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Female and loving this S*

Started by Grim, March 18, 2011, 01:33:12 PM

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YEAHH :clap:
I mean, um, hello guys.... I just wanted to introduce myself.. I mean, since the forums aren't alll that active, I might as well while I'm still new x"DD

Grim is what I'd like you to call me. I am a a girl, but I'm digging the desperation; both male and female |D
I DO prefer male though..But good male desperation is hard to find :S
Still finding this forum nice.. although I laugh at some posts; those who seem to be so distant... as if girls never would find this forum... makes me feel like a freak though....

I'm stright, just to have that clarifyed... Theres no need to fear me, I don't bite x"D
And whatever you perverts can take, I can too |DD

so yeah, take good care of meeee :blush:
((LOL I sound superlame xDDD ))


Hey Grim, welcome to the forums, it's nice to have some more girls around to even things up a bit! Hopefully you'll feel right at home here, we'll do our best to help you fit right in.

We did think that girls may not discover the forum... brb deleting all my posts  :lol:

But seriously, we'd like to know even more about you if that's okay... nothing too personal... just how you got into the fetish (if you remember) and what aspects you like the most... and any other fetishes you have... if you're willing to tell us.

So welcome to the forums and I hope you'll grow to love them  :blushing:


Welcome to my (admittedly pathetic  :lol: ) hole in the net!

I do hope you find things to your liking, though if you have any ideas on how to improve post count, don't be afraid to make suggestions or ask questions.

FallenStar - Site Admin
Welp... I'm fucked...


Welcome to the forums.  I'm packrat.  Pleased to meet you! ^_^

Sorry for the late reply, been having troubles with my computer lately.  (Had to wipe about 3-years worth of data this weekend.)  Anyway, I think Jacko & Star said pretty much everything I was gonna say, so I'll just wish that you have a good time on the forums.  There's lots to do here, such as RPs, Discussions (fetish-related or not), even forum games and polls.  There's plenty of members here to talk to, and plenty of fun to be had. 

Well, that's my 2 cents.  Cya around the forums. =)


Union JackO, FallenStar, packrat; thats for wishing me welcome 8")
I'm sure it'll be a fine "stay" xDD
((Also, sorry for replying late.. I went abroad for some weeks...))

I'll tryyy to be active in the forums, altough, I haven't really been on a forum in.. years D:
stillstillstill, this can get intresting... it's kinda... different >D

AH- yes, more about myself... I'm not really sure what to say D: I mean... theres a lot i COULD say but ey idunno what's intresting :S
but, feel free to ask stuff though.. I'll try to answer; if anyone decides to  :blush:


How I got into this fetish?
TO BE HONEST, I don't remember.... desperation has always been.. intresting to me.. pretty much ever since i was a child :lol:
I used to get desperate by seing OTHERS get desperate..Also I found it fun holding it when I was in my earl-teens.. and yeah it just stuck as a exciting thing :S though, thinking of it as a fetish... well I din't think of it as a fetish until last year :lol:

IIIIII prefer the desperation.... and humilation>D
I'm not allll that into the peeing itself, but then again, it's boring if they make it;;;; D:
So yeah I'm not into free peeing.... no desperation, no fun >U
Also, I don't like scat... I find THAT kinda yucky, but ey  :blushing:

What other fetishes?

umm, I'm kind of a freak...have many XDDD
BUT MY MAIN ONES(other than desperation) ISS
S&M((as both S, and M.........)),
humiliation ((because I'm evil.... )
AAAND" roleplaying" is always fun... |DD
well, actually I just like trying a lot of stuff.... but those are the most exciting :clap:


I like drawing 8DD
((see self portrait :> ))


Hey! You posted on my intro so i wanted to reply yours! I also liked your profile pic and find it amazing that you drew it yourself. Well i hope to see you around both here and maybe even over IM(as i saw your into roleplays) feel free to message me anytime!
Feel free to message me anytime for a Rp, Email or Im me at:


A belated greeting, Grim-chan!

Your art style is quite charming and adorable. I myself would be quite pleased to see more of it grace our online presence.
[End transmission.]


Heya, I noticed your (Very well drawn, imo ^^) Avatar pic in one of the topics I was reading, thought I'd pop into this thread.

I'm looking foward to seeing more of your art, if you choose to post in the gallery,  :clap:

Also, a question!

Are you much of a gamer? And what do you play, if yes?

-DarkSyn, ninjalurker!


Hey, you didn't sound lame to me.  Don't degrade yourself like that!

Besides if YOU are lame, then everyone's lame!

And I'm as much of a freak as anyone else on this site right now.
Autism is a difference

Autism is NOT a disability.