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[March 08, 2024, 12:16:45 AM] FallenStar: R.I.P. Akira Toriyama - we would never have had Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball, nor Dragon Quest without you.  ;_;
[March 18, 2024, 08:27:36 AM] Lisk: >MFW I launched that Poowrite's game on a 386 and realized that it had sound effects all along
[April 12, 2024, 10:34:32 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 13, 2024, 12:49:22 AM] theerut: OwO
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:12 AM] FallenStar: LISK
[April 16, 2024, 06:47:24 AM] FallenStar: <.<  >.>   Sorry, I just wanted to belong.
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:25 AM] Lisk: Patpatpat
[April 19, 2024, 10:51:41 AM] Lisk: It is alive. Its PC not so much
[April 19, 2024, 04:23:14 PM] FallenStar: LIVINGINFIN... wait... wrong dude....  LISK
[April 24, 2024, 04:31:24 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:28 AM] Lisk: LIVIFIN
[April 30, 2024, 10:28:41 AM] Lisk: AM DOEING THINGSES
[May 01, 2024, 10:03:02 AM] FallenStar: Noooooo! Don't be doeing thingses! You're going to destroy us all!  D:
[May 04, 2024, 05:37:17 PM] FallenStar: fuggen Lisk has killed us all
[May 09, 2024, 05:39:39 PM] LivingInfinite: LISK.
[May 09, 2024, 05:40:15 PM] LivingInfinite: IT ACHIEVED THE ULTIMATE VICTORY.
[May 29, 2024, 04:40:49 PM] FallenStar: FRIGIN
[June 11, 2024, 12:47:13 PM] theerut: Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
[July 06, 2024, 04:29:56 AM] Lildarrian5: Anybody have the link to the 8gb of manga scenes posted here last year?
[July 23, 2024, 12:21:55 PM] doa: ive uploaded it again to another site (mediafire has a 10 gig limit)
[July 24, 2024, 08:13:36 AM] Lildarrian5: You're out here proving all heroes don't wear capes. %uD83E%uDEE1 Ty my friend.
[July 31, 2024, 04:03:35 PM] FallenStar: what the fuck...
[August 16, 2024, 07:52:23 PM] FallenStar: if you can read this, you don't need glasses
[September 10, 2024, 04:06:33 AM] theerut: account suspended...
[December 25, 2024, 08:38:16 AM] FallenStar: Merry Christmas to anyone still around and reading this damn thing
[February 23, 2025, 06:45:40 PM] Drying: Oh wow, this place still exists! %uD81A%uDDB9%u1BC5%uD81A%uDDB9
[February 23, 2025, 06:46:15 PM] Drying: ...I guess this talkbox was coded before Unicode
[March 01, 2025, 07:14:57 AM] FallenStar: Place is only here because I'm too lazy to shut it down and too loyal to shut down Nyou Fiction at the same time
[March 07, 2025, 05:48:45 AM] Lildarrian5: And I honestly and truly thank you for that
[March 07, 2025, 08:54:45 PM] FallenStar: probably the first and only time I will be thanked for being a lazy, procrastinating fool.  =P
TalkBox v1.0

List of FD/WS scenes in anime

Started by Serika, June 21, 2007, 06:31:02 PM

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Quote from: 3digimon on December 08, 2011, 11:31:48 PM
Quote from: phunkyboy on December 07, 2011, 09:34:19 PM
Also isn't there a wetting scene in doraemon, which episode is it?

There's 3 wettings actually. And I found two of them. But all of them were male wetting

"Spy War About Top Secret"  Suneo was asleep earlier, then later on he just wets himself out of nowhere for the mother to yell at.

"Air Diamonds manufacturing machine"  Nobita was climbing some crystal blocks up in the sky enjoying himself. Then he says is wants to go to the toilet when the crystals were disappearing causing him to hang on for life. When he starts to fall, Doraemon saves his life and starts peeing on him. His wetting part was like rain, even a drop on that old man's head. Funny

The third one is with Nobita being desperate for bathroom while talking to Setsuka, then Doraemon flies towards Nobita from the back to surprise him and pat his back, which caused his bladder to explode and he wets his shorts in front of Setsuka and Doraemon and then he cries.

