
New Board created - Goofy Pic Posting. Go populate it and stuff.  :P

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Hey mods!!!

Started by yiffer121, July 20, 2009, 09:03:43 PM

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im not getting any notices about lack of posts, but i cant get into the image I banned or whats going on...I know I dont post a whole lot, but I post what I can...I even posted a story I wrote...So whats the deal?
YIFF YOU A**hole



Read the rules, kthxbai.


they changed them since the last time, so you really should look at the rules!

#7 clearly states that you havet be an Advanced Member in order to view the image gallery. this was done to get people to post more instead of the need 10 to look at the gallery.i believe it is a good rule, since this IS a forum frst, gallery later