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Doki Doki Shower Time (english translation)

Started by Serika, April 11, 2011, 05:07:48 PM

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Another translation. This time i just put an .htm with my translation notes in the zip instead of trying to edit every single SFX. The SFX are not important but they are in the notes if you want them.

The cover was misleading too. I thought this would be all about omorashi, but there's just one peeing and one wetting. :(

Title: Doki Doki Shower Time
Summary: Satoshi walks in on a drunken Mio while she is peeing, causing her to faint. In his confusion, he has sex with her and Azusa while they are asleep.

Contents: Desperation, peeing, wetting, alcohol

update: There's something i need to clarify with page 8. I just now found out that i fell for a J-pun. Kuri means chestnut, but it is also engrish for clit. Some hentai films even use this as a joke. I used chestnut, but the line of page 8 should be...

Satoshi: 澪さんのクリチンコと俺のチンコキス...
Satoshi: Mio-san's clit is kissing my dick...

So kuri-chinko is clit and not chestnut-dick.
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.