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[March 08, 2024, 12:16:45 AM] FallenStar: R.I.P. Akira Toriyama - we would never have had Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball, nor Dragon Quest without you.  ;_;
[March 18, 2024, 08:27:36 AM] Lisk: >MFW I launched that Poowrite's game on a 386 and realized that it had sound effects all along
[April 12, 2024, 10:34:32 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 13, 2024, 12:49:22 AM] theerut: OwO
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:12 AM] FallenStar: LISK
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:24 AM] FallenStar: <.<  >.>   Sorry, I just wanted to belong.
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:25 AM] Lisk: Patpatpat
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:41 AM] Lisk: It is alive. Its PC not so much
[April 19, 2024, 04:23:14 PM] FallenStar: LIVINGINFIN... wait... wrong dude....  LISK
[April 24, 2024, 04:31:24 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:28 AM] Lisk: LIVIFIN
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:41 AM] Lisk: AM DOEING THINGSES
[May 01, 2024, 10:03:02 AM] FallenStar: Noooooo! Don't be doeing thingses! You're going to destroy us all!  D:
[May 04, 2024, 05:37:17 PM] FallenStar: fuggen Lisk has killed us all
[May 09, 2024, 05:39:39 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK.
[May 09, 2024, 05:40:15 PM] LivingInfinite: IT ACHIEVED THE ULTIMATE VICTORY.
[May 29, 2024, 04:40:49 PM] FallenStar: FRIGIN
[June 11, 2024, 12:47:13 PM] theerut: Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
[July 06, 2024, 04:29:56 AM] Lildarrian5: Anybody have the link to the 8gb of manga scenes posted here last year?
[July 23, 2024, 12:21:55 PM] doa: ive uploaded it again to another site (mediafire has a 10 gig limit)
[July 24, 2024, 08:13:36 AM] Lildarrian5: You're out here proving all heroes don't wear capes. %uD83E%uDEE1 Ty my friend.
[July 31, 2024, 04:03:35 PM] FallenStar: what the fuck...
[August 16, 2024, 07:52:23 PM] FallenStar: if you can read this, you don't need glasses
[September 10, 2024, 04:06:33 AM] theerut: account suspended...
[December 25, 2024, 08:38:16 AM] FallenStar: Merry Christmas to anyone still around and reading this damn thing
[February 23, 2025, 06:45:40 PM] Drying: Oh wow, this place still exists! %uD81A%uDDB9%u1BC5%uD81A%uDDB9
[February 23, 2025, 06:46:15 PM] Drying: ...I guess this talkbox was coded before Unicode
[March 01, 2025, 07:14:57 AM] FallenStar: Place is only here because I'm too lazy to shut it down and too loyal to shut down Nyou Fiction at the same time
[March 07, 2025, 05:48:45 AM] Lildarrian5: And I honestly and truly thank you for that
[March 07, 2025, 08:54:45 PM] FallenStar: probably the first and only time I will be thanked for being a lazy, procrastinating fool.  =P
TalkBox v1.0

FD Scenarios topic...

Started by The Hidden, July 01, 2007, 03:48:37 PM

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The Hidden

In this topic, you must post possible outcomes to FD senarios.  You can also post more senarios.  Senarios can involve first, second, or third person point of few.

I'll start with this senario (note:  I'm not good with senarios).  *contains lolifur*

You must drive to a important job meeting that is over 120 miles away, you take with you, your pet loli+furry+catgirl (we'll call it Lolifurcat) since you can't find a babysitter.  Lolifurcat is wearing only a shirt and panties.  Your pet had a little too much juice and forgot to go before she left.  About 1/3 the way there, your pet needed to pee, but she didn't say anything until 45 minutes after.  You realize that the nearby rest stop is 30 miles ahead of your destination.  About 2/3 the way there, you eventually approach a long tunnel, no curbs and traffic is very busy.  Your car has no containers in it as well.

That's when your Lolifurcat's bladder is approaching fullness, it stings very painfully as she holds it, she's trying desperately to keep her panties and the carseat dry.  She can't take it much longer, she's about to explode in your car!

Okay, now post the possible outcome of this senario.

The Hidden

Here's another senario, which will also involve the Lolifurcat.  *contains lolifur*

What if your pet Lolifurcat needed to take a leak badly in the middle of the night.

