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wetting found in games.

Started by andreasaspenberg, January 29, 2008, 03:39:42 PM

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Quote from: Estregan on December 28, 2010, 02:01:18 PM
Quote from: Lisk on December 28, 2010, 07:57:56 AMDoes it give you any specific error message?
Actually not... When I click the game (more exactly, the krkr.exe, which I remember starting the game in other cases, unless I am completely confusing it^^) I get a small window with some programming text (unfortunately I don't know much about any programming, so I can't use that text) and an error box that says "??????????????(syntax error)" (no smileys, just question marks), maybe a language problem hinders the window showing its real text. I also get a small, but useless control panel.
I won't copy the text box text in here because I don't find a spoiler function and it is way too long. Actually I wouldn't expect anyone to read it.

That's all. If you have any idea what I could do, I would appreciate it, else I just have to accept that there is no Shikkin for me... Thanks for your help so far, Lisk!
You have to switch to Japanese locale. Most japanese games don't like to be run in gaijin enviroment, and AppLocale is not always the best solution.


Quote from: atdhfkm on December 29, 2010, 01:56:27 AM
QuoteAnd you can't make her wet herself until level 8

Can you please tell more about this? I have reached the 8th level, but when she asks for permission to leave for the second time I pick the second option, but nothing happens! She just leaves for bathroom and acts exactly as she did before

Did you put the sign on the bathroom door like previously?


Faust put the sign on the door. She does the same thing as she did before.
She goes to the boy's, and possibly the urinal. Help?


Quote from: atdhfkm on December 29, 2010, 01:56:27 AM
QuoteAnd you can't make her wet herself until level 8

Can you please tell more about this? I have reached the 8th level, but when she asks for permission to leave for the second time I pick the second option, but nothing happens! She just leaves for bathroom and acts exactly as she did before
If you translate one of the level 8 requests, (I think from the guy in the robe) it says he wants to see Haruka being "forced to sit down". Interpreting that loosely may indicate that you simply have to tell her to sit down again, as you did with the level 3 option. However, doing so causes her to simply refuse and walk out of the classroom anyway. What you have to do is stand right next to her desk when you pick that option, causing you to push her back into the chair. That triggers pretty much all of the level 8 request results.


Thank you very much, Lisk! Now it really runs. But unfortunately, Chiitrans is completely useless because the translations are so bad that I can't understand them. Anyway...


lol how do you even play the game, I can't figure out how to do anything/find any items or whatever.  Is there a guide or anything?

like how do you do quests and turn them in?  Is there an easy way to translate this stuff?


All you really have to do is stand on one of the guys in the starting room, press spacebar a few times to accept a request, then go around and be on the same screen as a girl (and thus close enough for an image to appear on the right side of the screen) when something interesting happens. The camera activates automatically, and the text at the bottom of the screen changes colors when you complete a request. For translation, chiitrans (mentioned above and linked to somewhere around here) should work. The items become available after you complete specific requests (and start a new 'cycle'), and completing all the available requests increases your level, which usually unlocks new capabilities and stuff.


I have completed all the level 8th quests exept the one for 800 from an old whiskered guy in blue robe and blue cap. Can anyone please tell me what to do wit this one?


I have completed all but one quest on level 7 and it is the one with the mowhawk and it the second quest for him and i can't seem to get to the next level and it is the last quest for this level. Can anyone help me clear this quest for me? :S :crying:

Never mind I just found out the quest answer already. :blush: :lol: :blushing:


General rules: at each level, you gain a new capability of some sort. Sometimes it's an item that becomes available, sometimes it's a 'dialogue' option that unlocks, sometimes it's something your robot can do. For instance, level 7 unlocks a dialog option with Nozomi after class that occurs if you gave the notebook to her teacher, Freya, before that. Level 8 unlocks the dialog option with Haruka that occurs if you prevent her from visiting the bathroom before class, and refuse when she asks to do so during class. As far as I know, all of the level 8 requests involve using that dialog option.

Now, in some cases there are some additional complications. At level 7, the 'board' has recently become available (as a reward for one of the old guy's level 6 requests), so some of them might involve using it instead.

As such, the best advice I can give for this game is to always try to do the newest thing you can, and if you can, try to recognize the kana in the requests. As I've mentioned, most (but not all) requests can be matched to a girl's name or a word written in katakana such as 'miniskirt', either of which will often tell you who your target is for that request.

And if you want to ask for help with a request, please try to paste the text of the request so that we don't have to go into the game and look it up ourselves. Just run AGTH, or that other package that includes it, which is mentioned earlier in the thread and linked somewhere on the forums.

Now, as for the last two issues:

The level 7 request from the mohawk guy probably involves Minami, the girl in the pink track suit who spends most of the game in the gym. As someone mentioned earlier, you have to put the board in one of the gym stalls and lock yourself in the other one, causing her to skip her bathroom visit before setting up the volleyball net. Then just keep her in your sight for the rest of the day.

The level 8 request, being worth only 800 yen, is probably the one that involves using the new chat option with Haruka incorrectly, allowing her to get up and go to the bathroom anyway, as atdhfkm mentioned happening somewhere in the last couple pages.


I just found a key in one of the quest in level 8 what does this key do :S?


Sorry friend, using this chat option incorrectly had no effect(
the quest looks like this

P.S. I always try to act the way you adwised, but sometimes I almost break my mind and there is still no effect)


google: Forced to see something that is sitting
ATLAS: I want to see their being made sit by force.

Based on these two, I can safely say that this particular request is asking you to force Haruka to sit back down when she attempts to stand up. In other words, use the level 8 option correctly (while positioned next to Haruka)

And after a few minutes I can confirm that using the option in this way does complete the specified request.

As for the key you've found, angeamon, I don't remember anything like that. I'll check and see if any of the level 8 requests gives a reward other than yen.


Thanx ALOT! I thought i have tried everything but somehow missed this


AH HA Found out what the key does. you need to goto the door where the pink shorts girl goes as shown (exactly where im standing) and use the key I dont know the effects yet though.

Also if you cant be annoyed progressing you can open the file datasu.ksd (with notepad), Find the first bunch of quest text (also shown) and change the 0s to 1s. also if you scroll down further you can edit the amount of money you have for buying upgrades.  Under "お金" just change it to something like 2000000 and that should be cool.