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Sex/masturbating while desperate

Started by Ameboes, January 15, 2010, 01:54:40 AM

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What do you think about having sex (or oral, whatever) or masturbating while needing to pee or even desperate? Does it make for a more pleasurable experience for you? More intense orgasm? I'm interested in known how males vs females feel about this too.

Personally, as a male, I find just holding myself pleasurable, but I don't feel as much when I need to pee...


I suppose if you had sex with a girl who was desperate to pee , you would gt the bonus of knowing that you were most likely pounding and squashing her bladder.  :lol:


I find that desperate orgasms are the most intense for me. I do have to be really desperate to feel anything more intense though.


I like it. It feels a lot better when my bladder is full, so I always make sure to hold it in for a while before masturbation. Desperation (in private) usually ends like this for me anyway since it's such a turn on.

Quote from: B.u.S. on January 16, 2010, 02:23:43 AM
Yes, but so damn irritating as I last very little time when I do masturbate.
Same here. It seems like the worse I have to pee, the faster I have to cum. I, uh... actually came in under 30 seconds this one time when I fapped after holding it in for several hours and drinking tons of soda. :icon_redface:
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.


I don't actually masturbate... weird, huh? I guess just looking at omorashi porn is enough to sate me when I feel horny. 
All the crazy monkeys
are playing a game that will never end,
caught up in a never-ending "Banana Roulette."


I started doing this by accident when I was 12 or so.  My bladder was bursting all the time when I woke up and I always had morning wood that I had to get rid of.  I do it fairly often now, although it still isn't deliberate.  I drink a lot of water and as a result end up running to the bathroom every 2 hours or so.  Because my bladder's so active, chances are high that I'll be masturbating while my bladder is full.  It feels best when my bladder is at the breaking point and I have to literally run to the bathroom as soon as I cum.

I'm always having fantasies about dry humping some chick who needs to pee.  It's amazing thinking about her peeing all over both us once she has an orgasm.  :drool:


My orgasms are always better when my bladder is at least halfway full. Of course sometimes I'm afraid to masturbate if it's too full - I usually do it on my bed and I don't own a plastic liner. :lol:


Quote from: DubiousCharms on January 26, 2010, 04:31:11 PM
My orgasms are always better when my bladder is at least halfway full. Of course sometimes I'm afraid to masturbate if it's too full - I usually do it on my bed and I don't own a plastic liner. :lol:

I would say try putting down two towels, but you'd probably not have pretty good control of where the spray landed.  xD
Welp... I'm fucked...


There's always the bathtub! I'll need to try that next time I'm alone.


Supposedly, a girl I knew online tried masturbating in the tub and wound up squirting for the first time;  however, I can't be sure if she did or not since later on, she turned out to be a teenage alcoholic.  >_>
Welp... I'm fucked...


Well I just tried masturbating with a full bladder (vibrator to clit). It was on my bed, so you can imagine I was a little bit worried... But I had a very intense orgasm and I didn't feel like I had to pee while I was using my vibrator. I guess there's some kind of block on my bladder with clitoral stimulation with me!

That said I really need to pee right now, but I really don't wanna get up. The afterglow is so lovely... If only this bed had a plastic liner and I lived alone! I suppose I'll manage to get up in a few minutes...


Quote from: DubiousCharms on February 05, 2010, 10:31:49 PM
If only this bed had a plastic liner and I lived alone!
It is possible to make your own. Hardware stores sell plastic sheeting and you could just cut out a piece in the shape of your matress.

I've actually done this. Maybe i should test it out soon and say if it works or not. Last time i tried i only started leaking, so i went to the shower to finish wetting my jeans. :blush:
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.


I always prefer masturbation with a full bladder, it feels so much more... intense, I guess? XD I tend to get wet very easily when I'm desperate (and no, not with pee!).


Quote from: DubiousCharms on February 05, 2010, 10:31:49 PM
That said I really need to pee right now, but I really don't wanna get up.
I'm in the same situation...

And yes, I really like to masturbate when my bladder is full. The feeling is so intense!
It is a lot better than when my bladder is empty.
But I unfortunately don't have a plastic liner, too.


Well today I had some alone time, so I decided to try masturbating with a very full bladder. I sat in the tub wearing only panties and went to town. I was desperate throughout, and even leaked a little once, but when I had an orgasm, I suddenly stopped being desperate at all! It was like the orgasm tightened everything up and left me just fine!

Of course I peed my panties afterward anyway. Because why not?  :lol: