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The after-wetting expression

Started by weird-h, March 22, 2010, 12:12:10 AM

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Just thinking....

If the similar topic already exist, just tell me and move this topic....  :death:

So what's your favorite girl expression after she wet herself...

Myself, I prefer the laughing-embarrassed (much more than crying embarrassed) type of girl... cause it makes them more sexier, and more importantly, don't makes me feel guilty for getting turned on....

And also the type that hide their embarrassment and pretend that nothing has happenned also look cute to me...


Relief. Seriously.

Shy and naughty reactions both work fine for me, but what i like is seeing a look of massive relief on her face. Eyes closed, panting, maybe some drool, like she just narrowly avoided an "explosion" by wetting herself in time.
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.


I think at first relief- then she just realizes what she did, embarasment, but not to badly, and then Like a help me face, That, OR,
a just don't care face, Not one that's boring like a sigh, but a happy smiley face :)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Don't take whatever I said seriously, Unless it has to do with anything I do-er-we-as-sh-... yeah. Just read what I wrote :(

anime lover

smiling relief, like the pic attached ^_^

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The one I picture the most is one of incredulity. She doesn't really believe it's happened to her, but there she is, feeling the wetness and looking at people's stares. She doesn't quite know what to do with herself after such a catastrophe, but tries to deal with it in a way that best preserves her dignity. That bit of subtle "post-desperation desperation" I find very attractive.


i personally love it when she is really embarassed. she cries while everyone else laughs at her. not like im a total jerk or anything but thats what i prefer.


Quote from: Kenichi123 on March 22, 2010, 06:11:02 PM
I think at first relief- then she just realizes what she did, embarasment, but not to badly, and then Like a help me face, That, OR,
a just don't care face, Not one that's boring like a sigh, but a happy smiley face :)

I gotta agree with the second one...

Or maybe a plain face but with a little blush that shows how she is trying to hide her embarassment by acting cool  :clap:

Or maybe a little tongue smile that can be translated as "I'm sorry, but I cannot hold it, and now I'm relieved...

I Also like the fear wetting or thrilled wetting where the girl just feel embarassed but not embarassed enought to forger the main issue there (Fear or intense situation )


I prefer if the girl becomes really embarrassed and started to cry. That way, I can come and comfort her..
The world of Musubi is the ideal world for me. I get to do what I want, and that includes making girls desperate whenever I want.


Quote from: mooseman on March 26, 2010, 04:16:30 PM
i personally love it when she is really embarassed. she cries while everyone else laughs at her. not like im a total jerk or anything but thats what i prefer.
I agree <3


I prefer the calm, relaxed face at first as the pee cascades down her legs. Then the embarrassment that follows. I'm not much into crying, sorry.



Gotta agree with you...
I'm not into crying myself....

I just cannot enjoy myself when my 'object' is crying...  :crying:


yeah i don't do crying either, embarassment and maybe being a little upset but if she cries empathy kicks in and i can't well enjoy it
Are you sure that we are awake? It seems to me that yet we sleep, we dream.


It is my firm belief that peeing feels good and id like to see relief and pleasure above anything else.  Embarassment comes later but the initial reaction would be something in the field of "feels good".  At least, thats the way id think if a girl had to hold in her urine until she couldnt anymore.


Speechless and blushing, a hint of humiliation...

Quote from: Neil on March 30, 2010, 01:43:24 AM
I prefer if the girl becomes really embarrassed and started to cry. That way, I can come and comfort her..

... and this too (although crying may be a little too extreme). Despite being something of a pessimist, I find it pretty cool to be the guy that there to say "Everything's going to be alright."
All the crazy monkeys
are playing a game that will never end,
caught up in a never-ending "Banana Roulette."


wow this is a tough one for

anyway to think if i ran into a girl wetting herself.  and it's going into the afterwetting expression. i would have to say that i would love to see her stunned that she had the accident, then after the stunned moment would be the worried/emberassed look that she did it in public. THEN, she would start softly crying and i would be the one to comfort her  :blushing:
"Your Spirit is Comforting"