Now making the worst-case senario, what if it were a really bad storm and the power went out, and strangely your pet was scared of the dark (and/or too scare to leave her room due to the storm)? This storm will last for a around one or two hours (or longer than she'll be able to hold it).

The pouring rain doesn't help either and her bladder's getting full and very painful hold.  She don't know if she'll can make it to the bathroom in time, if she gains the courage to leave her room.

Predict the outcome of this senario.


Here's a possibility for the second scenario.

The catgirl decides it would be too scary to wander around in the dark, so she tries to go back to sleep thinking she'll just pee after waking up in the morning. This doesn't work, as her full bladder keeps her awake. For the next 30 minutes she tosses and turns restlessly. The lolifurcat eventually starts crying out of frustration, knowing she'll wet the bed at this rate.

The faint whimpering in the other room wakes you up, and you go to check on her. When you open the door and shine a flashlight inside, you can see the catgirl shoving the blanket between her legs and shaking nervously.

It's obvious what's happening, and you lead her outside while holding her hand. The bathroom is only a few feet away when a sudden flash of lightning frightenes her. The lolifurcat screams in a high pitch and wraps her arms around your leg, losing control of her bladder in the process and peeing all the way down to your feet.

Hopefully you were wearing shorts instead of pajamas.
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.

The Hidden

Very cute outcome there.

I wonder how different the outcome would probally be if her master was a heavy sleeper (and the catgirl's whimpers didn't wake him/her up)?

The Hidden

New senario.  *contains lolifur like always* :glare:

You and your pet Lolifurcat were at a mall (no one's really surprised at the sight of your pet since they're common in this reality).  You and your pet is fully clothed.

You both just got finished with eating at the Cafe there.  Your pet had an extra large drink with her meal, and finished it completely.  You, however, didn't really have a huge drink since you weren't that thirsty, and you still didn't finish your drink anyway.

About an hour or two later (while still at the mall), your pet notices that she needs to pee, but decides not to say anything because your too busy looking at things.  Since she's doesn't want to get lost, she doesn't try heading to the restrooms herself.  Later on, it starts getting obvious that she's needs to go bad, and you notice it.  You take her to a restroom.

Worst-case senario, the restrooms you went to are closed for repairs (even the mens restroom).  The only ones that are still working on ones on the other side of the mall, which is a long walk, pass fountains and everything.  The Lolifurcat can't hold it much longer.

Predict the outcome of this senario.

The Hidden

New senario.  *contains lolifur*

It's nighttime, you and your Lolifurcat are tired and decide to sleep.  You both sleep in seperate beds, since your pet has been known to wet the bed sometimes.  Your Lolifurcat has drank a glass of water not too long ago and doesn't even bother using the bathroom before she falls asleep.

Predict the outcome of this senario, which might be obvious, but post what she's probally dreaming about before it happens.

It be nice if more people posted more senarios/possible outcomes here. :glare:



You are a high school student whose class has been allowed to go on a field trip to a nearby museum.  You've been paired up into boy-girl pairings.  You pick your best friend (a cute girl) as your partner.  Before leaving for the field trip, she asks if she can use the bathroom, but gets denied because she was late to school.  When you get on the bus, she ask how long the ride will be.  When the driver tells her that it will be over an hour, she starts to get nervous.  During the ride, she starts to fidget and shift in her seat.   You worry about her and ask if she'll be alright.  She acts like it's nothing, but you can tell that it's worst than it looks.  Halfway through the ride, she starts to hold herself with one hand a rock back and forth.  You realize she's getting really desperate and decide to ask the bus driver how much longer the ride's gonna be.  You come back telling your friend that the bus will arrive 10 min early, and she smiles in relief.

When you arrive at the museum, your friend is already too desperate to hide the fact that she needs to pee BAD!!! and is holding herself with both hands while squirming and constantly crossing and uncrossing her legs.  When you break apart into your groups, you and you friend immediately go searching for the bathrooms.  However, you get lost in the museum and can't find your way there. Your friend gets more and more desperate, and after 10 minutes starts letting out little spurts of pee as she walks.  After another 5 minutes of searching your friend finally gives up on using a real bathroom and pees in one of the potted plants.  You cover for her, getting a good view in the process.  When she finishes, you both vow never to speak of it again, calling it "our little secret".

The Hidden

Quote from: packrat on August 23, 2007, 07:39:45 AM

You are a high school student whose class has been allowed to go on a field trip to a nearby museum.  You've been paired up into boy-girl pairings.  You pick your best friend (a cute girl) as your partner.  Before leaving for the field trip, she asks if she can use the bathroom, but gets denied because she was late to school.  When you get on the bus, she ask how long the ride will be.  When the driver tells her that it will be over an hour, she starts to get nervous.  During the ride, she starts to fidget and shift in her seat.   You worry about her and ask if she'll be alright.  She acts like it's nothing, but you can tell that it's worst than it looks.  Halfway through the ride, she starts to hold herself with one hand a rock back and forth.  You realize she's getting really desperate and decide to ask the bus driver how much longer the ride's gonna be.  You come back telling your friend that the bus will arrive 10 min early, and she smiles in relief.

When you arrive at the museum, your friend is already too desperate to hide the fact that she needs to pee BAD!!! and is holding herself with both hands while squirming and constantly crossing and uncrossing her legs.  When you break apart into your groups, you and you friend immediately go searching for the bathrooms.  However, you get lost in the museum and can't find your way there. Your friend gets more and more desperate, and after 10 minutes starts letting out little spurts of pee as she walks.  After another 5 minutes of searching your friend finally gives up on using a real bathroom and pees in one of the potted plants.  You cover for her, getting a good view in the process.  When she finishes, you both vow never to speak of it again, calling it "our little secret".

Uh, you just posted an outcome as well to your scenario.


I wasn't suposed to?



Quote from: The Hidden on July 01, 2007, 03:48:37 PM
In this topic, you must post possible outcomes to FD senarios.  You can also post more senarios.  Senarios can involve first, second, or third person point of few.

I'll start with this senario (note:  I'm not good with senarios).  *contains lolifur*

You must drive to a important job meeting that is over 120 miles away, you take with you, your pet loli+furry+catgirl (we'll call it Lolifurcat) since you can't find a babysitter.  Lolifurcat is wearing only a shirt and panties.  Your pet had a little too much juice and forgot to go before she left.  About 1/3 the way there, your pet needed to pee, but she didn't say anything until 45 minutes after.  You realize that the nearby rest stop is 30 miles ahead of your destination.  About 2/3 the way there, you eventually approach a long tunnel, no curbs and traffic is very busy.  Your car has no containers in it as well.

That's when your Lolifurcat's bladder is approaching fullness, it stings very painfully as she holds it, she's trying desperately to keep her panties and the carseat dry.  She can't take it much longer, she's about to explode in your car!

Okay, now post the possible outcome of this senario.

"Sweetie," I sigh, "why didn't you tell me before?"  I shake my head.  "Get the thermos out of the glove compartment, that's what it's for," I finally say.  This isn't the first time my darling pet has forgot to go potty before it was almost too late, and I always come prepared.

Well, almost always.  The poor thing, one hand clenched between her slender legs, is rooting around in the glove compartment with her free hand, her whining increasing in pitch.  "It's not there, Mommy!  It's not there!  Mommy, what do I doooo?  I gotta peeeeee!"

"What?" I say, craning my head to look, only to be startled by a car horn as a BMW cuts in front of me.  I lay on the horn in return, jerking the steering wheel to narrowly avoid colliding with the asshole.  Unfortunately, the sudden course correction jolts my darling in her seat, and she squeals in dismay.  "Mommy!" she wails, on the verge of tears.  I know this cry - it means she's already started to wet.  There's no more time.

"All right, sweetie.  Undo your seatbelt and crawl under the dashboard," I advise her.  "There's nowhere else to go, so you'll have to pee on the floor."  She whimpers, but nods, unbuckling and trying to squirm off the seat.  Just then the BMW's brake lights turn red and he comes to a sudden stop, forcing me to slam on the brakes too.  My poor pet goes flying forward and catches herself on the dashboard, falling to her knees on the car floor and wailing miserably.

"Sweetie!  Sweetie, are you all right?!" I exclaim.  And over her piteous sobbing, I can hear the distinct sound of trickling water as my loli catgirl finally loses control and pees in her panties like the little girl she is.  I don't have time to think about that yet, though - it's much more important to check her for bruises and lumps.  Fortunately, she seems more or less okay - she's just distraught because she's wetting herself.  And as I start moving again, she's still wetting herself - she really had been holding it a long time.  "Muh-muh-mommiiiiieee.... I p-p-peed my panties...." she's sobbing, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

"I know, honey," I say, as I absently turn the A/C up to help cycle the pungent aroma out of the car - though that puddle on the floor will linger until I can finally get to a gas station to clean it up.  And because I can't afford to let a teachable moment go by: "Next time, you'll remember to go before we leave," I say, as sharply as I can manage to my distraught, sobbing nekojin.  "Right, sweetie?"

