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[March 08, 2024, 12:16:45 AM] FallenStar: R.I.P. Akira Toriyama - we would never have had Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball, nor Dragon Quest without you.  ;_;
[March 18, 2024, 08:27:36 AM] Lisk: >MFW I launched that Poowrite's game on a 386 and realized that it had sound effects all along
[April 12, 2024, 10:34:32 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 13, 2024, 12:49:22 AM] theerut: OwO
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:12 AM] FallenStar: LISK
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:24 AM] FallenStar: <.<  >.>   Sorry, I just wanted to belong.
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:25 AM] Lisk: Patpatpat
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:41 AM] Lisk: It is alive. Its PC not so much
[April 19, 2024, 04:23:14 PM] FallenStar: LIVINGINFIN... wait... wrong dude....  LISK
[April 24, 2024, 04:31:24 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:28 AM] Lisk: LIVIFIN
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:41 AM] Lisk: AM DOEING THINGSES
[May 01, 2024, 10:03:02 AM] FallenStar: Noooooo! Don't be doeing thingses! You're going to destroy us all!  D:
[May 04, 2024, 05:37:17 PM] FallenStar: fuggen Lisk has killed us all
[May 09, 2024, 05:39:39 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK.
[May 09, 2024, 05:40:15 PM] LivingInfinite: IT ACHIEVED THE ULTIMATE VICTORY.
[May 29, 2024, 04:40:49 PM] FallenStar: FRIGIN
[June 11, 2024, 12:47:13 PM] theerut: Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
[July 06, 2024, 04:29:56 AM] Lildarrian5: Anybody have the link to the 8gb of manga scenes posted here last year?
[July 23, 2024, 12:21:55 PM] doa: ive uploaded it again to another site (mediafire has a 10 gig limit)
[July 24, 2024, 08:13:36 AM] Lildarrian5: You're out here proving all heroes don't wear capes. %uD83E%uDEE1 Ty my friend.
[July 31, 2024, 04:03:35 PM] FallenStar: what the fuck...
[August 16, 2024, 07:52:23 PM] FallenStar: if you can read this, you don't need glasses
[September 10, 2024, 04:06:33 AM] theerut: account suspended...
[December 25, 2024, 08:38:16 AM] FallenStar: Merry Christmas to anyone still around and reading this damn thing
[February 23, 2025, 06:45:40 PM] Drying: Oh wow, this place still exists! %uD81A%uDDB9%u1BC5%uD81A%uDDB9
[February 23, 2025, 06:46:15 PM] Drying: ...I guess this talkbox was coded before Unicode
[March 01, 2025, 07:14:57 AM] FallenStar: Place is only here because I'm too lazy to shut it down and too loyal to shut down Nyou Fiction at the same time
[March 07, 2025, 05:48:45 AM] Lildarrian5: And I honestly and truly thank you for that
[March 07, 2025, 08:54:45 PM] FallenStar: probably the first and only time I will be thanked for being a lazy, procrastinating fool.  =P
TalkBox v1.0

List and discussion of japanese doujin FD/WS games

Started by Lisk, September 23, 2011, 03:28:02 PM

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(Highlight to view spoiler)
You get three four-digit numbers and I thought they corresponded to the gaps in the desks in the next classroom.
Completely wrong.
You just add them all together and the password is the total.
Maybe that would have been more obvious if I could understand the japanese without a translator program.

Also, one of the numbers needs to be reversed, it's obvious which one.

(End spoiler)

Mydnyght Edgeworth

Thanks, Rainy, but.... the other girl's first puzzle.... I have no idea what the clues are supposed to look like...-__-

This loli is not wearing any pants.
That renders your argument invalid.


Quote from: Mydnyght Edgeworth on February 25, 2013, 03:11:13 AM
Thanks, Rainy, but.... the other girl's first puzzle.... I have no idea what the clues are supposed to look like...-__-

Find the parts to assemble the music box, it plays four notes.

Convert them into letter notation for the password to the box in the food prep room.

