?
H: "Because L*** forced me to~."

EVENT 1 again (more joke material)
Naoko: "Homos don't like girls~"
Hami-tan: "Captain Obvious to the rescue!!!"

EVENT 17 (some character background)
During the roll call Reika suddenly remembered the school trip back from the middle school days. She was staying together with Ayumi and Naoko in a three person room at the hotel. As they were about to go to sleep, she noticed that they were going to wear diapers. To Reika's surprise, Naoko timidly said something.
Naoko: "If you wet your bed~ Waking up in a wet futon~ is very embarrassing~ That's why~"
Reika sneered at Naoko as they drank their tea and juice.
Reika: "So tasty~♪"
Reika: "But is it okay for someone who wets her bed to drink so much in the evening? Are you really that thirsty?"
Reika poured herself another cup of tea.
Naoko: "Re, Reika-chan... That's not very nice~"
Ayumi: "Hey, Naoko. You're the one who brought this up."
Reika: "Speaking of which, Ayumi-san, do YOU have to say something about this?"
Naoko: "He-hey, girls. Fighting is not very nice too~. Why don't we get along~?"
Ayumi: "I'm not fighting at all. Actually, I feel kind of sleepy... Hey, Reika-san."
Ayumi: "How about we end like this: if you wet your bed, you'll kneel down and apologize to Naoko. What do you think of it?"
Reika: "Very well. It's not like I will allow such a blunder to happen anyway."
Reika: "And if it didn't go your way, I'll tell everyone that Naoko wears diapers!"
Reika: "Ho~hohohoho..."
With these words Reika slipped into her bed.
Naoko: "Ho~ hohoho~... It's the first time~ I'm hearing someone to laugh like that~"
Ayumi: "Me too. This is a laugh you can expect from some salaryman in black suit."
The other two girls slipped in their beds and before long they were asleep.
The next morning...
Reika was on her knees in her hotel room.
Reika's bed had a wet stain in the place where her hips were.
At first Reika tried to deny that she wet her bed, telling the other two that she spilled some water, but the smell betrayed her. It was obviously not water.
Reika: "Please!!! Don't tell anyone! Keep this a secret!"
Ayumi: "No~way! Everyone, listen up~!!! This is the doing of Tsukishiro Reika-san, a student from middle school~~~"
Reika: "S-stop that! Ayumi, no, Ayumi-san, I was a bad girl!!!"
Ayumi: "I'm not the one you should apologize to. Don't you remember?"
Ayumi: "You've hurt Naoko's feelings that evening. Reflect on your actions...!!!"
Then they noticed that the person in question, Naoko, wasn't there. Apparently, she left the room. After a while, Naoko returned.
Naoko: "I'm back~ I have returned~"
Ayumi: "Naoko? Where did you go?"
Naoko: "To the reception desk~ I have reported~ the case of bedwetting~"
When she heard Naoko, Reika turned pale.
...And then huge teardrops started to fall from her eyes.
She buried her face in her hands and broke down into crying.
Reika: "Uu... gu... sniff... Stop... stop that already..."
Reika: "The daughter of Tsukishira family... wetting her bed... this is so disgraceful... Please... just stop..."
Naoko: "Hmm~? But~ Everything is already over~"
Reika: "Really? Or are you saying that because you want to tease me more?!"
Reika: "That must be it! You want to get back at me! You must be so happy now!!!"
Reika: "Me we... we... wetting my bed must be so funny! Go ahead and laugh as much as you want!!!"
Naoko: "Reika-chan~ calm down~ Back at the reception desk~ I didn't say that it was Reika-chan who wet her bed~"
Reika: "Wha, what did you just say? Then... what did you say about this bedwetting accident?"
Naoko: "Yep, I said that was me~ That was me~"
Naoko happily raised her hand.
Reika: "A-are you kidding?! First of all, your pajamas are not even wet!
Reika: "And yet you persuaded them that it was you..."
Reika was at loss of words, while Naoko... turned around.
Naoko: "It's nice and soaked~ The person at the front desk believed me too~"
Ayumi: "N-no way... Did you walk around the hotel like that?!"
Naoko: "Oh, this~? Yes, you're right~ It's a little bit cold~"
Ayumi: "G-geez! Hurry up and change your clothes! You'll catch a cold!!!"
Naoko: "Oh, by the way~ The hotel employee~ told me to leave the wet futon here~"
Naoko: "They will change it later~ So let's just make the bed~ Okay~?"
Right after Naoko told that, Ayumi pulled her to the shower.
But how strange. Naoko was certainly wearing a diaper last night. But she still wet her bed somehow.
To clean her doubts, Reika lifted the bed cover and looked under it. Instead of her wet futon, Reika saw a pure white sheet.
Reika: "...It's not wet from my accident? Then it means..."
Reika: "...That Naoko deliberately wet the back of her pajamas to protect me and make it look like she wet her bed?"
Reika was standing next to her bed, completely dumbfounded. Then she heard Ayumi's voice."
Ayumi: "Reika-san, what is it? I'm done with the shower, why don't you take it before you change your clothes?"
Reika: "A-ah, okay, I'll do that then. I'll just take my pajamas off..."
As she went into the shower, she bumped into Naoko.
Reika: "U... um... Naoko... san... That evening... I'm really sorry for what I said..."
Reika: "A-and... the bed... you helped me, so... t-thank you."
Naoko: "My, my~. What are you talking about~?"
Naoko: "Are you thanking me~ for taking care of Reika-chan's futon~ that was wet because she peed in her bed~?
Reika: "S-shut up! I'm just thanking you, that's all!!!"
Reika: "B-besides! Don't think that you've won!!! It's not over!!!"
After pointing her finger at confused Naoko, Reika dashed away from the room.
Ayumi: "...Tsunderes gonna tsun..."
Naoko: "Tsundere-san is~ as tsundere-san does~"
The next day everyone were talking about how Naoko wet her bed and had to apologize to the hotel staff at the reception desk.
Some people witnessed it, but they never openly discussed it with anyone.
They said that if someone will tell the truth about this event, a stern-looking oniichan with sunglasses will come after them and take them somewhere, never to be seen again.
Actually, that oniichan is Tsukishiro Reika's bodyguard, eager to keep the secret and protect her name.
Only three people know the truth about this event. Other than that, it's buried in darkness.
After that...
These three became best friends and lived through the school life together.