"Uh-huh," she sniffles, still choking back a sob or two.

"Good.  Now I'm sorry, but you'll have to get back up in the seat and buckle up again.  I know it's icky, but mommy's driving.  I'll try to clean you up as soon as we get stopped, okay?"

"Okay," she says, still crying.  As well she might be - she's a very wet catgirl, and she's going to be for another forty miles, poor thing.  But what can I do?  I can't very well have her naked in the car, not with the trucks looking in the window.  Maybe sitting in her soggy undies for a while will teach her a lesson... ah, who am I fooling?  This isn't the first time the silly thing has wet herself.  And it won't be the last either, I'm sure.

Mydnyght Edgeworth

Quote from: The Hidden on July 07, 2007, 04:54:14 PM
Very cute outcome there.

I wonder how different the outcome would probally be if her master was a heavy sleeper (and the catgirl's whimpers didn't wake him/her up)?

Allow me to answer.

Okay, okay, as Serika said... (sorry, Serika, but I'll have to steal your line here...)

"The catgirl decides it would be too scary to wander around in the dark, so she tries to go back to sleep thinking she'll just pee after waking up in the morning. This doesn't work, as her full bladder keeps her awake. For the next 30 minutes she tosses and turns restlessly. The lolifurcat eventually starts crying out of frustration, knowing she'll wet the bed at this rate."

All right. Now then...

However, the catgirl's crying falls on deaf ears as you continue to sleep soundly.

The catgirl struggles up from her lying position and sits up on the edge of her bed with her hands jammed into her crotch. Her crying becomes somewhat more audible as the pressure in her bladder is virtually off the scale at this point. As she starts to kick her legs in frustration, her right foot brushes upon something. Her foot probes around and realizes it's her wastebasket.

Yes! The poor little catgirl is saved! She gets up on her feet, grabs the basket, and places it in front of her. Her hands move to the waistband of her pajama bottoms and --


An ear-piercing blast of thunder completely frightens the catgirl, and she consequently loses all control of her tortured bladder. The leakage from between her legs is a total gusher, and the wetness rapidly travels from her crotch all the way down her legs. She starts to cry really loudly from her accident.

Her crying revives you from your slumber. You grab your flashlight, switch it on, and make your way to her bedroom, the source of the crying. You step inside, shine your light, and discover the poor little catgirl has completely wet her pajama pants.

You comfort her with a little kiss on the cheek and help her out of her wet pants and panties. Now clad in nothing but her pajama blouse, she sniffles lightly as you guide her to the bathroom to dry off her naked lower body. She smiles and hugs you for that. You take her to your bedroom, and she can stay next to you for the rest of the night.

Sweet dreams, you two.

(Jeez, I did all that, and I don't even like furries...~_~)

This loli is not wearing any pants.
That renders your argument invalid.


Allow me to post a scenario of my own!  (Sorry, folks, more lolifurs...)

You come home from work to find that an entire box of chocolate-covered espresso beans has been eaten!  You know from the teeth marks on the package that it was either your catgirl, your puppy-girl, or your bunny-girl, but you don't know which.  Now, you know you have to stop this sort of behavior, because you can't have them spoiling their dinner-times with between meal snacks (and besides, chocolate isn't good for puppy-girls), so you have to have some way to figure out which one's the guilty party.  And the fact that the purloined treat was coffee beans, with their diuretic effect, gives you an idea.

So you round up your little herd of cute little lolifur pets (who are dressed in their usual house-wear of t-shirts and cute little cotton panties) and you present them with the evidence of the crime.  "You know that anyone who has a snack before suppertime has to sleep in the kennel," you begin, to general groaning - all your pets love to sleep on their master/mistress' bed with you.  "Now I know one of you did it, but I don't know which.  Anyone have something they want to tell me?"  You stare into their eyes, but if there is any sign of guilt or surprise, the ornery little tykes are too good at hiding it.  "So here's what we're going to do.  You've all been to the bathroom just now, right?"  You set down three tall glasses and a large pitcher of Gatorade.  "You're each going to drink a glass of this every fifteen minutes, and none of you are allowed to go potty for the next hour... unless you fess up and admit you stole the candy."  They look confused, but shrug and each drink their first glass of Gatorade.  Obviously whoever had the forbidden treat doesn't know what's coming...