(The only vaguely confusing one is that シ = Ti)

Maybe I should just type up a full walkthrough but I think everyone should try new puzzles on their own first. Rika's first puzzle with the four-digit number code actually took me the longest out of all of them.


It looks like a cool game, but AGTH doesn't seem to want to extract the text; selecting 'GetGlyphOutlineA' extracts only few characters from each sentence. Is there a way around this?

As for OneWeek; I'm going to wait for a full translation before playing the game. Good progress so far Lisk, nearly done so don't get burnt out  :clap:

EDIT: Solved my problem with a quick google search. This webpage below gives details of AGTH commands that can be used to find a text hook.

EDIT2: Rika's second puzzle seems quite hard. I have the four clues, I think I know what I'm supposed to do with them, but the translator might not be giving me the right words.

Definately can't solve Rika's puzzle, I think it requires a perfect translation of four words, which google translator isn't giving me.


Rika's second puzzle doesn't need any translations, just some copypasting.

(Highlight to view)

You have to go find four clues in various places:
The words are all related to omorashi and are just to bully Rika, you can solve the puzzle without knowing what any of them mean. The key that puts them together is the message ●REC 4443

From that you can figure out a password made of four kana and paste it in.


Oh, thanks. Actually, I tried copypasting, it didn't work the first time, perhaps I just copied the wrong character by mistake. Fairly obvious what the 4443 meant.


118-san's games have a lot of references to many aspects of japanese culture, this is the main reason why I like them so much. But these references can be divided into three groups:

1) Entrance tier. Something that anyone who finds these games after searching for omorashi games would know. Honorifics, the basics of everyday life (hooray for school festivals and class trips), references to popular anime series (congratulations, Shinji), major historic events like Sengoku period and so on. In the name of the Moon, I will spank you. This place is called 'Anime' Girl Desp, everyone knows these basics, so they can be left as they are. They should be left as they are. Dropping honorifics is a deadly sin.

2) Advanced tier. Something that people might or might not know, like the legend of Urashima Taro (the folk tale behind one of bedwetting events in F for the Fantasy), the story behind Hanako-san (I had to google it to understand what's going on the first time I've stumbled across it, but everyone knows this urban legend in Japan), the names of japanese dishes and the rules of their games. The most effort it takes to get it is to google it if you're not sure what's going on and so most of the things that fall into this group can be safely left as they are too. Reika's mahjong arc was probably the only exception. Maybe I should redo it. Someday. It's upper advanced tier and it was a reference to many mahjong anime and manga series, including one that I wasn't familiar with at the time of translation. Learned something new.

3) Expert tier. The mentions of modern popular culture events, net slang (chanspeak), clever use of language, subtle references you can only notice when you know what to look at and so on. This is what I would call А █████ ███ tier. They don't translate that well, but there's always notes.txt waiting for them.

But there's one more group that stands above them. What? A lullaby? This can't possibly mean anything, but I'll check it out just in case... What? The only links lead to 2ch threads? What are they talking about? Who is 岡田あーみん? What? This popular? How come this is the first time I heard about him? Oh, right, I physically couldn't follow his manga and its TV adaptation. So, what about this lullaby? お父さんは心配症? What is it? Whaaat? How come... oh, right. So one of the characters sings a creepy lullaby. So what am I supposed to do with it now?

These things are what I call "learned something new" tier and "I know what it feels like" tier. Never let them stop you, the goddess of victory is always waiting in the depths of hell.

But enough of my rants. The point of that long-winded post was to let you know that the work on ONE WEEK is almost done, all that is left is translating the endings, testing the game to make sure that it works as it should and finally fixing the grammar/spelling/occasional mistranslations. But even though all of the days are finished, the final night is not. Please wait warmly, the night is always darkest (and most desperate) before dawn.


Can't wait to play it in fully translated glory.

Heh, less than 1% left.


Autism is a difference

Autism is NOT a disability.


It's not even finished yet. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time when Shiki-san released a demo with working game system but without the wetting part, disappeared for a long time and started a completely new project, abandoning the previous one.