I'm still looking for that episode and it's so hard to find, yet to me it's the best one above the other two. I only found the scene from the youtube video that was banned earlier: Anime Pee Pt. 10

Well, this is a little bit late but I just found the last scene you mentioned :V.
I know it's not female, but because this scene has been on my mind since the videos "Anime Pee" were taken out from youtube... I think it's good to put it here xD.
Anyways, here it is:

P.S: No, this time is not a joke xD.


I haven't seen this one around here sooo... Here it is xD.
It is tecnically an anime... (an animation... from japan :lol: )



I just wanted to make people aware that apparently Esper Mami, which has like 5-6 episodes listed in this topic's mega list, is apparently getting fully subbed over on anilinks.

Here's one episode on our list which is already subbed, episode 17, timestamp 11:15



Grisaia no Rakuen Episode 10 has a small desp/implied wetting scene in it.

Michiru Matsushima (blond haired tsundere) is in a diving suit from the previous episode and wante to get out, however it is locked from the outside and another person has to cut her out with a grinder. eventually the head part comes off. While the other characters are celebrating feeing her head she is showing several faces of desperation untill she makes a face of relief.

1st scene about 3:50 then the seond scene is at about 8:40



Somebody should probably point out that's just part of the scene, and the rest of it will be in next week's episode. And that it's going to be just as censored and show even less than the manga did.


Honestly don't know if this is pee or poop desperation. There is a VERY short scene in episode 8 of Trouble Chocolate near the start of the episode. The main male character is sleeping on the toilet and everyone outside is waiting to use it. The top subtitle isn't coming from the girls, it's from a boy who lives with them who is running around off screen.

Terrible anime series overall. I'd give it a 2/10.
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.


My expectations were already low at the title.


I found from this page of Shoutry, which shows in the 1974 anime of Song of the Ladybug, there was in fact a wetting scene.

However, I do not know how any of us could go about acquiring it.


their is a desperation scene in. Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai episode 8

it's at 14:04


Ore Twintails ni Narimasu ep11 has a good scene involving a girl and a boy who has been transformed into a girl. This show is fucking funny.

QuoteOre Twintails ni Narimasu ep11 - Souji has been transformed into a girl, not just for his usual Tail Red form but a real, actual girl, and now he can't change back. He is still in his house after getting out of bed and talking about it with his friends at the beginning of the episode. Souji starts wiggling and squirming and holding himself around 1:35, looking terribly uncomfortable while they search for answers. Aika asks him what his problem is and he tells her he has to pee, and has been holding it for a while now. Aika scolds him and tells him to hurry up and pee, and says holding it in isn't good for him. Souji then admits he isn't quite sure how to pee as a girl. Twoearle gets turned on by this and offers Souji a super diuretic to make him have an accident right away, but is then punished by Aika for being a pervert. Erina, who is a huge masochist that gets turned on by pain and humiliation, drinks the diuretic so that she can be just as desperate to pee as Souji is. It hits her right away and she fidgets from having to pee so bad, but she admits that she actually likes this feeling and is enjoying herself. The others get weirded out by this and Aika takes Souji to the bathroom to help him pee. This leaves Erina desperate without a toilet. Her maid says she can get a portable toilet delivered in 20 seconds, but Erina says she will only last 10. The scene then abruptly cuts out and it is left totally ambiguous whether or not Erina pees her pants. Souji makes it to the bathroom in time.
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.


This scene's been out for awhile, I'm surprised it just made it here now.


Quote from: MKFan200 on August 25, 2015, 11:51:31 PM
This scene's been out for awhile, I'm surprised it just made it here now.

I didn't catch the series while it was airing so i waited for Coalgirls to release the BD version.
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.