Now you know, having had considerable experience with your pets' bladder capacity, that normally they can just barely hold four glasses of Gatorade for an hour, which means that any of the lolifurs who had the coffee beans is going to have to pee well before that.  So at least one of your darling little pets is going to have to choose between sleeping in her kennel and wetting her panties - and maybe all of them, because all of them are certainly naughty enough to sneak a snack!

What happens next?


Quote from: The HiddenIt's nighttime, you and your Lolifurcat are tired and decide to sleep.  You both sleep in seperate beds, since your pet has been known to wet the bed sometimes.  Your Lolifurcat has drank a glass of water not too long ago and doesn't even bother using the bathroom before she falls asleep.
The catgirl's bladder fills through the night. By the time she starts dreaming (a few hours later) it's full enough to make her desire to empty it very urgent.

She finds herself inside a huge building. It looks like her school, the grocery store, the mall, and your house combined into one bizarre structure. But that's not important, the main issue is finding a bathroom. She has to go really bad and doesn't know where to find the nearest toilet. The lolifurcat holds herself with one hand and walks through the area. She passes through several classrooms, but the teachers and students don't notice her. Next, she walks past the mall fountains. The sound of water almost makes her give up, but she can see a women's restroom nearby.

Still holding herself, she runs inside and throws the first stall door open. It's empty, no toilet or paper, just the floor tiles. The young girl hurries to the second stall and opens the door, only to find a men's urinal. She never pees standing up, and it's to high off the ground for her to reach anyway. The third stall has a spider the size of a wall clock hanging on the door, and she's too afraid to open it. The fourth and final stall has a toilet, but the lid is held down by a padlock and has a high voltage warning painted on it.

Your lolifur whines in frustration and does a quick peepee dance. She has to go NOW and can't wait anymore. The bathroom is empty and it doesn't seem like she would get in trouble, so the girl runs over to the sink and sits down. She pulls down her pajamas in the dream, but not in reality, and cries out in relief as she lets go. The lolifur starts to wet the bed in real life, and the imaginary sink fills up and gets her butt wet to explain this feeling.

She wakes up next morning feeling damp and cold. It was a bad accident and the matress is soaked, so you tell her to take a bath while you decide on what to do with her. "Another one of these..." You say, "...and you'll have to start wearing a diaper again."

I shouldn't be trusted with other people's dreams. :whistling:
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.

The Hidden

Quote from: packrat on August 28, 2007, 03:24:59 PM
I wasn't suposed to?


I guess you can post outcomes to your own senarios, but make sure it's on a seperate post (so it doesn't confuse others).

Nice outcomes everyone.  It even encourages me to create more senarios, eventually.


Here's one for you guys. No tags needed. This scenario comes from a fanfic idea i dropped.

You are a teacher at a private girl's school. The students have gone home for the day and you sit at your desk grading their tests. You're a little impressed as you grade the problem girls. One of them scored 72% with the other getting 61%, which is good considering they were both failing earlier in the year. The next test you look at is only 33%, the lowest score so far. This annoys you because the girl in question is probably one of the smartest kids in the school. She spends her free time in the library and reads fantasy novels all day, but can't be bothered to ever study in class.

When class begins the next day you have an announcement to make. Any student who fails a test loses her bathroom privilages untill she successfully retakes it or passes the next one. Next you return their tests, and the girl that failed is clearly upset when she sees "That means you!" written across her test in red ink. She immediately complains about this, and you tell her she should start studying now because she STILL has to attend the mandatory after school study group with the other problem students.

The day passes by quickly and the usual girls gather for the study session when class is over. The girl who failed looks pretty desperate by now. She realized you were serious when you denied her a bathroom break before and after lunch. You know she used the bathroom during lunch, but she drinks so much during the day she's already desperate again. Her legs are shaking up and down as she sits at her desk and she looks very uncomfortable.

Study session lasts 1 hour. She must retake the test and earn at least 60% in order to use the bathroom before then. What happens?
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.