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Started by peeplayer, November 23, 2008, 10:18:23 AM

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i really love when there's a puddle at the aftermath of the accident ;D
especially if she wet her pants :D
anyone else?


I like puddles, but only if she's wearing a skirt. If she's wearing jeans, I prefer it to have stained the pants. Mainly I just like to see it on there legs.
Would you like to play a game? Heads I win, tails you lose.


Obviously, yes! Even better if it's a HUGE puddle because it tells you how bad she had to go.

Some of the funnier wetting pics i've seen even has a fish flopping around in the puddle the girl left. :lol:
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.


Puddles are a definite yes!! I think with jeans it's best, as long as they're soaked and there's a huge puddle to show she just couldn't hold it anymore.

And then seeing a random puddle underneath someone when you can't tell by their clothes that it happened is nice too, cuz you totally know they did.


I prefer to be the one making the puddles.  Unfortunately, I have  only done it like chillyvanilly said, skirt and no panties.  So far, I've been too shy to pee myself.


Quote from: MaidThree on January 02, 2009, 04:30:58 AM
I prefer to be the one making the puddles.  Unfortunately, I have  only done it like chillyvanilly said, skirt and no panties.  So far, I've been too shy to pee myself.

You shouldn't be too shy to pee yourself, especially if it's in private where you don't have to tell anyone about it. It's really fun to make a puddle and be wet too. If that doesn't help, just start off slow with just underwear and work your way to other things as you get more comfortable. Remember, it always dries.


Puddles only happen when there's a place for the flow to pool;  dirt, sand, and adequate padding preclude puddles...  But the fact remains, that  when you have to go, just go...


best part of wetting. Really big puddle AND completly soaked jeans/skirt/dress/whatever. *Amazing orgasm ensues*!!!
what am I going to do when the world comes to an end? I'm going to put sugar on my cantaloupe!


^ agreed
I am quite fond of puddles, because it shows that she had a lot in her system. It's better when other things (skirts, panties, jeans) are soaked before the puddle is made. For me, sometimes the harder the clean-up of the accident, the more exciting it is...


hmmmm...that's a good one. Depends for me. Skirts are great for puddles but so are jeans depending on how loose they are.


Quote from: johnny282 on February 10, 2009, 08:22:19 AM
the floor matters just as much
Good point, but i'm thinking carpet would dampen(LOL) the sound it makes. If she pees on a hard smooth surface like a marble floor the spattering could be loud enough to attract attention.
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.


Number one for me is still jeans wetting, which is less likely to result in puddles than just wet, clingy awesome, but I'm a big fan of puddles, too. Especially if they're sitting in it while it slowly soaks into their clothes. :drool:
This is an experiment of sorts. I don't really expect most people to care about my music listening habits.


Puddles sounds like the name of a puppy that isn't house broken.

But anyway, yes - I do like puddles of realistic proportions. I'm not really a fan of gigantic ones, or tiny ones.


Quote from: jaiden9 on February 13, 2009, 04:40:18 PM
Puddles sounds like the name of a puppy that isn't house broken.

Well, that's entirely perfect if you have a human pet fantasy! I hope to be able to do that someday with my boyfriend (long-distance relationship). Of course going "out" would be replaced with going to the bathroom, and I wouldn't be allowed... Of course, I'd be loaded up on liquids beforehand. I just hope I'll be on a non-carpeted floor when the floodgates open, or else he'll have to spend a lot more time waiting for me to clean it all up. No matter where it happens, the puddle would be huge... Big accidents are the most naughty.


I'm with the general consensus on this one here. Puddles are definitely something I look forward to in the aftermath, though they have to be sizable. And hahaman hit another point, that being a puddle under a chair. Idk, I think I just like school settings best for FD. XD