Quote from: Rainyday on February 25, 2013, 04:11:26 AM
Quote from: Mydnyght Edgeworth on February 25, 2013, 03:11:13 AM
Thanks, Rainy, but.... the other girl's first puzzle.... I have no idea what the clues are supposed to look like...-__-

Find the parts to assemble the music box, it plays four notes.

Convert them into letter notation for the password to the box in the food prep room.

(The only vaguely confusing one is that シ = Ti)

Maybe I should just type up a full walkthrough but I think everyone should try new puzzles on their own first. Rika's first puzzle with the four-digit number code actually took me the longest out of all of them.

I can't convert into anything. Only 2 japanese characters enters in the space and i have tried lots of combinations without any success
I know that are 4 music notes and 2 music boxes but I don't understand japanese
Can you tell me what to write in that box in the food prep room to get on with the game?
And maybe you should just type up a full walkthrough


So I was a little impatient and decided I was willing to play an uncleaned version of One Week. And aside from congratulating you on a job well done, I didn't notice any errors while playing albeit I wasn't really looking, I do have one question about the ending. If you make the protag wet her pants four times outside her mother puts her in diapers in the day. The question I have is if there is any endings related to this anyone knows of. I've gotten her in diapers 3 times once also bedwetting all 7 days and once only bedwetting twice. The third time was cancelled out by the speacial leviathen ending. So does anyone know of a day diaper related ending.

as a note I didn't make her wet after getting into diapers as it didn't seem to do anything the first time.


Quote from: bazaracu on March 07, 2013, 09:32:41 AM
I can't convert into anything. Only 2 japanese characters enters in the space and i have tried lots of combinations without any success
I know that are 4 music notes and 2 music boxes but I don't understand japanese
Can you tell me what to write in that box in the food prep room to get on with the game?
And maybe you should just type up a full walkthrough

By letter notation I meant
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do = C D E F G H A B


Whelp, I got a "perfect" ending in one week. And the best part is that there is about a dozen more to go for! I wasn't paying attention but I guess this is the same person who made Nightmare Drop or at least it would make sense considering the final night you get to make a revised version. It would really help to have a guide for these endings but overall it was a great experience. I really appreciate it Lisk as I cannot imagine translating being one of the most entertaining things to do.


And now it's officially done and ready for playing!

QuoteIf you make the protag wet her pants four times outside her mother puts her in diapers in the day. The question I have is if there is any endings related to this anyone knows of.
No, the only things that affect the endings are the following things:

1) How many times did Nanami wet her bed (determines the letter)
2) How many times did Arisa wet her bed
3) How friendly they are towards each other

And there's also a certain condition for the special ending. It's unfortunate that desperation and wetting are out of focus compared to the other games, but I can't blame 118-san for not adding some special events for them too. If you look at the code for some latter events, you'll see what I mean. It was already too much of a mess.

QuoteI wasn't paying attention but I guess this is the same person who made Nightmare Drop
Yeah, it was the same person who did Nightmare Drop, FF and a couple of other games, and all of them have some cross-references alongside with cultural reference he throws it here and there. Which is why I like them so much. I play omo games for plot.

QuoteI cannot imagine translating being one of the most entertaining things to do.
But it's fun! How else would I know that the lullaby Mayu sings to Nanami in kindergarten chapter is actually the creepy song from 岡田あーみん's manga お父さんは心配症? That was one of those "what am I supposed to do with THIS" moments. And why the cats shouldn't eat squids. And this. And this. And all these WHY moments.

Why BL novel. Why Kogoro Akechi. Why unjarage. Why dessert festival. Why otokonoko. Why Kumamon. Why that cat. Why. Why. Why!

Well, it all turned well in the end. I didn't learn about any good shows that I missed (like I did with Nightmare Drop and Akagi - my and 118-san's tastes are quite similar), but I found some events that I missed when I was playing this game.

Thanks to your support, we have reached a brighter tomorrow.
