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New game from the guy that made Shikkin128!!!

Started by none, November 27, 2009, 05:21:32 PM

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Any one remember, or better yet played the translated version of shikkin128? Where you played a unnamed hero, or voyeur, that runs around trying to take pictures of girls wetting themselves? 

Well the author, I think his name is arabesque, has returned from a long break to start up a new game! ShikkinPlus!

Now I must say that the game is in it's 0.0 version meaning that it is unfinished. But if  arabesque's older works are any indicators they will updated heavily.

AND it is in Japanese as of right now.

How to download:
Go here:

And click on [14.rar]

See where it says ""?

Type in omo in the text box underneath. And press enter.

The pass word for the zip file is ShikkinPLUS

The story:
After you become the home town hero by taking pictures in Shikkin128 you decided to go back home with your childhood friend Ayumi and now you want to see her wet herself. Of course she'll make it just fine on her own but just like in Shikkin128 have to do things to ensure that she doesn't, no rape.

This time it seems like you have to get on the girls good side doing things like getting her presents, increasing your "charm  skill" and "intellect skills" ect.  If these skill are high enough you get more ways to see her wet! When you start the game your so bad with talking to girls you cant see any wetting at all.

Also instead of chasing her around all day your a high school student who goes to a school that studies the history of girls wetting themselves in other video games!! If the teacher asks you a question and you get it right I guess you get some sort of bonus, obviously I'm a dunce...   

That's all for right now I'll update when I get more info.


I love the game, but I can't understand a word being said, what I'm buying, and what the heck is actually going on. I have seen 2 wettings though.


Quote from: B.u.S. on November 28, 2009, 08:11:21 AM
I double-click the icon to play the game and a blue box comes up... basically it won't let me play. What do I need to do to get it working?

You need to set your regional settings to Japanese(Japan?) the instructions on how to do so should be in one of the older shikkin128 posts.   


Quoted from none "You have to change your regional settings as well Start -> Control Panel  -> Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options -> Regional and  Language Options -> Advanced ->  And under the first drop down box select Japanese you may need to download the language pack from Microsoft's web site. "
On that note im gonna go ahead and download the first few games from the old topic found in the link Below.


Quote from: B.u.S. on November 29, 2009, 03:50:54 AM
...but I did :S And it still didn't work.

Are you using Vista? If so I can't help you.

But if your using XP I need more info from you to help.


Quote from: B.u.S. on November 29, 2009, 02:11:16 PM
I'm using Vista. I did exactly as was said by changing the system to Japanese and it still didn't work :S

Thing is, the first game worked fine on this same laptop earlier this year no problem - any advice guys and gals?

Vista Ultimate lang pack:

A language pack is not available when you click "View available updates" after you install Windows Vista Service Pack 2:

Those are my best guesses.


Well, yay! Thank you for telling us about this, none.

B.u.S.: can you check and see if shikkin128 and/or adventure still work for you? It's the same engine, so if one works but the other doesn't, the problem isn't your language/regional settings. I'm also using vista and the new one appears to launch fine.

Edit: Well, the machine translations have told me that I've never heard of almost any of the old omorashi games mentioned in the quizzes, so instead of try to guess at every one I've come up with a quick little patch that (as far as I can tell) makes the game accept any answer as correct. It should make things a little easier at least. Eventually I might see about trying to translate the "important" parts of the game, but I don't have as much time as I did a few months ago thanks to no longer being unemployed, so I probably wouldn't get anywhere very soon. For translation, I'm using the AGTH.exe text buffer extraction thing that was linked from one of the shikkin128 threads, and a cracked copy of Quick ATLAS, along with google translate.

Hope it helps.


heres his homepage basicly he has made 3 shikkin games, btw ive noticed something about the questions you need to answer, after awhile the answers will get colors, right answers are turned into red and grey is the false ones, it might be because you have chosen the right answer a couple of times though, not entirely sure.

Alittle more about the game:
From what that i can figure, you need to fill the girls affection bars (the two at the bottom) by giving them gifts, these cost money, which you can get by working on the store at the evening, the 3 bars on the top, are your strength/intelligence and charm i think, got no idea what these 3 does, but i think they will help you make more money when your working. Another thing is that when you get to the places with decisions, always take the bottom choice if you want them to wet themself, however, they will loose affection when you do this, and if your affection is 0, you cant choose the alternative that makes them wet themself. They will mostly wet themself after 3 of these decisions. For the affection bars, the bar at the bottom is the red haired girl, and the bar over that one is the brown haired girl. Hope this helps you guys alittle.


I'd help out with translating/patching this game again like I did with Shikkin128, but I just installed Win7 and don't have the tools anymore. I'll have to first make sure I can actually get the game running on Win7 first.


Just as a heads up, the guy has released a new version of this game with some new features and an extra girl (she was in shikkin128)


Does anyone know how the heck you're supposed to do the Real Mode thing? I can't figure it out...


Ehh, I don't want to sound like a total retard or anything, but how do you download it exactly?

I can't read japanese much.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Don't take whatever I said seriously, Unless it has to do with anything I do-er-we-as-sh-... yeah. Just read what I wrote :(