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[March 08, 2024, 12:16:45 AM] FallenStar: R.I.P. Akira Toriyama - we would never have had Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball, nor Dragon Quest without you.  ;_;
[March 18, 2024, 08:27:36 AM] Lisk: >MFW I launched that Poowrite's game on a 386 and realized that it had sound effects all along
[April 12, 2024, 10:34:32 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 13, 2024, 12:49:22 AM] theerut: OwO
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:12 AM] FallenStar: LISK
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:24 AM] FallenStar: <.<  >.>   Sorry, I just wanted to belong.
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:25 AM] Lisk: Patpatpat
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:41 AM] Lisk: It is alive. Its PC not so much
[April 19, 2024, 04:23:14 PM] FallenStar: LIVINGINFIN... wait... wrong dude....  LISK
[April 24, 2024, 04:31:24 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:28 AM] Lisk: LIVIFIN
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:41 AM] Lisk: AM DOEING THINGSES
[May 01, 2024, 10:03:02 AM] FallenStar: Noooooo! Don't be doeing thingses! You're going to destroy us all!  D:
[May 04, 2024, 05:37:17 PM] FallenStar: fuggen Lisk has killed us all
[May 09, 2024, 05:39:39 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK.
[May 09, 2024, 05:40:15 PM] LivingInfinite: IT ACHIEVED THE ULTIMATE VICTORY.
[May 29, 2024, 04:40:49 PM] FallenStar: FRIGIN
[June 11, 2024, 12:47:13 PM] theerut: Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
[July 06, 2024, 04:29:56 AM] Lildarrian5: Anybody have the link to the 8gb of manga scenes posted here last year?
[July 23, 2024, 12:21:55 PM] doa: ive uploaded it again to another site (mediafire has a 10 gig limit)
[July 24, 2024, 08:13:36 AM] Lildarrian5: You're out here proving all heroes don't wear capes. %uD83E%uDEE1 Ty my friend.
[July 31, 2024, 04:03:35 PM] FallenStar: what the fuck...
[August 16, 2024, 07:52:23 PM] FallenStar: if you can read this, you don't need glasses
[September 10, 2024, 04:06:33 AM] theerut: account suspended...
[December 25, 2024, 08:38:16 AM] FallenStar: Merry Christmas to anyone still around and reading this damn thing
[February 23, 2025, 06:45:40 PM] Drying: Oh wow, this place still exists! %uD81A%uDDB9%u1BC5%uD81A%uDDB9
[February 23, 2025, 06:46:15 PM] Drying: ...I guess this talkbox was coded before Unicode
[March 01, 2025, 07:14:57 AM] FallenStar: Place is only here because I'm too lazy to shut it down and too loyal to shut down Nyou Fiction at the same time
[March 07, 2025, 05:48:45 AM] Lildarrian5: And I honestly and truly thank you for that
[March 07, 2025, 08:54:45 PM] FallenStar: probably the first and only time I will be thanked for being a lazy, procrastinating fool.  =P
TalkBox v1.0

Favorite part of Desperation

Started by 3digimon, July 26, 2009, 09:32:17 PM

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I like it when a cute girl wearing shorts or skirt has to go to the bathroom really bad and she holds her crotch hard and then she wets her self.


my favorite part is when the girl crosses and uncrosses her leg/is moving a lot in her seat or when standing because then you know she has to pee

Iku Nagae

My favorite part is the actual release of pee. I love seeing it wet their panties/clothing and then run down their legs or just drip onto the floor. It get me excited just thinking about it.


I would say when they're right at the point of losing it. They try with every ounce of effort to hold it (basically freaking out as discreetly as possible) but it just doesn't work and they let go, having to suffer whatever embarrassment as payment for their relief hehe.

Iku Nagae

Quote from: AliasnameTO on July 27, 2009, 11:01:53 AM
I would say when they're right at the point of losing it. They try with every ounce of effort to hold it (basically freaking out as discreetly as possible) but it just doesn't work and they let go, having to suffer whatever embarrassment as payment for their relief hehe.

Ah that is a good point, but the actual relieving part is best imo.  :drool:


Quote from: Iku Nagae on July 27, 2009, 11:14:15 AMAh that is a good point, but the actual relieving part is best imo.  :drool:

Well yeah, not that there's any bad part to it hehe. I like a few seconds later because that's when you get everybody around's reaction also, and the wetting really starts to sink in. Ha! <-- pun lol.

Anyway I voted jeans on the poll that apparently popped out of nowhere.

Iku Nagae

Hmmm... tough poll. I'd have to say all of the above. They're all so good I can't decide.


i voted for jeans, but wouldnt the peeing be part of the wetting not the desperation and this top says favorite part of desperation


I voted for skirts, because they're so much hotter on a fine girl. Also, the best part is always the "fidgeting and crossing legs" part, where it's obvious how bad the situation is but she's trying not to think about it.


For me the favourite part is when she's right on the verge of losing control.  Better still is if she leaks a little bit and leaves some wet trails down her legs / jeans, but still struggles to keep holding on, stopping the flow before she completely wets herself.

I always love a girl who never gives up, who keeps on trying to hold it even after it's started to splash around her ankles and her trousers / legs are soaked.

I hate in so many staged wetting videos who a girl will be desperate for ages, and then says "OK I'll go now", squats down onte floor and pees.  We want accidental wetting, not deliberate wetting!


I agree with you: the_variant

I like it when a girl never gives up when peeing herself and soaking her legs. :gunsmilie:


The desperation itself is more important to me than the actual wetting.

Have to agree with the_variant: seeing a girl struggling at the point where she is actually in pain and crying but can't end her own suffering lest she forfeit her dignity...sorry, got a little poetic there....


Definitely the crotch holding desperation stage.


My favorite part has to be when leaking starts, but there is still some control.  The desperation increases greatly with just that little bit of "relief" but having actually wet a little bit, there is a new found strength and desire to hold on which just extends the desperation even longer.  The best is when the girl has enough control to actually do this a couple times before finally succumbing to the need and completely wetting herself.


my fave part would be... well.. wow... really hard to decide.


im gonna go with it leaking through her hands during the last part of the crotch grabbing.
aside from the desperation itself