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Started by peeplayer, November 23, 2008, 10:18:23 AM

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I love puddles to me i suppose it helps bring out the humiliation aspect of the fetish.


actually, sitting in puddles is really great: Especially if you didn't know they were peeing beforehand.

See: Elfen Lied scene.


I love the puddles. I prefer them on a hard surface so the noise is louder.


Puddles from a girl in a school girl outfit are the best :D There was one movie where these japanese girls made a girl hold it through two classes until she completely wet herself. the sheer desperation just made it that much better


I love puddles, really gives you a good sense of how full they were and how desperate they were ;P


I like to see puddle under chair especially girl with skirt in a class.
It would be pleasant sight if the wet patch at crotch is exposed (that is the panties are soaked).


I'm a big fan of puddles. The bigger the better. A wetting scene just doesn't feel right to me without one. That's not to say I dislike a lack of puddles, but I would rather one be there.


I like seeing a puddle when they're sitting in it.  Otherwise It's kind of just an impersonal aftermath kind of thing for me.


It's exciting to me if the pee accident is not obvious, and the girl tries to cover it. I love that little puddles under a criying and sobbing girl, and i dont mind if she's wearing a skirt or she's wearing trousers. I prefer sport leggins...

anime lover

yes, puddles are awesome!
especially if the girl has finished peeing, but her pee still drips down to the puddle

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