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Fd/wetting in TV shows

Started by firebird189, June 08, 2009, 02:47:41 PM

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this is FD/ Wetting in tv shows (non-cartoons).

1. Grey's anatomy: you see a young girl who has already wet her pants,  near the beginning of "walk on water"

2. House: A woman has a seizure in the clinic and wets herself(nothing is shown though), it was the episdode that they thought a cat could predict when someone would die.

this is all i can remeber for now if i think of more i'll add them


Haven't seen this show in over 10 years so i can't say the episode number is correct.

Almost Perfect, season 1 episode 14, "Overly Meditated", aired on February 4, 1996.

A woman (played by Nancy Travis) takes her boyfriend to a meditation camp for the weekend and absolutely refuses to use the outhouse there. A bathroom is the first thing she asks for when they get there, but she denies having to go at first. She runs to the outhouse a few times that day but can't stand the smell and holds it in. There is a very nice pee dance from her the next morning during meditation class. In the end she holds it the entire 2 days before returning home.
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.

Facestab Fred

Holding it for two days?


(18 ounces = average full bladder) x (toilet used on average 4 times a day)= half a gallon

Just the slightest pressure and...

It's just as exciting as a knife fight in a phone booth!



There is a scene with Kate Winslet also in the movie "Holy Smoke" by Jane Campion

Between the movie there is also
TOKYO DECADENCE (quite sure...)


"Os Normais", some Tv-show from Brazil, has a FD-Scene as well. You can watch it on Youtube on the channel of Thepeedance.


There was a scene in monk where some kid had to pee but Mr. Monk wouldn't let her use the port o pottys because they wern't "Sanitary". then he gave her 5 dollars to hold it in the car.
The scene used to be on youtube but it got taken down. Anybody know what episode this was in?


its on youtube

monk mr monk gets stuck in traffic (name of video)

mr monk gets stuck in traffic (episode name)


here's a link to the monk episode. it featured koRn and so i now need to find the whole episode. there's a whole youtube play list of pretty good stuff there

Posts merged - Don't Double post! - Star


There is a police drama show here in the UK called Luther- there was a fear wetting in the first 2 minutes of episode 3.

For anyone in the UK or other areas licensed to access it- BBC iPlayer has episode 3 in its entirety.
"...but her bladder would broker no delay..."


Episode 5 of Season 4 of 'The Tudors' on Showtime contains a fear wetting in the last five minutes.

Queen Catherin Howard (played by the rather adorable Tamzin Merchant) pisses herself fairly extensively while waiting to be executed. She witnesses the death of her lady-in-waiting and looks terrified, then glances down to her bare feet, where a large, widening pool of yellow urine is shown gathering.


Quote from: banedon on May 21, 2010, 08:10:56 PM
Episode 5 of Season 4 of 'The Tudors' on Showtime contains a fear wetting in the last five minutes.

Queen Catherin Howard (played by the rather adorable Tamzin Merchant) pisses herself fairly extensively while waiting to be executed. She witnesses the death of her lady-in-waiting and looks terrified, then glances down to her bare feet, where a large, widening pool of yellow urine is shown gathering.

That was awesome. The girl is very cute and seems dignified. You can even see the dude standing next to her glance down at the puddle after she steps up to the block. This is probably one of the best fear wettings I've seen.

Wish I could find the Luther one, but I'm not in the UK. JackO, you've gotta rip it for me somehow...


Quote from: LivingInfinite on May 22, 2010, 12:16:28 AM
Quote from: banedon on May 21, 2010, 08:10:56 PM
Episode 5 of Season 4 of 'The Tudors' on Showtime contains a fear wetting in the last five minutes.

Queen Catherin Howard (played by the rather adorable Tamzin Merchant) pisses herself fairly extensively while waiting to be executed. She witnesses the death of her lady-in-waiting and looks terrified, then glances down to her bare feet, where a large, widening pool of yellow urine is shown gathering.

That was awesome. The girl is very cute and seems dignified. You can even see the dude standing next to her glance down at the puddle after she steps up to the block. This is probably one of the best fear wettings I've seen.

Wish I could find the Luther one, but I'm not in the UK. JackO, you've gotta rip it for me somehow...

Quality isn't great and you have to bear through a few pop-ups on the way in, but this should let you catch the scene you're looking for LI, even if yer in the good ol' USA-

Fairly tame scene. A young mother is being menaced by some nefarious kidnapper. When he tells her that he's going to 'spread her and her child all over the house' if she doesn't leave with him, you audibly hear her urine falling out of her skirt and pattering on the floor, followed by a quick pan down to show the puddle on the linoleum. Still...there it is if you want it.


Thanks banedon! Too bad, she's much less attractive than the girl from The Tudors...

ps. I'm Canadian


Episode 6 of season 2 of 'Home Improvement' called Haunting of Taylor House, Jill is stuck inside a carrot suit and has to pee. She is shown dancing in desperation while Tim tries and unzip it. She then rushes into the bathroom once the zipper is down
I'm just a regular guy who likes to see anime babes desperate to pee. Whats so wrong with that