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Possible new board?

Started by TaintedLove, October 06, 2009, 01:05:37 PM

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How about a troll board?  Where we can just be obnoxious to each other and let out our aggression?  I guarantee you'd see a sweeter TL around the regular boards.

Just chuckin this one out there, I can't honestly say I expect it to happen?


I am... hesitant to make such a board for a few reasons.

1. Trolling is against forum rules. That doesn't just cover one board but the entire forum.

2. People tend to get butthurt easily even if no offense is meant. I, myself, fall victim to that more than enough times.

3. A board of that nature is sure to be spammed with lots of meaningless playful insults and such and doesn't really contribute to the forum as a whole.

I'm sure there are reasons *for* creating such a board, but they escape me at this time.   :death:
Welp... I'm fucked...


I'd have to go with star on this one.  A trolling forum not only contradicts the rules but even if the comments are playful in nature people will naturally take them with all seriousness and act accordingly and that is something I don't think this board needs.


1. I know.  This is exactly why I think a board like that would be a good idea.  To divert the possibility of it away from the other boards, and make it more effective.

2. Just go with the old standby: "Only a fool would take anything posted here seriously." and people simply CAN NOT bitch.

3. This is where it gets rocky for me to defend.  Ultimately, the only potential benefit is for fun.  It could work like the Forum Games board, though, to discourage spam.

Ehhh?  Ehhh?

Eh, probably not, but may as well shoot for the stars.


A troll board huh? Seeing the trolls on YouTube... I'd have to say as long as you put a BIG notice that nothing in that board is serious, like TaintedLove said, I guess... er... It's still a tough desicion to make, seeing it breaks the forum rules, and it can get out of hand, so I'll have to vote no.
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Specific interest: Lolis, FDs
