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Hey guys!

Started by Sluncho, September 16, 2011, 07:59:38 PM

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I don't really know anybody here because I've been kind of out of the scene for a while (used to post as Jeffrey Squires, MD on the old Ultimate Watersports AnonIB and Nyou2/3), but I stumbled upon this place a little while ago trying to figure out what happened to the whole WS/desp crew. After imageboard4free went bust it became real hard to find my fix or even folks to talk to about this stuff, so I'm real glad I found this place.


Welcome to the forums.  I'm packrat.  Pleased to meet you.  ^_^

Wow, someone from Nyou 2.  Glad to see you finally found this place.  I used to go there too, but I was usually and anon of some sort.  How ya been?  If you're looking for a community centered on fd then you've definitely come to the right place.


(no sarcasm will be used in this reply)

To packrat: Am I the only one here who has never heard of any of those other sites?

To Sluncho: I love the choice of username.  Where did you come up with that?
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