Well, that's it. Now you know everything that 118-san planned to include in Nightmare Drop but decided not to do that. I hope you don't mind this little attention whoring and enjoyed playing that game as much as we did. Personally, I love finding these little obscure things that you can't encounter if you play the game normally. Now that our break is over, back to translating HareAme!



I've downloaded the newest version of HareE, but can't work out how to bake the pie. I always lose, it seems impossible. Is there some trick to winning?


Quote from: Vermora on September 05, 2012, 10:06:08 AM
Is there some trick to winning?

Keep trying. Again, and again and again.

Also - Hold shift to dash, if you didn't know that already.

Mydnyght Edgeworth

Hmm, encountered a bug in HareAme. Not sure you can do anything about it, but here goes.

The Freezing Spring. When they first gather the Freezing Water, if all 4 girls already feel any need to pee and thus no one drinks it at the time, the game crashes. Some kind of "NoMethod Error". Detail reads, "undefined method 'set' for ExFace:Module".

Again, I doubt you can help with that, but it's there.

This loli is not wearing any pants.
That renders your argument invalid.


It's an RPG Maker game, pretty much anything can be fixed.

Judging from the error message the creator just didn't bother to account for that edge case, so all it'll take is one else statement in one event script.


Quote from: Mydnyght Edgeworth on September 06, 2012, 07:40:22 PM
The Freezing Spring. When they first gather the Freezing Water, if all 4 girls already feel any need to pee and thus no one drinks it at the time, the game crashes. Some kind of "NoMethod Error". Detail reads, "undefined method 'set' for ExFace:Module".
Congratulations, you have found a bug that japanese board couldn't find! Superior gaijin testers! It's actually just a case of syntax error in the script that's supposed to show multiple character portraits. I fixed this and uploaded the corrected version. Thanks for your report, I guess I'll have to pay attention to these little scripts too from now on.

Quote from: Franklin on September 05, 2012, 11:30:27 PM
Keep trying. Again, and again and again.
And again and again and again - after finishing this mission, you can challenge this minigame as many times as you want with two new modes unlocked, and if you beat the last mode, you'll get a desperation scene, a new title (Top Gun) and a new EM skill. Good luck!

Mydnyght Edgeworth

Quote from: Lisk on September 07, 2012, 07:54:17 AM
Quote from: Mydnyght Edgeworth on September 06, 2012, 07:40:22 PM
The Freezing Spring. When they first gather the Freezing Water, if all 4 girls already feel any need to pee and thus no one drinks it at the time, the game crashes. Some kind of "NoMethod Error". Detail reads, "undefined method 'set' for ExFace:Module".
Congratulations, you have found a bug that japanese board couldn't find!

Wait, huh? You're telling me no one else happened upon that bug??? No one else bothered to try it out just to see what happens... Huh.

Anyway, thanks. Glad I could help. Don't expect me to find anything like that again, however. I probably won't be that lucky anymore.

This loli is not wearing any pants.
That renders your argument invalid.


Any contribution helps. This is one of the reasons why I like feedback so much. Maybe someone encountered this bug in the moonland as well, but didn't bother to report it.

Anyway, to hell with partial updates. It's Friday evening, so I might as well push forward again and actually complete something. Yes, I can. Mission 11: completed!

As of now, 228 out of 324 maps are translated. Gameplay-wise they include researching, bureaucracy fighting and tomb raiding. This also the time for more... experiments (in an emotionless voice). This mission mostly uses the already translated maps, it just triggers new events. The next one will introduce a whole new dungeon. Please report any bugs and grammar/spelling mistakes you encounter and enjoy your peaceful adventuring days.

Also, a little survey for possible consistency breach: what should I do about our pink-haired warlock apprentice タルト? Which name would you prefer? Direct romanization, Taruto? Some workaround like Taru? Less direct translation like Tarte? Leaving her as she is now? The latter option is making me feel more and more awkward, because FIRIE.


I think Tart is fine, but it's up to you.

On a side note - I just downloaded your latest version and the entire dialogue for what I presume is the much talked about "conference" is untranslated. That is to say, from talking to the "quest-giving woman" right through to exiting from the conference room.

And that also reminded me about the girl who's standing in front of Barasm's Wave Motion Generator. Her second line is untranslated. It's of no importance, just thought I'd point it out.